Only One Issue

Either a person can accept reality or they won’t…….you cannot argue with reality…..and you cannot argue with someone who will not accept it…. Ttucro

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The little things

Don’t miss them and don’t underestimate their value………dog snoring…… butterflies…….soft rain….sounds……that recognition and consideration are as good a formula as any….. for a great life ttucro

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Don’t believe them……

No one is an authority on life……’s your path….not theirs……..go with what keeps you in harmony with your spirit…. Ttucro

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Walk to Heavy

Most problems are the result of walking to heavy in fields we don’t belong in…….in the wrong direction…. Ttucro

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Not that good……at being all that bad

There is nothing intrinsically wrong we me or most people…….we just make bad choices motivated by fear of loss or hope of gain……… which we pay for and learn from……. Those who do not eventually learn have something intrinsically wrong ………… because they cannot or will not accept reality…. ttucro

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Bout time you realized it……

Nothing is like it used to be ………… how could it…… ttucro

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Wheel of Time

Beware of the wheel of time…… never stops……if you are feeling tired……confused or lost…….step aside and let it pass… or you will be crushed….…you can rejoin the wheel at any time………better to step aside until you are ready to roll once again…… ttucro

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Making Peace

We you decide to accept life as it is………all the usual stuff becomes unusable again…….. ttucro

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What did you expect?

You feed yourself a steady diet of negative reports……negative relationships and negative fears and concerns …….. do you expect good to come from evil…..get real…….change your diet…..  ttucro we

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Pauper ……..#3.5

Until one renounces ownership of all property…..monies…….. personal items and deems them to be gifts of God…….they will hold little meaning …….. when that perception changes then can they become…..cherished ttucro

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Just the way we are……

The truth……….. we experience everything through our mind first ……….. then spend the rest of the experience dismantling our prior suppositions….. …….ttucro

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There is no situation……nor question….. that tomorrow….cannot answer……. Ttucro

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Drinking Poison

You wouldn’t consciously drink poison…….then why surround yourself with poisonous people…….who negatively impact your life……stop drinking poison…..if they are negative……. I will let them go or if they have to remain I will limit my exposure to them…..I don’t have time to waste ttucro

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I became privileged when i realized how privileged I was to exist……..ttucro

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If I didn’t believe the best days of my life were ahead……what would be the point of living…… wallowing in the morose of broken promises and goals not achieved….. no… gets better because we grow as we stumble and rise again….. yes……the best days are every day I am grateful…

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As “All” gets Smaller

I know I am on the right path as “All”………continues to get smaller……..ttucro

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I am responsible for the life I live……. I am the reason things go well or things go to hell…… l am the best I can be or the least and take responsibility for that…….. I have every intention of living a productive and prosperous life…….and willing to make the…

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Difficult to be mindful…..if your mind is full…..ttucro

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Takes Time

I often scold myself because I have taken so long to acknowledge and accept a lesson I have resisted learning …….but I release myself from the bondage of self deprecation and move on…. Wearing a slight smile as I go…………ttucro

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Wishful thinking…….

When our hopes exceed reality…….that is “wishful thinking “……..ttucro

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How we get there

I believe we become our beliefs…… I believe in love ttucro

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Pump it up

The majority of us need to pump up our faith and our gratitude on a regular basis……life causes a slow leak and we need to keep checking our tires…….ttucro

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Do not be distracted by the actions of others… cannot control……be focused on your own behavior…..enough of a challenge in itself….. ttucro

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Frivolous Things

A sure sign of maturity is a defiance to be caught up in frivolous things…….they are all frivolous things….. ttucro

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I can humbly say that my unfounded and ungrounded beliefs and emotions…..of my youth still linger………but are dissipating as time goes on…..and I realize my brazen ignorance and how difficult i could be ……and still can be……..ttucro

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Getting Real

Most of us spend our entire lives seeking pleasure….which is like eating candy……..never enough……when what we need is to “contribute” ….. that is the answer to quenching our thirst ……ttucro

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Another milestone……..

When we stop 🛑 doing what we can get away with…..and start doing what is considerate of all ……we take a step closer to enlightenment……. Ttucro

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Nothing New

I have come to realize that the issues facing our country and the world are only disconcerting and overwhelming because I forget that God is in charge and much has been endured and overcome through out the history of the world 🌎…… God has it covered………. Nothing New ttucro

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Philosophy and Beliefs

Philosophy and beliefs are better understood through actions………much preferred over words ttucro

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I no longer wait……

I am where I am supposed to be……so everything around me has been orchestrated to be exactly as it is……exactly at this time… teach……. ttucro

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