The Real Treasure

The real treasure in life is finding a partner who is looking……..maybe not exactly for exactly the same things…  but seeking to discover…. and friends that share their trials and struggles…..their joys and sorrows that is the real treasure of life  

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Turning the Page………slower

Age has given me the opportunity to slow down……..some because of physical adjustments ……but the majority because I realize this day holds amazing things for me to feel and experience …… not tomorrow or in the future……today…….. therefore I need to turn the page slowly……. Ttucro

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The word “suppose”………is a bridge between reality and possibility… has started more dreams than any other word I can currently offer…..ttucro

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Who is it for……..

These words I write ✍️ these lines I draw…….these songs I sing when I am alone         where they meant for you or meant for me Perhaps some of each and different branches of the same ? ttucro

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Realizing that most of my beliefs yesterday……..are obsolete today……. Ttucro

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I call me……out

I see you are still pretending……..pretending you know about life and how to maneuver through the maze……….you know you are a fake……. And I call “me”…….out get real ttucro

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Appreciate your bones…….good Dog ?

God continues to throw his kids bones…….some want bigger bones…..or want other’s bones…..the happiest and most content…….give thanks for the bones they receive and fine a nice soft place to chew on them…..ttucro

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Part of Life

There is a cure for anything that ails you…..usually expensive……better to accept pain and suffering as part of life…you are not alone….. ttucro

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Familiarity breeds contempt

……….when it does one needs to re-examine what was taken for granted the level of gratitude that may be in need of a reappraisal……. ttucro

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Achieving Greatness

One must become a great loser before becoming a great winner………ttucro

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No one has ever become a great “winner”……. Until they’ve become a great “loser”…… ttucro

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Greatest Strength

Acknowledging my weakness…….is my greatest strength ……..ttucro

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The Most Precious Commodity

silence………one never realizes how precious it is…..until you can’t find it ttucro

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Gateway……..or Fence

I can find freedom through my thoughts……or be imprisoned by them ttucro

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That Sacred Place

Regardless of the situation or the severity of the situation……..there is always…….always a place of calmness and serenity……there you will find God ttucro

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Opportunity Only

When I acknowledge my shortcomings…..I have an opportunity to change…… then I have the opportunity to do something about them…….get to work

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I cannot take something without to fix a spiritual ailment within……the “soul renewal” comes only from the source…….the springs of life come only from regular interaction with the Father…..God

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To Aim For…… target ? practice

I cannot conceive nor fathom God’s Love……..but to try to love as God does……isn’t a bad target ? to shoot for…….. ttucro

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Safe as Your Faith

The world can turn…….at a dizzying pace…..and old tenets are discarded at and incredible rate but what I can’t change I dare not fear……as long as I keep my faith and …..God very near…… ttucro

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One Failure that Must be Conquered

A persistent denial of facts and the truth…. Or you will flounder your way through life…… ttucro

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We see through the eyes……of the heart ❤️ ttucro

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Beautiful Choas

The right mindset aka……attitude……can allow the most difficult situations to divulge their hidden beauty……can only be seen when the eyes of the heart are clear we see with the eyes of our heart…….and fight it out with the eyes of our mind……the result is what we see with the eyes…

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How about that………a lazy….wayward…..underachiever got tired of running the show……sat down and listened to the “Voice” that had been trying to connect and got redirected and attained a level of peace, serenity and faith that had been neglected and surrendered to a God that loves me…….and accepted a reservation to…

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Only “One”………..Never

You might be to stubborn or lazy to learn……but never ? to old……stop making excuses ttucro

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Real Freedom

Life without expectation is real freedom…… good luck……. Very hard to do ttucro  

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What I Can Do

I cannot control my thoughts……but I can dismiss them and move on…….I cannot control my feelings……but I can determine if they are justified……healthy and worth the price of pursuing…..I am challenged with controlling my actions…… but I try…..failing often and taking the consequences begrudgingly…… but I accept them ttucro

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I have never met a caring….loving…….kind ……. Considerate person who felt they were doing the best they could in contributing to the welfare and health…….of others they keep reaching…..reaching for a higher plane of thought and action Ttucro

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Grateful Jim

There are few things more inspiring……….then the awareness and appreciation of our blessings……that’s how we give “thanks”……

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Still Learning the basics

Even a little…….is something…….many would trade in a second what is often overlooked and unappreciated ……..wealth can be measured far more accurately by appreciation than by abundance… ttucro

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Glimpses……..that’s it

It is alllllllllll….I repeat……..allllllllll a mystery. We think we understand……….glimpses is about all we are capable of…….ttucro

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