Something You Can Count On

Everyone needs something or someone they can depend on ……I found my anchor in God……if your looking His terms are very reasonable………ttucro

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Ebb and Flow

Life is a continuous series of gain and loss…. The trick is to appreciate the gains and accept the loses as a necessary reminder of the gains…….ebb and flow………work hard in hand ttucro

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Know before you go

Be advised that before you start climbing this Mount Everest if faith…….you are going to fall ….no way around it…..accept it as part of the journey and keep climbing ………  the higher you go the more challenges you will face……..the price we pay for salvation …..ttucro

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No exceptions …….sorry

Any doctrine…… or belief that doesn’t include Jesus……..isn’t worth my time listening or looking into ……. Nope

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Already here

? stop…….looking for God….He is already here…..and longs for us to be still enough to realize it…..ttucro

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Working on it

I am not my favorite person……but I am good enough to be a fair partner…..a good friend and honest enough with myself to realize that there is much to improve upon…… but I can be at relative peace because I’m trying……. Ttucro

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Best Bet………be yourself

You never make the impression you want by trying…..only by being…….ttucro

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Magnifying Glass

Don’t magnify your problems……magnify God works every time ttucro

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The sum total of one’s life should be the be effort in which we have striven to be an asset to others…..,graciously putting others first as a matter of habit……ttucro

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A valuable trait…… of a few that cannot be overused ……. Ttucro

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The formula for staying young is simple…….,but must be practiced daily……..remembering what it is to be young….in mind and body ttucro

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Same Thing

My “will” is my life……how it turns out depends on what I do with it……. I can do my will….or God’s ttucro

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Pretty Clear

The details aren’t clear but the overall picture looks good……regarding the future….because of my faith….thank you Lord…..ttucro

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Crystal Ball

The future is a mystery…..but it’s outcome is dependent on one’s faith….. ttucro

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See Clearly

We never lie about good things……ttucro

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The measure of a man or woman can easily be accessed by examining their friends………or lack thereof…….ttucro

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That bump you hit was a signal…….a warning now whether you heed it or not will determine the rest of you ride ttucro

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We don’t know what we think we know

If you can’t understand someone else’s opinion……you don’t understand your own…….listen ttucro

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Floating on my back

I think the easiest way to explain today is this: “I got out of the way and appreciated what the Lord gave and it was like going through a beautiful day……floating on my back……thanks ttucro

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As the day is……..

As the day is…….so determined by its reception as possible…..probable…….positive …..negative…….so shall the day proceed and end…….clay awaiting hands ttucro

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“Once is often enough and occasionally…..too many……ttucro

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Traffic Jam

Don’t get stuck in the traffic of your mind…..avoid delays by thinking before you act……ttucro

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I am painfully aware that I often forget how fortunate I am…..I am grateful that the habit of a “reality check “……..has become part of my regular routine ……and it is a necessity ttucro

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What’s my stuff…..what not my stuff

If I am not willing to accept responsibility for my decisions that’s on me ……but to take on the responsibility for the decisions of others is of no benefit to them and an unnecessary burden on myself…….,own your stuff…..I’ll own mine ttucro

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This Little Child

This little child who is threescore and some cannot seem to remember who is on the throne…….therefore his days are filled with mischief and pain…… because he forgets the Source of the Sun and the Rain…….. ttucro

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On…………..yourself Ttucro

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Essential Evaluation

Could I love me………..if not either accept it…….or change

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One Bird

A bird has two wings……..the only way it flies if they work together……two wings….one bird ttucro

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Failing Forward

I will fail in this day many times….but I can accept that as long as I am failing……forward ttucro

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I fell short to say the least and the same old story we repeat…..neither of us are able to find peace…….failure first step…….acceptance before things change ttucro

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