Eternal Student

I need not ask to be taught…rather to be given the wisdom and discernment to respect and accept the lesson that is before me every moment…..ttucro

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true center/anchored to God

My true center is anchored to God…..  nothing else holds in the storm ttucro

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Plagued by mental chatter

I pity those who’s mind is so cluttered with the noise of mice racing on a wheel that a machine is needed to make alternate noise to distract from the mental chatter……poor things a clear sign they are not at peace, jus saying ttucro

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For those that enhance my life vigilant to keep ….for those that hold me back…. May I have the courage to  recognize.and break Ttucro

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When I catch myself fabricating my social, economic  or material wealth ….it is a dead giveaway that I am neither appreciative nor grateful for what I do have………..humbling……..ouch ttucro

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It has to pass the test

Is it right for me and the right thing to do. Is it the truth……not my truth nor your truth….but the truth Is it beneficial to others as well as myself   Is it driven by logic……or emotion

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The Guiding Hand

The guiding hand directs my ways as a loving parent keeps close to an errant toddler ……..I can just barely feel His touch at times and occasionally it tightens when I am defiant and stubborn…..because He loves me…He will do what it takes…….ttucro

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Jus Saying God

To think that a God who created everything in the universe…….who I cannot pretend to understand…..would only create what I can perceive or comprehend doesn’t seem congruent to me …..there is more…so much more….every now and then …I catch glimpses ….a little much every day ttucro

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The Most Important Thing to Share

You can open your head……open your home… your wallet… your resources… and that is admirable…. But until you open your heart ❤️ you haven’t done the most important thing…. Ttucro

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Growing Freedom

I found this seed inside of me….I had overlooked it for so long……I could not see that what troubled me was waiting in the seed to be sown… out of desperation I came to You on humbled knees….You helped me plant the seed and know “Freedom” from myself grows within………

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The Only Thing Small is my Mind

I watched a leaf dance it was a mystical thing….no one clapped and no one sang . It moved effortlessly like being pulled by a string……in my attention a thought crossed my mind ….. there are no small events…….just distracted small minds……. Ttucro

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Trickle Up Theory

The more of God I let trickle down into my soul the more I am uplifted to a higher plane of thinking and being…… priceless treasure….an investment that is always growing in value….. ttucro

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How You Will Know

If you have done what you thought was needed in a particular situation then you will be at peace……if not something is still missing….     Ttucro

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Trying to be hip is a dead giveaway that you aren’t…..,like wanting to be tall…..either you are or you aren’t…..the hippest people have the courage to be authentic….. true to themselves…..that is hip ttucro

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When I allow God to do the things He wants to do in my ❤️ and soul……I will be able to do tremendous acts of love that would seem impossible now…….. ttucro

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Not the God on Paper

The God on paper became real to me when I saw the effects my faith had in my life……you can read the scriptures till you are cross eyed but until you experience the changes in you and the interactions with others you foundation is two by fours……afterwards it becomes concrete……all…

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From the Tongue of an Admired/ for VH

Few things lift the spirits more then the appreciation of ones work from someone who is respected and admired ….   Ttucro

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A Pair has You Flushed

Faintly but I hear one pair of hands clapping within my soul…..long way from a thunderous ovation but it has gotten me this far…..keeping me in the hunt to pursue and discover who I am and what I am……that dedication has frustrated and befuddled many who were hell bent in…

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There is a solution to every problem or issue that we may entertain……..and experience has taught me that jumping into the fire ? trying to put it out isn’t a good idea…….. while a quick patch may be required when the dam is leaking …..don’t kid yourself with the notion…

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Generosity is not necessarily a habit of the wealthy… is a trait of the humble and the caring……..with has little to do with circumstances but everything to do with compassion……. Ttucro

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Always leave room enough……

Always leave room enough to be wrong…’s important to be confident……equally important to be comfortable enough in your own skin to change your mind and admit your were more wrong than right…..leave enough room to be mature and realize no one is always right ……or you will never grow…..and never…

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It is u

It is u who made the choices to end up wherever u are….. blaming others for our mistakes is like driving blind in a car ……. When you hear the bump because you hit something and felt a jar…’ll get out an reprimand the person you hit for walking to…

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Wasted time

The time I have spent fretting over past missteps is the equivalent of trying to boil a pot of water with a match…….waste of time…… gone…….get on with it….. ttucro

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The Great Illusion

Motion is deceptive ….. one can think much is being accomplished measuring the amount of movement taking place…….rarely have I seen the time given to more thought and planning not produce more with much less movement…. Motion can be deceptive…..more thought, less movement….better results….ttucro

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Still Defiant

I probably have brushed my teeth or started to 20 times with Preparation H because I wouldn’t get my glasses from another room…….lazy….yep…..defiant, a trait that hangs on and on and on……..see the claw marks……. Ttucro

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Learning to be Still

What did you see in your travels today… hurrying to urgent affairs….I sat on the deck out back and listened to the soundtracks of the earth…….I saw butterflies dance among the flowers……..birds performing acrobatics as they maneuvered through the trees….and I heard the grass growing in the warm summer breeze……..what…

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Learning to Dance

There are few feelings that can compare to being in the same rhythm as the universe……ttucro

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Writing on the Wall

Men continue to make the same mistakes over and over again……..dressed up a little different….new title and the same play hits the stage….only to be ended abruptly after poor attendance and poor reviews…..that’s why we need a power greater than our capacity to reason………..God ttucro

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I better be looking at me

If anything good comes through I better be looking at me……and not you…….if things are up in the air……I need to be on the ground…..that’s where the stuff I relate to can be found….for when I’m looking at you and not me…..everything that is wrong with you becomes obvious to…

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The Last Thing/should be the First Thing

Over our head and we twist and shout torment others because it isn’t working out…..then when our choices are looking thin….we remember to hit our knees again…….that feels better……should have done that a long time ago……ttucro

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