
I am enjoying taking a break from the demands I place on myself……an find myself flourishing in the unscheduled no pressure phase……hmmm perhaps I should make some adjustments…….. ttucro

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B +

An acquaintance offered that he lived his life embracing the attitude that winning all the time isn’t realistic……. So he lived trying to reach his best but accepted that that may only achieve a (B+) and he was happy with the results that mindset had produced.

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Walking Art

The compliment I treasure is when an accomplished chef offered that I lived my life like art……..i try…….most of the time ttucro

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Everything changes…….even the basics                                              Ttucro

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The Enemy of Common Sense

Agenda……..the enemy of common sense……. Ttucro

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Evils’ Children

Evil breeds evil…….always ttucro

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Healing is transferable…………ttucro

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Simplicity is the language of the wise                                           Ttucro

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Because I am the person I am…….stumbling and fumbling towards a destination  I believe exists…..Heaven…….I hear echoes from voices of the past…….they comfort me and encourage me to trudge on……and I am….. I hear you……clearly ttucro

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We praise the Lord and we get blessed……ricochet ttucro

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Selcouth aka Uncommon

Many things are similar…….but more things are “Selcouth”……….uncommon……if one takes the time to look…………look ttucro

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Playing God

Find it interesting that those who profess to have a faith and those who don’t are both guilty of trying to play God……ttucro

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What is perfect or perfection…….me think’s it is appreciation and awareness……perfect is me….. thanks God …………12.           Ttucro

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Always………the major challenges in my life…….revolve around my ability or inability to control my emotions….. ttucro

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Open to beginning……

From whence I came I carried but a few…..glad that as I learn…….I begin at the beginning over and over again……stepping over puddles realizing I haven’t learned their depth…………ttucro

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Spiritual Experience

Actually……wake up……’s all a spiritual experience ttucro

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The “Feeling”….of Forgiveness

“Forgiveness”…….feels like sand passing in a hourglass……..little by little……….. it’s gone…..those feelings of resentment and retaliation are deflated and empty……or a chalk board with a thousand symbols and letters slowly being erased until it is clean …….. ttucro

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Reminders……….are irritating……until you realize you need them ……. Ttucro

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Already here……

Many of us are where we want to be……just in our busyness we don’t realize it …….slow down and receive……. Ttucro

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One who is determined to live life to the fullest……is constantly evaluating where their time is spent and the return on that investment……ttucro

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Sometimes Glide

Sometimes glide and enjoy the ride… …there will be plenty of time when it will be all you can do to make headway against the winds of this world…..glide when you can and pay close attention to what you see along the way….  Ttucro

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Not there….not in a few minutes….not tomorrow…… is the only thing and only place that matters ….. here ttucro

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Your Choice

There is someone or many……that would trade places with a person on death row………really……so be grateful for what you have…..what you don’t have and who you are…… ttucro

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I try to protect my family….my home and most of all I focus on protecting my mind…..because it directs and filters my behavior and my beliefs…….. ttucro

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Wealth or riches is far less dependent on possessions or currency as many would think…..and far more dependent on ones appreciation and understanding for the things one is fortunate to have…… blessed through gratitude…….ttucro

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Goals and Gifts

Goals are a great part of life……they expand and motivate us……the trick is to be focused without missing the gifts that we might otherwise race by in our quest to reach our goal…..chances are if the goal would only benefit us……perhaps it isn’t a worthy destination after all…… ttucro

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Peacock 🦚?

If you aren’t a peacock…….why walk around as one……jus sayin ttucro

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Respect lingers much longer…….than the most passionate kiss…….ttucro  

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Sign Language

My feet and my hands…….are much better communicators then my mouth……will ever be ttucro

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Random doesn’t exist…….

There are small things and smaller things….but everything has its purpose

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