Hole ? in one
Every morning I thank God for the gift of life….. it a “hole in one “ day…….thanks Big Papa Ttucro
Read MoreMaterial Humility
When need replaces want as the motivation for attaining………a great burden has been lifted …… feel lighter ttucro
Read MoreWe See Through Our Minds
So often it is apparent to me that I question what my eyes see……I must constantly be aware that my mind what me to see what it wants me to see……and not what is really there …….careful with those eyes Eugene…….. ttucro
Read MoreCome back for more/for Amelia and Cici
Life is that good…..we come back for more the leaves of the big banana tree slap each other pushed by the wind and frozen…… they look weary and defeated…..as they were never intended to exist in the climate of Virginia…… but they do thrive from April through November….until they succumb…
Read MoreFaith Tree
The Lord planted a seed in me…..a seed that sprouted a tiny “Faith Tree ? “…….but it became clear to me that I needed to water and care for the tree…….there have been times when my care was marginal……..when trouble came I had just enough faith to get through the…
Read MoreTip the scales
Sad paradox that humans can do acts that border on divinity……….an acts that parallel wild animals….tip the scales ttucro
Read MoreNo place like…… here
Because here is where everything is happening….. not there….. not yesterday….not tomorrow….., but here…. Here is where I live and focusing on anything else is folly …..I’m here and your here….. nowhere else…. ttucro
Read MoreReflecting
I see myself in the people around me ……keeps me honest….humble and forgiving Ttucro
Read MoreDoesn’t count
It isn’t enough to appreciate life……..one must give thanks …….that completes the circle ⭕️ ttucro
Read MoreCareful What You Start
Careful what you start…….. you may not be able to control when it ends………….ttucro
Read MoreBut I’m Not
I could get lost in the insanity of everything that is surrounding me…….but I refrain from going down the drain because I hold tight to the hand that is guiding me……thank you God ttucro
Read MoreDistortion
Distortion is a natural law of the universe and physics…….. but it is an absolute hindrance when dealing with others and issues. One must take enough time to discern reality of the situation or if unsure ask a trusted advisor for clarity …..otherwise you are unraveling a ball of yarn…
Read MoreClear………to me
The thoughts I form in my head……..are better left unsaid……until I have taken the time to let them weave and unwind…..clearly ttucro
Read MoreBond…..,for joe gun…….
There are things that words cannot capture……..like the bond between brothers that have physically been apart for years……….there are some things that are stronger than time…….. the bond of friends Ttucro
Read MoreJust can’t tolerate some things
A little tolerance for the wrong things is like having untreated cancer…………just spreads Ttucro
Read MoreHard to Deny
Believe or not…………..hard to deny when God shows up ……………..like it or not Ttucro
Read MoreOnly One Way to the Gate
Only one way to the gate of “Freedom” by accepting and acknowledging Jesus Christ……I have spent much of this life looking for alternatives and shortcuts…..all a waste of time only one way ttucro
Read MorePejorative
Looking back at times in my life “pejorative” would be a word I would use to describe certain periods…….directly the result of addictions and outside influences…….when finally approaching the inside issues the outside issues began to fade away……I didn’t want to live a negative life nor continue to be a…
Read MoreNever Ceases to Amaze Me
God never stops working……..when we get in the way……takes another path……if we stay in the way ……He sends warnings and they get louder and bigger as we go along……God never stops working……and He works best when we surrender ttucro
Read MoreSomething isn’t working
Something isn’t working……..its riding in my car…..causing me to say things that hurt and leave scars…messes with my thinking and has me telling myself lies……something isn’t working…….I can’t trust others because I don’t trust myself……. Ttucro
Read MoreSeeking Solomon
As I traveled he spoke……..”noble to seek knowledge…….more fruitful to implement it…..not quantity…quality of thought”…..
Read MoreEvaluation
What I know is minuscule compared to what I am learning ttucro
Read MoreEmbarking /Aim High
When we are gifted with the dawn of a new day…….we embark on a journey that can change the trajectory of our lives…….aim high……even if you miss you are better off ttucro
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