Mental Weeds

Thoughts are fleeting moments…….until we feed them or weed them…….much as we would like to think they are harmless…… they influence our actions…….liken them to a splinter…….very small yet they can produce great amounts of pain. your thoughts have power….choose wisely ttucro

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Abandon all hope of purity……..humanity took care of that……but don’t use that as an excuse……. Not to strive for perfection ttucro

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The things I most cherish o one knows anything about…….. Ttucro

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One is successful……..if they live consciously and aware that their life is a gift……. To be used to the benefit of the world and people that they come in contact with everyday….and live in such a manner to reflect that……. ttuco

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Spirituality gives us the ability to be certain in our uncertainty…… we don’t know what is going to happen….. but we know if will be okay ttucro

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Dream Snatcher’s

They come in all shapes….colors and sizes…. They have little motivation and less self awareness and respect…… they are “Dream Snatcher’s”……they are jealous of your plans…..and they will keep you from your dreams……so your success won’t make them feel less than……they are poison……beware of their kind words and fake smile………

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Tomorrow……can wait

Over there 👉 is a distraction……the focus is here….here and now is where I live……tomorrow doesn’t exist……Ttucro

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Appropriate Attire

One is inappropriately dressed……unless accompanied with a smile 😊…… a light with heart ❤️ ttucro

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The Right Driver

If you want the ride of your life…..let the God of your understanding drive…… ttucro

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Mountain Mover

Sometimes we don’t need to move a mountain…..we just need to go around it…….. ttucro

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Houston……there’s a problem

The trouble with the statement “I’m only human”……is nobody just wants to be human…..never satisfied ttucro

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When I am aware and grateful for the gift of life and its many wonders… soul levitates and I get just a little bit closer to a peace that is impossible to describe……Nirvana ttucro

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Successful People

Successful people don’t look for opportunities……they make them..  …..ttucro

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Frequent Flyer

How high you can fly depends on how hard you flap your wings…… ttucro

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Never Ending Poem

Life is a never ending poem that we add verses to everyday……..some days are smooth and lyrical…..other harsh and stormy ⛈️…… most glide uphill and downhill…….leaving us to pedal a little more as the days inclines come and go….. your life’s poetry…….Ttucro

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When we are gifted with a chance to see beyond the seen…… we are overwhelmed with the assurance that there is always more to be revealed…… look closely for a glimpse of the other side……..ttucro

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Begins when I turn a leaf 🍁 over and see……a world 🌎 that was until then hidden from me…..causing me to suspect…there is always more than meets the eye…..sometimes one just needs to pry…just a bit……and find things that would have easily passed by……. right before my eyes ttucro

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The gift of life regardless of its trials and tribulations…….is a momentous blessing….remember situations and people come and go but the gift of life remains……a new canvas to paint anyway we like……everyday Receive and enjoy the gift 🎁

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Everyone you meet is struggling with an issue……you know nothing about……..practice compassion…..ttucro

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Dump the trash

Every day set aside everything you think you know and be open to learn something new……..dump your trash……Ttucro

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Only one regret…….

I regret ever listening to people who knew what was right for me ……. follow no one and make your own path…..ttucro

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Highsight……is a great tool to access in the learning process…….reflection is very valuable….. just don’t use it as a weapon against yourself…….time has already charged your account for the bad choices you made……..ttucro

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The Deepest Well

The deepest well is one’s soul ……that is bottomless……Ttucro

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There is always more……

The human mind can only grasp but so much initially……..take the time to re-examine and you will not be disappointed what you find…that you missed the first time….Ttucro

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Expectations…….often obscure things and situations that are actually better than we anticipated……Ttucro

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The Point of No Return

The point of no return is always a blessing….either it will culminate into a positive……or negative end in which case you can be happy you made the choice…..or start over and be grateful for the lessons that were learned….. ttucro

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Levels of Maturity

You will reach another level of maturity…when you are grateful you were wrong……. ttucro

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You will never find yourself until you surrender your self will….. ttucro

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It’s not a flood….

A few drops of rain 🌧️…..isn’t a flood…. ttucro

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Just for you…..

A Prayer:   May the experiences of your life be welcomed or endured as the case may be…..knowing that what is before you is part of a plan to mold and shape you to enjoy a journey designed just for you….take off with that in mind….. ttucro

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