Net Worth

I measure my worth by my desire to continue to recognize my character defects and my willingness to ask God to change me …… ttucro

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When you get things out of order as far as what is most important……. Nothing works……because you have lost the will to be honest……and you have chosen an easier, softer way…….that soon becomes very, very hard ………ttucro

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When your reality meets your expectations and they agree…..that is one of the most meaningful blessings in life…….. ttucro

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Realizing what is possible……what is probable……and what is complete folly…accepting what is realistic and finding solace in being honest with oneself …….that is maturity……ttucro

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Come back…… center

Be mindful to never let intellect overrule common sense………a sure fire way to head into trouble……..ttucro

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Wise follow the Wise

There is no substitute for wisdom……….the wise follow the wise…….,ttucro

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Once You Know

Once you know………….it doesn’t go away…….doesn’t lose power over time….gains power……the knowledge of right and wrong that is inescapable and will always be able to run faster and longer that you…….once you know………it will walk with you or push against you…….. for the rest of your life ttucro

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What we want is                       What.                We                Do……. Ttucro

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The one thing that keeps me tethered to the dock and not drifting out to sea is my growing and grounding….faith I am supplied and protected by grace and my gratitude for that grace…..fertilizes and enhances my faith …..beautiful cycle

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When I Think About It

I got it ……..I hope you did too……a basic introduction and instruction in the rudiments of acquiring faith ………if you didn’t I hope you found it ….or looking for it……..if not… don’t know the value of the piece…….and the peace you are missing ttucro

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I see……what’s wrong

I have listened to your struggles concerning health issues and the events happening in our nation….. then I hear the statement……”Jesus Christ is dead and He’s it coming back “………….I understand now what the problem is……… have lost your faith…….and there is nothing you can find to replace it  ……….it…

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Animals aren’t prejudice…….aren’t we supposed to be smarter………. Ttucro

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Hard to love a liar…….over and over to be told several versions of an event that you know didn’t go down that way One of two things will happen……the people around you will do the best to work around your deception ….or they will leave ……so on top of being…

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Grateful to be loved…..better to love.

Nice to be appreciated and respected….. but those feelings pale compared to the giving and sharing of love…….. ttucro

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As it should be prayer

Lord help me to see that all is as it should be…. For with that faith I reaffirm that You are working in ways I cannot see nor understand…..either I believe You care or I don’t…… that You will or You Won’t….and that You will guide me through  the “maze”…

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When something is wrong…..just wrong……murder…rape…..robbery…..not debatable and people are silent there can only be two reasons……they agree with the actions or…..they are afraid  

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To do a little each day to make this world a better place is something everyone can do and while a simple act can seem so small …..many small acts can take down walls… your part…..please ttucro

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The Real Deal

True “Love”………is more strong than fluffy…….fluff is for dryers……”real love”……isn’t flimsy and it can take a punch…….ttucro

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Hmmmm…..funny…….things I use to think were a waste of time …..I now enjoy very much ttucro

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Good to have friends…..blessing to have old friends……take good care of them ttucro

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Wake up

Blessed always blessed…….remember this is a test… see how often I forget….blessed always blessed………..slow to remember that blessings don’t always seem that way at first……. Ttucro

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It is far better to find humility yourself than to have life shove in down your throat ……ttucro

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There are no degrees of wrong…….either one’s actions are correct or incorrect……there is no right …..,in wrong …. Get over it ttucro

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Keep Trying

In my walk I fall short of the code I profess to believe……. I brush myself off and get up again and try to follow the path I am forever leaving….. ttucro

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Maybe you can……..I can’t

I can’t rely on my own judgment……. Too many fears and to many tears…. Have to take everything to the “source”…….the Father….. or I am off on another wild goose chase……ttucro

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One will know and one will grow from what is given between……. One life will be touched and that is enough…… for me to keep fishing in the stream …..God bless the “One”……. Ttucro

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What takes you so long?

When my nerves are shot…..ready to explode…..I turn to the “Source” for strength ….. the question remains…….”Why do I wait until after the canons are loaded?”         Ttucro

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The air we breathe….the water we drink…..the food we eat are gifts from the Father ……be grateful and give thanks …… it can all be taken away ttucro

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The only  information that I can trust is delivered by people of faith …. Everything else is conjecture……ttucro

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Bad timing

Never fails…..if I am trying to do things in my time frame…. It is always a disaster…. Maybe I’ll learn

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