Isn’t Required

Understanding isn’t a requirement ……to accept…..helps but not a requirement…….more will be revealed…….ttucro

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Hidden Treasure

Most knowledge must be uncovered……it is there but it requires some digging……in the doing comes the knowing……. ttucro

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Missionary Prayer

God may I speak in love…..those things You need me to say……. God may I offer what You have graciously given….. May I receive what You wish me to partake……. May I love with the certainty that You are always replenishing……. p.s.  we are all on a mission…….thus we are…

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You’ll Change Your Mind

You’ll change your mind a thousand times and end up at the same place you began ttucro

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My Greatest Victories

My greatest victories have been in times when I could have easily been ruled by my emotions…….and pushed them aside……. I cherish those moments……ttucro

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Old Children Playing Fire……

Immediately we think about children playing with matches or a lighter…..neither a good choice …….Age may change the face, the height and the shape…….but at times aren’t we  guilty of doing the same thing……perhaps with different instruments……but ending with the same conclusion……fire Ttucro has  

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Careful with your dreams……

Not everyone is comfortable with seeing you succeed…….some of it is envy and some of it is greed… be careful who you share your dreams they may try and block your path…..only a few will encourage you and they are the friends who passed the test….careful with your dreams…….ttucro

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If I don’t feel it……good or hard……(I try to stay away from the word “bad”)…….I didn’t get it…..what I was supposed to learn……ttucro

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Most Productive Action

Often the most productive action is being still. The million or so steps I have wasted being in a hurry……in the wrong direction. Easy does it well… ttucro

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Thorny Dreams

Dreams that you never act on…….become thorns in your side….better to try and fail…..than not to try at all……Ttucro

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At 69 years old I am confronted with the reality that I have learned much about myself…….but realize that much is like the oceans……yet to be explored……ttucro

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Game Changer

Confronted with a situation I would rather not be in ……first have I accepted reality ?………what is the best attitude to approach the issue?   The answer to these questions will determine the outcome….. Game Changer…………. ttucro

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I planted you along the road… spread your wings and grow big and tall…..every year through rain and snow you weathered the storms and continued to grow. The years have passed like water in a stream and I love to sit beneath your wings to read a book or ponder…

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It’s over……just beginning

I heard a bird……. It called my name……over and over…..again and again…….as I got closer it changed its tune…..and begin to sing…..”you will not past this way again…this moment is gone …..and another begins…..this moment is gone and another begins…..And flew away This moment is gone and another begins……choose wisely

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Face It….

You will never totally know nor understand another person…….you can live with them for years……and along the way they will do something that is totally out of character……at least the character you thought you knew…… will never meet another person that isn’t hiding something…….face it ttucro

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You never spoke a word….. but your feelings were voiced loud and clear by the fire in your eyes and the distortion in your face that found no rest……

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It all the time….

Grounded……on firm footing is an admirable trait…..just not all the time…….you’ll be boring…… ttucro

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They are the Judge… you don’t have to be

People make their own decisions and judgements…..therefore they pass outcomes and situations on themselves……stating the facts doesn’t make you a judge or a better person…….perhaps a bit smarter…….I’m just saying ttucro

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Don’t kid yourself…..practice doesn’t make perfect… makes better…. ttucro

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Don’t buy it…..if it’s not worth it

Don’t buy the unspoken lies and disrespect…….they aren’t worth it Don’t purchase the negative propositions that don’t taste or smell right…… there’s a reason Put trash were it belongs in the trash can……don’t wrap it up and pretend it’s something else….it’s still trash Don’t invest in anything that doesn’t grow…

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Don’t tell what I can’t do……..and when I start to believe it…….I’ll catch myself and say….”that’s a lie”…….I can do what I’m willing to work for “ ttucro

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The Art of Suffering

I posed this question to a friend that was terminally ill…….”I know you are in a great deal of pain…. Yet you look radiant and at perfect peace…. How is that possible”……. her reply… “ I have lived an abundant and fulfilling life…..this time is given to me to reflect…

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Knowledge Acquired

  The ability to make good decisions is equally important as the wisdom to make them…….ttucro

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If you will diligently seek……you will always find …… but be prepared to accept it often isn’t what you expected….. ttucro

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Set them aside….

Everyone over the age of twenty- five should set aside at least half of what they believe and reevaluate those beliefs because they were based on someone else’s fears….  Ttucro

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History Maker

Everyday i change the course of history……. By being kind and positive…….we all have that power…. Ttucro of

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Hard Pill to Swallow…..#453.2

What we say should be about truth and relevance……void of opinion or prejudice…..remember…..people will ask for your opinion if they want it …… don’t offer it……and don’t give it…. Some love to bait others into discourse that serve no purpose and change nothing….. they love to hear the sound of…

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Face it……to one degree or another we all are “Shysters”…..ttucro

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My plan was to do little today ………and I did it i wasn’t going to start any projects today…..and I didn’t I wasn’t going to make any promises ….and I didn’t I wasn’t going to try and make someone happy…..that doesn’t want to be …….and I didn’t Hmmmmm….didn’t expect this…

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Good Intentions……worthless

I wrote a song for you……..but I never sing it I bought a gift for you…… but I forgot to bring it I said I would pray for you…….. but I didn’t pray it But I think about you all the time…….… Good intentions…………Worthless

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