Born Twisted
Stopped asking why…….. an accepted it stopped blaming others..…owned my part Shifted my self centered mind to empathy and concern for others realizing that my willingness to help others……healed me born a little twisted……but I’m starting to unwind ttucro
Read MoreMore than enough…..
What is the best use of abundance? Sharing……sharing the overflow keeps the exchange in correct proportions…… I cannot give unless I receive……I cannot receive unless I give…..cliff notes for a simple and abundant life……. I cannot out give the source…..never happen we are never given anything that isn’t meant to…
Read MoreJust so you know
I wasn’t expecting anything……I suppose that’s what made it special I listened to what you said and your words were clear….I suppose that’s what makes it special I think that investment we made will pay off handsomely…..I suppose that’s what made it special Just to be clear….just so you know…
Read MoreKeep Stirring It Up
I think the best plan is to keep things stirred up….…never let the dust settle and when it does pray for a gust of wind…..keeps the air moving and keeps things from getting stale. never let the dust settle ttucro
Read MoreCalculated Risk
I knew when I started climbing this tree it would be a hard climb……why did I place the rope and start climbing……..I wanted to see what was at the top so I took a calculated risk once you have attempted a difficult climb…..the rewards are overwhelming whether you make it…
Read MoreSorry you didn’t get you way
I can’t explain why some are saved and some fall through the cracks…..I don’t know I cannot offer reasons to make sense out of things that don’t make sense…..I don’t know I hear the pain and pain an anger because God didn’t do it your way and you want answers…
Read MoreOf course you did……
Under duress you gave in and listened to your heart instead of you head…….of course you did despite clear indications that the opposing troops could muster for many skirmishes…….you considered going along for the ride anyway…..of course you did…… pile on all the logic the finest lawyers could present and…
Read MoreI found it.. …..F.O.Y
Yep after all these miles and all these half hearted smiles…….I found it…. the restorative elixir of life …..most unsettling part of the find…..I had it all along……. the F.O.Y. aka the Fountain Of Youth is in one’s mind and the thoughts you think and the actions you take……invigorate…
Read MoreHealthy Addiction
Yep, from destructive addiction to healthy addiction…….what a shift in one’s sails and relinquishing control of the rudder will do for the direction of one’s life. I am in it……not around it…..not testing the waters.. Immersed and breathing well Addicted to life and looking forward to my next fix of…
Read MoreMimosa Tree
I think I will go sit under the Mimosa Tree and recall the things my grandmother would say to me the gist is this……. ”life is the way it’s supposed to be… help me see what I need to see……to help me learn and to help me grow…….I can complain…
Read MoreQuality not Quantity
Better to understand a few tenets of life …… than to know many marginally it isn’t the volume of knowledge that we gather… is the understanding of that knowledge I am the product of my response to the difficulties and blessings in my life Grateful Father that both sides of…
Read MoreGrab it before it falls
Not a stargazer…….star snatcher……when it shines on you take it ……..knowing that it has to be shared to realize its full potential…and when it shows signs of waning…….you recharge it by gratitude Star snatcher…….one is waiting for you grab it. ttucro
Read MoreProbably won’t graduate…… but I’m learning
Just been informed that although I have spent 69 years in this course of study…….safe to say I’m not going to graduate……and advanced degrees are out of the question my professors have encouraged me to set that aside and reach for the wisdom and leave citations to hunters and fishermen……
Read MoreDown the Road…….doesn’t exist
Wow…..can you really see that far?….. down the road That road doesn’t exist……why it’s still being built yesterday…….today and tomorrow….. but for now it doesn’t exist planning for tomorrow is acceptable as long as one is willing to admit……we are just making suggestions…….any further than that is iffy at best…..we…
Read MoreSecond Wind
You rattled my cage and I finally fell out…….overwhelmed and gasping for air…….I caught my second wind………. I hit the ground running trying to catch up with the life I remembered from long ago……but soon tired and resolved to start over instead of trying to recoup …. Voices said is…
Read MorePaint by numbers ……. Your numbers
The authentic life doesn’t always feel right……but there is an overall sense you know what you are doing…….. be prepared to be confronted with people looking for explanations…..where there are none Against the grain isn’t a sought after position … feels uncomfortable and seeking such a place would be an…
Read MoreMissing something…….not hard to find
That uncertainty and disjointed feeling perhaps is a clue…… when everything in your life is good but something is missing……when the feeling of incompleteness isn’t rational by all outward appearances…… when that person you have been seeking appears…..but somehow bewildered you say what gives……. that hole in your soul cannot…
Read MoreScotchgard
The lessons I’ve learned finally coming in hand to avoid many of the pitfalls I have previously found myself in……. a protectant I spray on my life so that most of the chaos doesn’t get in and if I am wise…… I apply it periodically over and over again….. Scotchgard…
Read MoreBallerina’s Fart
Twirling…..whirling……like a leaf 🍃 in the wind….You saunter through the doorway Dressed in the latest trend…. Confident and composed with a strut in your stride…. before the show continues……a friendly reminder Even ballerina’s fart ttucro
Read MoreNot Asking
Went for a long time asking strangers for advice and permission to live……. Forever fighting for my visa to be renewed I languish when I think of the false comfort I took in the form of worn out cliches and wide tight lipped smiles not asking anymore…… declaring I am…
Read MoreI doubt it……
If you have never been out of control……. I doubt you have ever been in love… ttucro
Read MoreA twist of fate
Enter the labyrinth and divvy up the cards low man gets to pick his turn and the rest fall in numerical order After a few minutes we hear laughter and inquire as to his exuberance He responds……. “ I had planned to stick it out and prepare for the long…
Read MorePlaying in the Rain
Bottom feel out and no place to go so I went out and played in the rain so much emotion and the check valve blew covering someone I barely knew so I went out and played in the rain the remembrance that I have been through tough times before…….unfolded my…
Read MoreGreatest Victory
There is no greater victory than to loose one’s freedom through war….. alcohol or drugs or society and to have it restored by sacrifice and commitment. ttucro
Read MoreAlways a student
If you’re not keen on taking tests……better get over it…….if you care about maximizing your life you will be tested…….. best to take notes ttucro
Read MoreAgainst all odds……good place to be
I am betting I get my wish…….I deserve it for I am willing to give more than what I asked for I have received the confirmation that a plan had already been devised but it was temporary suspended because i kept getting in the way Reprimanded ……..I accept the cost…..more…
Read MoreWounded Bird
I’m trying wounded bird to be patient with you but it’s hard i hear your laments and your excuses and they are wearing a bit thin I understand you need to vent…… but it feels like a wind tunnel test chamber and it being directed at me full force that’s…
Read MoreWhen the rains come
Often when the storm comes there is little warning One must be prepared at all times…… get the hell out of the way and follow Gods instructions the hardest part isn’t the doing it’s the listening the average man can pull himself together enough to plug the holes….patch the roof…
Read MoreSong in Your Heart ❤️
The hiker rose from his sleep and said hello to the day. Securing his bedroll he gathered the few pieces of equipment and began walking the trail to his destination. The fall season was his favorite time to stroll through these majestic mountains. Then as appreciation for God’s handiwork grew…
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