Truth Flexible?

Laughing……. People will modify the truth before they modify their beliefs…….Ttucro

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Small things……

Small things should denote size…..not relevance…..there are the day to day opportunities to exhibit God Love…… Ttucro

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The Power of Restraint

The ability to give a considered and thoughtful response is one of the many benefits of restraint ….as opposed to responding driven by emotion…..pausing is powerful…. A quest worthy of pursuing….…ttucro

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Don’t Kid Yourself………

Good things are often very hard……and oftentimes unpleasant…..don’t kid yourself ttucro

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Camouflaged Gift

There is no life worth living……that is void of uncertainty….. ttucro

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Spiritual Hunger ………

Physical hunger pales….  To spiritual hunger….the table is full…..all you have to do is ….come ttucro

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Your Portrait

Attitude provides the canvas…..attitude paints the portrait……ttucro

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Real Beauty

Real beauty is never boastful……never ttucro

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Important to me…..

There are many things that I do that wouldn’t stir the interest or concern of most people…. But they are important to me and in the end that’s all that matters……ttucro

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Winning has changed……

The term “ winning “ has definitely changed as I age……the ultimate “win” is being in harmony with one’s surroundings and appreciating the choice to choose happiness……Ttucro

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Understanding vs. Acceptance

Don’t let you desire for understanding impede your acceptance………more will be revealed when appropriate…..Ttucro

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Personal honesty is the truest test as to your willingness to grow…….Ttucro

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Toothbrushes for Turtles

So many things in this world are absurd….like giving toothbrushes to turtles……..ttucro

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Jumping the Gun

Jumping the gun usually results in me shooting myself……. Ttucro

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Reflection or Dissection

It’s imperative to analyze our behavior to determine patterns …….gaining insights as to why we respond to various situations…… but we can overdo it to the point of sifting through every speck of dirt which is very taxing and self defeating …….look…..accept…. learn…..go on ttucro  

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The Ultimate Self Betrayal

The ultimate self betrayal is the conclusion that God isn’t a necessary part of a successful life…… good luck…… ttucro

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The Ultimate Goals….

……learning compassion…..learning forgiveness ttucro

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Human Nature

We are always looking for a soft place to land…. ttucro

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Sign Language

Everyone uses it…….and some are much better interpreting  it…..then others….. pay attention everyone is always talking and some use words….. Ttucro

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Wishing Well

the “ wishing well”……is rarely effective without a push from me…… thought without action remains a “dream”……. Ttucro

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Tight Lips

If you can’t talk about it…… owns you…..ttucro

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Even the ocean……has a shore………ttucro

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Reason vs. Justification

There are reasons for everything……. However that isn’t always justification……. Ttucro

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Few degrees either way……

Your personal mindset……..your longitude and latitude …………..a few degrees left or right…….determine the difference between observation and awareness…….or outright laziness…..interesting and comical……at the same time……ttucro

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One is challenged with the task of auditing personal behavior and motivations……and only the courageous will endeavor to do so……. Ttucro

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When ambition stops…….we begin to melt…….. the desire to know more….be more and see more is the fuel that keep the motor running……. Ttucro

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Time is the great arbitrator…….if we wait….ttucro

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Oral Hygiene

Open your mouth as little as possible…….. the world 🌎 will be a better place and you will be happier…ttucro

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Deeper than consciousness………that is the residence of faith…… beyond comprehension…. Ttucro

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The thoughts that counts are the ones that are noble, considerate and reflect a conscious effort to be generous with kindness….  Ttucro

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