
Addiction has no logic……… ttucro

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There is much to be said about silence…….but I would rather not. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ttucro

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As long as you like

I stayed asleep for a longggg time…..God let me slumber ignoring my responsibilities and obligations… was my choice…..when I became uncomfortable because of the bedfellows that I had unwittingly let lodge in my space…..I was being squatted and abused….and I was the only one to blame. Having evicted the squatters…

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The Order of Things

I am neither informed nor qualified to examine or question the order of things…. my best effortā€™s are best spent working with what is presented…… ttucro

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Mental Pole Vaulting

When you learn to separate your emotions from rational thought…… have achieved a level of honesty that few come to know……ttucro

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Careful What You Keep

Rummaging through drawers and boxes looking for the card or paper that has escaped….we uncover mementos of the past hidden in graves and covered in dust….only to give the occasional glimpse into the past….one should be careful what they keep… makes for heavier burden to carry into the future…. ttucro

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The Bigger Picture

When the events in the news,that you cannot control, Ā become of more concern than fully living the life in front of you, you have wasted that moment and lost sight of the bigger picture……. ttucro

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Only One

If I can reach or help to teach from hard battles lost and won and someone runs across a line that helps them weather the storm…..then because of that one….it was worth it……. ttucro

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Greatest Responsibility in Life

Ones greatest responsibility in life……is to live it………. ttucro

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A Step Above

A step above beautiful is….Godly There is no beauty that doesnā€™t include God Ttucro

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Your Choice

The only problems God canā€™t work out are the ones we wonā€™t let Him…..ttucro

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Everybody Row

The problems in this world ? is that everyone is rowing in different directions…..the beauty of this world ? is that everyone is rowing in different directions… is a matter of perception……..acceptance is the ā€œkeyā€ and perception is the paintbrush ?. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ttucro

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Not worth keeping

If itā€™s not worth giving away….itā€™s not worth keeping…. ttucro

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In a proper and balanced world……there would be no good deeds…..only deeds that need to be done…….wishful thinking. Ā Ttucro

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Greatest waste of Time

The Fretting over something you have no control over..ttucro

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I have never met a courageous person who claimed to be fearless……rather their fears where the impetus of their courage….. ttucro

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The God in me recognizes the God in you…that is a good place to start…..ttucro

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All dress is inappropriate unless accompanied by a smile…. ttucro

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We do not get what we do not deserve…..the only thing we can earn is money or respect…the latter to be of more valuable…..the proof of our acceptance and the gratitude for our gifts is the good we do with them.. ttucro

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The Eloquence of Silence

There is an eloquence of silence that rivals the greatest of orators……..ttucro

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Get honest

The only thing……thatā€™s right….the only thing keeping you from being happy……is you. Ā  Ā Ttucro

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Get Odd

Donā€™t get even…. get odd Ttucro

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Service rendered, service appreciated

It is a blessing to be depended upon and another blessing to be dependable… ttucro

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Blessed to have good neighbors

It is preferable to have good neighbors… is a blessing to have them…..ttucro

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Common Sense

There are no degrees nor titles that equal the ā€œDegree of Common Senseā€….. ttucro

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Well………if the shoe fits

Consistently the people I hear complain about their lives……are the ones who arenā€™t living it……jus sayin…. ttucro

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A man becomes a man and a woman becomes a woman when they are willing to admit …..that they are not fearless….indispensable nor unique…..just a member of a bumbling, brooding lot that on a good day strive to be the best they can and on most days neither have the…

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We are only as limited as we choose to be…..ttucro

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The Shortest Way Back

Unsteady and afraid….perhaps you have strayed……the shortest way back from the fray….is to remember the ā€œLoveā€ that will never fade……from the Father…… ttucro

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To Become

The goal of spiritual enlightenment is not to exhibit acts of kindness and service but to actually become those things as a matter of habit…..not the occasional but the norm….. ttucro

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