
Make sure who you follow……. knows where they are going …… ttucro

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Don’t be foolish

Only a fool answers questions where the answers are already known…… ttucro

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Listening vs. Hearing

I have been listening to the rain for years…….today romping through the puddles…….I heard it……. perception is everything ttucro

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Not waiting…..

I stopped waiting for people, places and things…..and turned that time into introspection and reflection…… much more enjoyable and rewarding…… ttucro

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Why Wait?

If you are a believer…….saving heaven for the next phase seems pointless to me….whereas all of heaven cannot be available to me……parts of it are……example… overall feeling of peace and wellness….hope…….etc….             Otherwise there would be little incentive to          pursue ……..and…

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You will know your priorities are in order….when you take time to watch butterflies……fly   Ttucro

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Pebble…..,the ripple effect

The ripple effect is put into motion when we toss our hat in the ring and go for it… will never know the possibilities…..if you never try…. throw the pebble…….ttucro

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Be careful that the map you are using is up to date……..jus sayin….. ttucro

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Painful Respect

I must always respect……painful as it may be……your right to be stupid…….ttucro

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We spend a lifetime trying to find out what we want to say………..ttucro

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Now when to melt

There are times to wholeheartedly embrace circumstances and people….. there are times to melt into….instead of separate from……know when to “melt”…..ttucro

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There are few secrets……..only answers we aren’t willing to accept………ttucro

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Don’t stay long……

If you are constantly standing on the edge of tomorrow……… are not living in today.   Now is always what is happening…… ttucro

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Deaf Leopard 🐆

Never let anyone call you selfish………. because you are aware …..  their problem   ttucro

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The Real Question

Do you like me?………the real question is do I like me…  because if I don’t like me…..good chance you won’t like me either…. Either change your actions and attitude or be prepared to be very lonely….

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Life is like a puzzle…….some pieces are easy to fit…….others take time …..some….a lifetime ….. ttucro

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Never Leaves

I turn my back on God when I stray…..but He never turns His back on me……..ttucro

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Own it……

If… …..everything is as it is supposed to be……..then most…..almost all…………….problems are the result of …… me…….. own it….. ttucro

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I am free of the constraints of society…….because I see it as it is …….an adherence to certain beliefs held  by people so afraid to be themselves that it scares them more than death. Be authentic….. be courageous and tap in to the nectar of life…… few will ever find…..too…

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My maturation began 18 years ago when I surrendered to my addictions and began the journey I had put off for 49 years…….growing up. It is no longer necessary for you to agree with me and I will only offer my opinion……if you ask . It is not important that…

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Sometimes…….the person I was…….is the person I am………retro

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Just behind the fence……

There is a distinct advantage in being able to observe without being noticed ……one can decide to engage or retreat…….. ttucro

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Proper Response

Be careful that your response doesn’t overpower the infraction……..measured …… ttucro

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Rugs never stand

There are times to let things pass……there are times we must stand……..rugs never stand…. ttucro

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The Eternal Question

Now………what are you going to do with it…….. ttucro

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Up to me…..

Many…… many things affect me……..but I………determine me………. Ttucro

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When we stop changing….. our waters become polluted……. Ttucro

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A few words carefully chosen…… linger long after they are spoken…….ttucro

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Kindness is always in style….       Ttucro

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Eyebrows up…..

When someone says ….”to be totally honest”……hands down…… they won’t be…… ttucro

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