
Winners……..are first great losers…. ttucro

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The first step in enlightenment is the realization that there are many things you will never understand …….only accept…..ttucro

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Which one are you?

Some people have it easy……and make it look hard……some people have it hard and make it look easy…..which one are you?

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Enjoy every second of your life……. because time is stomping the hell out of you…… best way not to worry about it…….appreciation…… ttucro

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You Can……if you want to

You can be the happiest person on earth 🌍 right now……if you want to you can appreciate what you have and be grateful for the things you don’t have…..there are reasons you can live everyday like you are embarking on a journey that will change your life…..because you are….. if…..…

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The Hardest Lesson

The hardest lesson was accepting how much I needed to unlearn…….ttucro

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Marriage is an agreement between two people who agree to take turns telling each other what to do…..ttucro

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The Smartest People……

The smartest people are very humble……. Because they realize how much they don’t know…… ttucro

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The Lemon Lesson

Ever see a child tasting a lemon….contorted face…..head shaking violently……and after a few seconds……tastes it again …… and repeats the action over and over…….sound familiar…… some learn……some never do……’s your lemon The Lesson of the Lesson ttucro

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You know…….

You know the difference between right and wrong… You know when you are off balance……. You know when you are doing your best…..and you know when you are coasting……. You know what you need to do and what is none of your business……. Do what you want…… but don’t say…

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A little more…..

Just because you have a drivers permit doesn’t mean you know how to drive…… just because you have a fishing pole doesn’t mean you know how to fish….. just because you can talk doesn’t mean you know how to communicate….. just because you have a heart ❤️ doesn’t mean you…

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What a task that lies ahead of me……to tread lightly through this world 🌎 …..lambent

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Hermits are Rare

The reason hermits are rare…….. because the average person can’t handle short periods of time without being recognized and accepted……much less  years or a Lifetime……hermits deserve much respect at least on one level…..they have accepted themselves…… ttucro

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Life…..the Art of Dying

Sounds morbid at first…… but the fact is we inch closer to death with each breath….should only be unnerving if we don’t feel we are utilizing that breath to grow and experience life to the fullest….a fundamental facet in a purposeful and productive life must include giving……. Of what resources…

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Grateful for the Ancient Voices

The Ancient Voices sing to me an offer hope and peace……reminding me that what I sow I am also surely to reap… these seeds I scatter must be free  of guilt and shame …….empowered by the love I have received……I send it forth again…. ttucro

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For Me….. but your invited

I write for me …. But your are invited to read … get a glimpse of what’s inside of me…..because before I can relate to you I have to understand me…..and more is revealed when I write about what I see and feel …….and then have the courage and wisdom…

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Rilke lives ……

My favorite Poet was a German nobleman who stepped away from that life to explore the lives of others from all of society… write about those who are impoverished… must become poor ….. he could write about elitism he knew that life and both embraced it and rejected it as…

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Exalted Minds

Exalted minds don’t think they’re unusual……it’s their norm……Ttucro

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I stopped digging for the truth and found it all around me……..nothing worth knowing will be revealed to me until I am ready to accept it…..ex-miner ttucro

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The art of balance determines how high your mountains are and how low your valleys……balance is knowing how to separate distractions from important……good luck…..your life depends on it ttucro

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Irritating but true……..

Life…….is not about circumstances……’s about choices……. Those choices are predicated by your attitude….and your attitude is determined by your perspective………. What you see… ultimately what you get…….irritating….but true ttucro

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IT’s Right Here…..

All my problems are right here…… not over there…..not you…not them……me Me is the reason for all the calamity I. My life… that will stop when I stop blaming you and realize it’s Me.. ttucro

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Coming to Accept that I Often Lie to Myself

I have often masqueraded my hatred as concerns…. Concern allows for discussion…….concern seeks resolution rather than confrontation ……whereas hatred prejudges and places people and things in groups if they exhibit or I interpret them to exhibit similarities……. Hates hurts me…….and shuts doors and minds It is far easier to judge…

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You Can’t Hide It…….and You Shouldn’t

Anger.     Right or wrong if it’s there….talk about it ……walk it out….. think it out and put it in one of two boxes…..warranted….or unfounded…..but don’t act like it isn’t there……it will kill…..and you first! ttucro

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Just Like Everyone Else

I can be a genius at times…..and a dolt at the drop of a hat…….just like everyone else I can be thoughtful and courageous at times……and vengeful and arrogant at times…..just like everyone else I can feel like l am stepping higher and broadening my understanding…..and the next moment struggle…

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You become old when you forget what it is like to be young…. Ttucro

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Trust Enough …….

I trusted you wholeheartedly…..until I grew old enough and was corrupted enough to know you struggle with yourself just like everyone else……but overall I know you love and care for me …….and that allows me to trust……..enough ttucro

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Education begins when a person acknowledges their  lack of knowledge……Ttucro

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Corrected Vision

The God in me sees the God in you…. Ttucro

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My Greatest Challenge

Getting over myself….

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