By the way……341:2

The mosssssst stylist people…..have their own style…..and others try and copy them……ttucro

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The “Real” Crystal Ball

The real crystal ball is between two ears that work selectively……and can get me to standing on my toes looking over the rainbow 🌈 or mining ⛏ to try and discover new depths of my shortcomings….so have a great day……it’s almost always a choice….ttucro

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Our words are footprints to those we speak them to…. Walk deliberately and softly……for best results ttucro

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Just enough………but not to much

Ingredients determine the quality of everything…..pride overcomes and propels …..but to much can keep us from accepting the truth……take note of those whom have found the right mix….. ttucro  

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The Most Valuable Currency

Time is much more valuable than money…….money allows one to do and experience certain things…… but time allows one to enjoy money. Time trumps money…….every time……ttucro

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People that talk incessantly…….never listen don’t waste your time…. Ttucro

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When I let the 20% of my life which is challenging and tedious overshadow the 80% that is joyful and inspiring I have my focus on the wrong things. Gratitude and appreciation make the troublesome issues bearable and workable……..focus on the 80……ttucro

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Silent Preacher

The most powerful message I have ever heard was given by a man of few words……….and very busy feet….. ttucro

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If this is where I’m supposed to be ………either I’m not getting it……maybe a little more time…..whatever I have left……..or I’m afraid to reach for it……..the first requires acceptance and the last…….a lot more work ……this should be interesting….. ttucro

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My greatest foe……..

The fiercest competition I face is the struggles within ……which ultimately decide the struggles without…………ttucro

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The Afternoon Nap

much could be said about the afternoon nap….but why waste the time when I could be snoozing 💤……later…… ttucro

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Deserving ?

I only deserve what I can appreciate and accept……otherwise it is wasted……. Ttucro

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Picking Sides

There are at least two sides to everything…. Your best bet is to focus on the side that is more positive and productive…..that’s where your focus will help your life bloom……. Ttucro

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Let the water clear……..

Hard to see the water clearly after a rain….step back and wait till the water clears….so you can see what you’re drinking…….ttucro

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A poet writes from the dictation of the soul…..and is aware that the accomplishment is in the adherence to that voice…….the only one that matters….all others are a distraction and should always be considered as such…….ttucro

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The Most Potent Antioxidant

Surprise…….the most potent antioxidant is……forgiveness…….try it the years will fall from you face and the lines of pain will disappear …….. ttucro

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The Living is the easy part….

The daily dying to our fears and frailties……unless we admit we are fearful, fragile and needy we cannot accurately get the help we need…… by myself I am lost………God is the answer….. ttucro

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Gift of Life

The “gift of life” gets little appreciation until faced with our own limitations or the situations of family or friends……pause to give thanks for the opportunity to exist…..grow….suffer and experience this amazing journey….. it is whatever you wish to make it .. ttucro

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Freedom from personal bondage

Freedom from personal bondage begins with forgiveness of others and forgiveness of ourselves… ttucro

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The Fallacy of Speed

Going from point A to B as fast as possible is necessary in a race …….but definitely has its drawbacks went it comes to life and learning ……. It takes focus and time to appreciate and divulge the sometimes camouflaged wonders of the world 🌎 around us….. ttucro

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Honesty can be rewarding…..and painful

It is indeed humbling when people half your age……handle situations better than you…….ttucro

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Letting Go

Letting go …… much harder than holding on ttucro

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Don’t be deceived

The path to inner peace paradoxically is not going deeper within……it is only achieved by getting out of oneself and giving and being of service to others. The vantage point of seeing ones self through interaction with others is a far better perspective then trying to interpret by the same…

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The ultimate mistake

The ultimate mistake one can make in life ……is believing the lies we tell ourselves…….face them and refuse to let them live and grow…….ttucro

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Life Artist

If you aren’t given the gift of creativity…….live creatively……. Life Artist. ttucro

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Even in the darkest times…… there is a light I am drawn to……. I find it through prayer and silence ……it is always there……I just have to remember it…..move towards the light.. ttucro

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Presence of Mind

It is tantamount that you mouth talks the same language as your feet……or your words mean…….nothing ttucro

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You and I aren’t the result of the events in our lives…..rather we become how we handle and learn from those events….. ttucro

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Everyone needs recovery……recovering from the effects of self will and turning to God’s Will……..ttucro

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Words fulfilled…….

Words are just words….. but when honored and acted on they become magical with all sorts of power……ttucro

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