Solo Dance

Hurts to take the first few steps……shuffling cinder blocks ….but the spirit inside refuses to hide and one goes on…….the arms start to raise and something like a daze engulfs your distorted, confused mind…… but you refuse to give in and sway and spin…..tears cascading and snot dripping from your…

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The Arithmetic of Life

The Arithmetic of life doesn’t always add up……… but it does…..always even out….. ttucro

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Stumping You Toe…….the threshing floor

The times we stumbled garnered bruised toes and damaged ego’s but retracing those steps are where we glean valuable insights from the threshing floor of life…… take it all in stride……especially the missteps ttucro

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The lingering pain of impulsiveness

The pains of impulsive decisions pass slower than an ant walking a mile… the benefits of waiting till a full picture can be viewed are only outweighed by the willingness to see what other options are available …….nothing can overwhelm a person in control of their emotions….wait….I say until the…

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Spiritual Gauge

You are spiritually stable when life’s challenges move you little off the beam…..spiritual fitness doesn’t prevent life’s issues… guides us through them…… pray on ttucro

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Happiness is simple……..make the choice everyday and every minute……. Circumstances are irrelevant…… ttucro

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When the pain gets to great

We place a blindfold on when it hurts too much to see …..and take it off when we we start seeing we are losing ourselves… ttucro

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Understanding vs. Acceptance

Never let understanding get in the way of acceptance……trust that more will be revealed when it’s time……ttucro  

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When the pain gets great enough….

I was sitting on a porch with a friend when his hound joined us basking in the morning sun… we spoke every so often the dog would whimper….. laughing I finally asked my friend what was going on with his dog…..Smithers replied……” that’s his favorite spot…..the weather has caused a…

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This daydream found me drifting so I put it on a raft….as the current quickened I boarded the vessel myself…. leaving all my burdens and entanglements on the distant shore I became part of the river and my spirit began to soar… I was about to join the geese as…

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How deep is that well ?

Throwing a rock over the rim I listen for it to make contact with the water……. It hits and the splash echoes and by the time it reaches me it is just above a whisper……. makes me think of my emotions and I realize that I’m waiting for the rock…

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The Kite

The kite broke away and it made me sad but as I watched it soar something changed…… something inside me broke loose from its moorings and joined the kite as it climbed……and as it disappeared into the clouds I felt lighter deep inside ……strange how something in my soul had…

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The Wisdom to Know the Difference

Change the things I can……..I can change …… but am I changing for the better or am I changing because it’s easier? What is my goal and what is my motivation… I too lazy or just burnt out? Am I running to or running from? What would God say…….I’m waiting…

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The Mule Died

The mule died after we plowed…… he ate and drank and I watched him sleep,,,,,, his legs were moving in a slow steady gait and I felt he was happy and finally at peace……I remember that day when I till in the rain and I see his face and I…

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One Tire in the Ditch

One tire in the ditch……. But you don’t want to quit so you keep on driving….. you put more pressure on the petal and that brings the end around and now two are in……you don’t hesitate you put the petal to the floor and the rear end hits the bank…

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King or Queen ?

The larger your crown the more uncomfortable it is to sit on……. TTUCRO

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No Limits Living

The adoption of the the “No Limits Life “ opens the doors to unrestricted an unlimited experiences….is there any other way to really learn and grow……I think not….. give life your best shot…….ttucro

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No Average Days

Embracing the philosophy that the gift of life is magical in itself…….is the attitude which prevents “no average days”……. Ttucro

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Excuses…. are attempts to justify why we were wrong.. ttucro

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The least effective way to communicate is with your Mouth TTucro

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Self Realization

I cannot breathe for you i cannot cry you tears I cannot endorse your ignorance with silence I cannot explain to you, what you resist I cannot answers questions that you have no interest in learning about… ask to challenge not to understand I cannot contaminate my soul by participating…

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Soul Surgery

Occasionally……and/or at least once in life… is faced with the decision to lose self or everything else…..the strong choose self…..the rest are absorbed into the lives of others. The task at hand is to serve without losing sense of self…….that isn’t selfish…..rather authentic Ttucro

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You can witness many things in life without becoming involved in them …… tread lightly and only enter the doors that you know what’s behind them…..ttucro

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Let the dust settle….

When things are up in the air…….wait till the dust settles before you proceed… you can see where you are going…… ttucro

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At times we all are weeds in God’s garden……ttucro

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Never goes away……

The ongoing challenge for all humans……is the willingness to be honest with ourselves…… ttucro

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Call it what it is……a gift

The tides of change continue to roll and I have learned to ride them without assigning a tag or label as identification or preference…… they are what they are……sweet and flowing…..or arduous and trying……they are given to me to experience and learn from…….they are all gifts that I am grateful…

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Every Now and Then

Every now and then I dismiss all the clutter and distractions that encamp in my head and return to the overwhelming…….overriding all the issues is the magnificent earth we inhabit……. Take time to marvel at the creation it is a great reminder that we aren’t in charge…… get over it…

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Sometimes it’s hard to tell……so give anyway

Sometimes we give to our detriment and sometimes to others detriment……we make the best decisions we can through meditation and prayer…..and ere anyway…… but I would rather walk on the side of the fence marked…..”tried with good intentions “ ttucro

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The Scary Part……

Of living an untruth is you never know when it will end……. But you are certain it won’t be good Ttucro

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