We connect ……..

I talk to my car he talks back i know what your thinking this guy is cracked…… —————————1 I have a friend that talks to a tree from my background it’s fine by me and He swears that between the two he comes up with a plan that’s meet’s his…

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You’re Lying……for H

Remember I can see your eyes and they don’t lie that smirk and body language give you away every time find it interesting how many people believe your life but not me……….because I can see …..your eyes Ttucro

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Funny the “New Rebels” are nice

Some of us just see things differently I have a rebellious nature so I’m rebelling against: prejudice corruption impoliteness abuse of anyone or anything disrespect Unkindness You will see we go against the tide rebell ttucro  

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Keep your money 💰 I waited you out now that I’ve left I could never go back  but I’m still debating what I hated worse…. the gossip and backstabbing or those damn starched shirts 👔 now I never got far up the Company Rungs just to the point where it…

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Yo-yo 🪀

We had no idea when we were kids that the pattern of our lives was in our hands As the yo-yo went up and down it was foretelling our future Life  Up.                                    …

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One Day….

One day I’m gonna tell my conservative friends that some things need to change and to my liberal friends, some things don’t need to change and if they would stop bitching at each other……open their minds and ears maybe we could work together and get something done and actually learn…

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Get it straight…..

People think the opposite of love is hate……not so hate doesn’t have an opposite …..it is in a class by Itself as is Love the opposite of Love is regret, regret for every opportunity we had to give or show love and didn’t no the opposite of Love ………is Regret…

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A Violin is playing softly somewhere that will have to do for now ——— kidnapped Our memories get ahold of us and take us to other times we reflect                    Occasionally                     Regret…

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Maybe……..you do to

I am at a point in my life where I don’t worry about what others think…….my Father said……”what are they going to do…eat me.” Sounds good to me pop. I see faces…… in clouds …. In tree trunks……lots in carpet and in textured materials….and many other places. its a shame…

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Get over yourself…

Get over yourself……you’re in the way Now the time when progress can be achieved you aren’t that good…..you aren’t that bad but consumed with yourself makes me sad You have much to offer but you love to take you can’t see we…….get the love we make what you’re after you’re…

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Don’t abuse it… you will lose its

♠. When a beautiful woman or man uses their natural gift of beauty as a means to get what they want……. They lose it ……and get ugly….fast ttucro

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Hmmmmm ….#r23

The key 🔑 to a relationship……….. is knowing when to pay attention……. and when not to pay attention 🔑🔑🦁 ttucro

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That man in the tree……

The man in the tree He looks like me Why does he keep climbing? now I see he’s waving at me to join him so I got off my duff and went up to meet him I got close……and room was tight so he offered his hand to steady me…

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the last word………..

You never know If I am able to speak ……..I will if not I’ll think it…………… it will be………………thanks thanks for giving me life , thanks for saving me from myself thanks for the good times and thanks for the hard times…… they are the most cherished of the two…

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Do you hear the music 🎶 by the spheres

Do you hear the music? the Spheres have made particular choices to soothe, support and encourage you  But you have to be listening and be on the correct channel listen for it…..it is calling for you…..if you sit still you will hear it…… the volume will depend on your mood…

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Nobody told me……

You know…..about the light at the end of the tunnel the first one is free but it won’t last forever………..so you will have to replace it so get a few spares …………………………and be ready when it starts to flicker…………………that’s your sign   yeah……… nobody told me………….first ones free after that…

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A World Away…….

Difficult at best to watch a parent              Drift……. into the land of ……..CONFUSION when memories and members are shuffled like a deck of cards And one is drawn from the stack .. that card could be described perfectly and the person involved silence ……….always…

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Something wrong with this picture……

Hmmmmmm… people work side by side …… healing…helping…… building remarkable things Aircraft..ships….trains……fix broken bones….replace old worn out parts on humans….animals.. .. Go to church…..don’t go to church spend hundreds of dollars every mouth on pets wash their cars every week……go to work…. get sick….get better……not enough sleep Eat to much…..don’t…

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Sunshine found a home…..

You had it the moment I spotted you playing on the swing we became good friends and went through school together you were very popular…… to everyone……because you were so unassuming and pleasant we went to different colleges and kept in touch and made extra effort to catch up on…

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Keep doing you nobody else can ttucro

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Watching “Big” People Get Bigger for Chris J…. Miss S🦁

I get exposed to many things because I want to know my spirits reward me my path has crossed with People I thought I would never know. You know people with standing….position……known And….. a few….. wear their success very humbly…. their success doesn’t wear them It is ever so cool…

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Trailogue……..a conversation between 3

Hey…….He’s talking to me tells me He’s talking to you too so the Three of us are going to walk this thing out I have issues……I know you do to He says there are a few things we should do okay I’m listening……..you? He says “ you have more than…

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Scoot over…….Please

Scoot over Lord……I want to get a little closer scoot over Father so I can see your face and hear your voice Scoot over Lord so I can feel the warmth and radiance of Your Presence Scoot over Lord…….I want to get closer ttucro

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Stop ……and say “thanks”

This happened…… then that happened now this happened yikes stop and say “thanks” “Thanks”……. For giving me this day and this time to grow and watch You Work….on me and the issues “thanks” for helping me feel supported and competent “Thanks” for never giving me more than You can Handle…

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The Well…Ran Dry

Promises…….promises and more promises and……. nothing changed Lies…… new ……..old wrapped in new clothes and I was confused……..I didn’t understand……. Because there wasn’t anything to understand ……..lies Over the hill….. through the desert…….in the mountains…….across the ocean…….in the sky didn’t matter……never enough……. more just more ————- the water was flowing…

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Tell me you can fly…..

Tell me you can fly hover above the earth 🌍 tell me you can fly you see where it hurts tell you can fly and make dreams come true tell me you can fly and I’ll believe that it’s true ——- tell me you can cry so I can be…

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Be Rare. ..

Be                                                                                kind Be.                …

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One Mile to Slow…… for Bobby M.

All day, everyday……. Bobby will set by the pond ……. In his head fixing cars and racing…..always racin’ in his NASCAR hat he is still muscular from working in a shop for 39 years fixing cars…… he was a natural….. the Shop sponsored a late model dirt track car set…

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The End ……of the Beginning

My mother is 92……… I’m not her favorite but for now I’ll have to do watching from across the room I watch her fade as the minutes pass we loved each other…. But didn’t always like each other She was fearful as a result of things in her early childhood…..I’ll…

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Adopt a Fire……

Something……..someone…….every……every everybody   Needs something to be passionate about…… just short of worship well……way short of worship Adopt a fire………find that thing that makes you sing makes you smile, think…………and enjoy it will warm the hearts and souls of those around you they will be encouraged to adopt their own…

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