Beautiful Choas
The right mindset aka……attitude……can allow the most difficult situations to divulge their hidden beauty……can only be seen when the eyes of the heart are clear we see with the eyes of our heart…….and fight it out with the eyes of our mind……the result is what we see with the eyes…
Read MoreReservation
How about that………a lazy….wayward…..underachiever got tired of running the show……sat down and listened to the “Voice” that had been trying to connect and got redirected and attained a level of peace, serenity and faith that had been neglected and surrendered to a God that loves me…….and accepted a reservation to…
Read MoreOnly “One”………..Never
You might be to stubborn or lazy to learn……but never ? to old……stop making excuses ttucro
Read MoreReal Freedom
Life without expectation is real freedom…… good luck……. Very hard to do ttucro
Read MoreWhat I Can Do
I cannot control my thoughts……but I can dismiss them and move on…….I cannot control my feelings……but I can determine if they are justified……healthy and worth the price of pursuing…..I am challenged with controlling my actions…… but I try…..failing often and taking the consequences begrudgingly…… but I accept them ttucro
Read MoreGrateful Jim
There are few things more inspiring……….then the awareness and appreciation of our blessings……that’s how we give “thanks”……
Read MoreStill Learning the basics
Even a little…….is something…….many would trade in a second what is often overlooked and unappreciated ……..wealth can be measured far more accurately by appreciation than by abundance… ttucro
Read MoreGlimpses……..that’s it
It is alllllllllll….I repeat……..allllllllll a mystery. We think we understand……….glimpses is about all we are capable of…….ttucro
Read MoreHonesty…….purified speech
I value honesty far more than agreement…….honesty takes courage and indicates respect………few people vigorously adhere to it….. ttucro
Read MoreFaked It
Yep……sure did for the sake of doing the right thing award winning performance that sufficed for the time being…….until emotions settle down and clarity reigns despite the faded trimmings of youth ………yep it was not the performance of a lifetime ……. But noteworthy nonetheless ttucro……..stagehand…….fill in double
Read MoreAudible…….but not by Ears
The language of the heart ❤️ can only be heard ……….by another heart……and only then ………if it is open ttucro
Read MoreDisjointed ecstasy
If your life turned out the way you thought it would……….,,you didn’t take enough chances……never failed…….never lived ttucro
Read MoreIt’s in the closet
Everything I ever wanted was waiting in my closet……ttucro
Read MorePermission
I need to give you permission to be you ……not because you need my approval …..but because I need to accept that person …….ttucro
Read MoreDeath/premature
When I stop discovering who I am and what makes me tick…….I am spiritually dead…….the discovery process is imperative to growth ….. if you aren’t growing you are dying ttucro
Read MoreDelight in the Fight
The struggles we face each day are better faced with the knowledge that we have the resources and power to handle everything and anything……,that power is God……toodles ttucro
Read MoreConsultant
If I profess to have a faith and rely on a constant need for consultation and reinforcement from others……I question the scope and quality of my professed faith……either you trust or you don’t ttucro
Read MoreAppropriate
There has never been a better time to have faith ………and to exhibit it through constructive actions………praying ttucro
Read MoreThe Simplest Road to Greatness
Forget about your needs…….. focus on the needs of others…… your life will never be boring….you will feel purposeful and your cup will never be empty……a smile will consistently adorn your face ttucro
Read MoreGood Investment
Investing in people and developing friendships will pay far greater dividends than any other stock you could ever buy ……. Ttucro
Read MoreGet it Straight
God cannot be appeased…….entertained …….. or cajoled ……. We either follow ….or we don’t get it straight ttucro
Read MoreThink Again
Hey there grumpy…….disheartened…..sloppy professed Christian……tighten up…… you aren’t representing yourself……you are representing God… does that get your attention…hope so ttucro
Read MoreA Softer Bat
Maturation has allowed me to admit my mistakes and correct my behavior as needed………without calling out the “firing squad” ………..all or nothing is a difficult way to live…….I don’t live there anymore …..ttucro
Read MoreHave Become One ………Gazer
I have oftentimes wondered what their fixed “gaze “ was about…….and have assigned all sorts of proposals… it turns out….some….surely not all …..we’re taking time to throughly realize and appreciate their surroundings……which can only be accomplished by stillness and focused attention……I have come to join your ranks……I understand what you…
Read MoreLearning to love both sides
Both sides of the coin have so much to offer……sometimes addition….sometimes subtraction…… more than gain or loss ……a different perspective and only certain things can be learned on either side… side without the other would be the ultimate tragedy……….ttucro
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