Safety Deposit Box

My most precious possession……my faith… safe in God’s Deposit Box……. Ttucro

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Accurate Appraisal

God outside of me is amazing….God inside of me is confidant and purposeful life…… together they are Nirvana……ttucro

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The only thing you own……

Always come back to the essence….. the irrefutable fact that the only thing you own is this moment….. …..just this one……..make ‘em count……. It’s all you own…….we are all paupers …… some degree……under the authority……of time ttucro

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May the high regard and opinion of yourself ……… not get in the way of reality……. Too often….. ttucro

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Your not finished

If you think you have arrived….. you are under a naive supposition that you are equipped with all the info you need…….. to address any situation life throws at you…….you aren’t and those reminders can bring one back to humility…..if we pay attention…. ttucro

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If………you have them…..use them

If you have lived to become a young adult….. life has showed you tools to weather and survive the storms…….so you know……if you have them use them…..don’t let pride and ego cause the problem to linger longer than necessary….. ttucro

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Insecure…….. temporary?

lol Everyone has moments and sometimes days of uncertainty…… but having and utilizing faith thwarts the situation from becoming a mindset…………. Ttucro

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Do Something……..

Ok it’s good to be grateful……. But that isn’t enough..  do something…anything but start …..that’s gratitude ttucro

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The “Long Reach” of kindness

Kindness has a “long reach” and longevity affecting many long after the initial act….it grows and encourages many far removed………a good plant to grow……. Ttucro

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Use one word……. To describe your life

My word is……enchanted…………an “enchanted” life Ttucro

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Everyone uses sign language…….

The mouth 👄 is only one of the ways we communicate……and often the least effective……the aura is the first…… the body second……and the mouth last ……make sure you understand the process if you want to be heard……ttucro

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The Winds of Change

Time and the “winds of change”…… strip us……prune us…..and often unnerve us……testing our faith…….but one thing remains constant……God’s love …….ttucro

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Leave a little wiggle room

There is much to be said for a reasonable amount of flexibility……..too close rubs people the wrong way and a little “wiggle room”……. makes conversations and people more comfortable……bend……don’t break……. Ttucro

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Most Precious Possession

My most precious possession is the moment I am living in…….. it holds unlimited possibilities and unlimited potential… job is to stay present and be aware of what has been generously provided ……ttucro

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Just Impossible

One isn’t capable of looking at a person, place or thing……once…….and be able to capture all there to know about any of these things …….there is no substitute for the necessary investment of time ……time demands it… ttucro

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The Past is Gone

I lure myself into thinking that pieces of the past can be interwoven with the present…….and they can…… but often with the same results that they fostered before………..the past is best to be occasionally examined and left where it is…..gone ttucro

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One constant……… only one that counts

God is………God loves me……….God knows me……..God is in control and God will never leave me………that is the only “ blanket insurance policy” to have…….. ttucro

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Once and if………we realize that we will spend a lifetime discovering who we are …… we can come unglued or accept it and go on to stumbling towards ecstasy ……. Ttucro

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The Most Important File

The most important file is the one that you keep all your reminders that God loves you and forgives you…..period ttucro

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You get what you accept

The things that are against your understanding and knowledge are ………misunderstood by you ……. Or are erroneous in their tenets……and you condone them by accepting them …….or you revolt in non physical defiance with your money…….,and time……you get what you accept……..rise ttucro

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It is………that simple

Some will say ……….”well yeah”……many will say…”oh if were only that simple”……..that you or I are as happy as we choose to be ……….I cannot change wars…….or society….what’s left of it…….. but I can accept those things or anything that I cannot change and avoid it as much as I…

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To be in bondage

One immediately thinks of chains, locks and tethers …….. but the ultimate bondage is the incarceration of the mind…..has been proven many times……conditions no matter how severe… cannot contain the enlightened mind…….you can stop being a prisoner when you decide to…… ttucro

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There will always be more questions than answers……that’s good……when we stop asking …….we are just part of the “herd”…….. ttucro

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Too much to gain……to turn back

When we get to the place where the possibilities are limitless…….the fear of the unknown begins to lose it’s power……. Ttucro

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More than we can see

Everyone can see the caterpillar ………few can see the butterfly….  

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It’s not waiting…… but it’s there

Wonder and amazement are always near…if is up to us to be aware and expectant…….life is always ready……..are we ? ttucro

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Enough and moderation

The same things that can heal us…….can hurt us……too much of anything isn’t good …….we have to be willing to admit if it’s helping or we are being coddled …… ttucro

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Get use to it

People search all their lives seeking their identity……our identity is whom we are in Christ…. Ttucro

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Why we gather…….

To collect the blessings of  kindred that share the same beliefs……uniting to release the power of God…….where two or more…ttucro

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Words of understanding and nourishment can flow like a stream over you…….for years…….. but they can neither nourish nor sustain…….until you are ready to receive and follow them…….words only have power when you acknowledge them……until then…..they are like arrows shot in the dark….. ttucro

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