Turn the page

Linger not in yesterday for it is far away…..occasionally take time to reflect in order to correct those things that neglect the person you aspire to be. Live boldly in today with God’s Hand Leading the Way….  I say the Mountain is in your mind ttucro

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Don’t go the easy way……..

I dare say…….don’t go the easy way……choose a life that’s hard…..in it you will find rewards…… for every time you fail or fall……every scrape and bump…. Will leave a little pride….because you survived….. and in the end you will see……that a live lived without a fair amount of pain has…

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Someone/ Somewhere

I wrote a song for you…….but you will never hear it I painted a picture for you …but you will never see it i dreamed a dream about you…but you weren’t in it because until our paths cross…. You don’t exist someone…….somewhere ttucro

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Power in the Blood

Never underestimate the power of likeminded people pulling together…..many hands make a lightened load and they also lift and encourage one another……brothers and sisters joined together are indeed a force to be reckoned with………Power in the Blood……ttucro

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The Ducks Have It

Most people don’t think before they speak….. just reality….   So if you tend to be on the sensitive side you are already handicapped……. the trick is to let most of it roll off …….don’t hold them accountable for something they have given little thought to…… Accept that people are…

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What do you see……

When I look at myself I see the effects of too many deserts and too much time trying to place myself in favorable circumstances…..instead of accepting things as they are…….I am not a looker….never have been…….at the peak of my physical appearance I would say I was formidable and a…

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Tho’ not your name……you bear the resemblance of the former Hollywood Icon……obviously of some Irish dissent your fair skin reacted well to the end of summer sun…..adding a touch of blush to your cheeks…….. You exude the essence of the “Southern Belle” and your accent compliments the air of confidence…

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The Art of Walking on Air

The leap of faith need not be great, often a mere step……. but the confidence begins as as the world spins the cares of this world drift away….. when reality is reached with a frown and clenched teeth we decide we we’re wasting away…… by trying to fix things that…

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The Double Edged Sword……

Love is a double edged sword……..exhilarating at times and sometimes exhausting…….. so we walk the edge carefully……..the ability to control our emotions and tongue make the walk seem less and less formidable as we learn most of what is said……isn’t worth the vowels to produce it…. The art of love…

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Hate……to costly

No matter the infraction……no matter the pain…..I have no desire nor justification to let hate enter in…..the price is to high ttucro

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There’s A Soul in That Hole

There’s a soul in that hole……but I can’t reach him i can’t fathom the thought of walking away you and I can find a way together to help our troubled brother so you took off your belt and asked for mine and fashioned a lead that was short but strong…

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There’s a boat leaving in the wee hours of the night and I plan to be in it……walking on the wharf I spot the vessel and walk the plank…..rising and falling with its sway……the Captain motions his hand and I am cleared for passage. I am a known stowaway and…

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Only the Bravest

I’m of the opinion in the last quarter of my life that only the bravest of the brave live truly authentic lives. Few of us have the integrity or the wherewithal to go against the grain at times in an effort to remain true to ourselves. Often we are more…

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Old Poet

I do not write for you….nor do I write for myself…..I write because that’s who I am……old poet ttucro

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I lay myself prostrate on the magic carpet of life…. Releasing the notion I know what I need……much less what I want ….in favor of the cornucopia that the cosmos brings ….and pray for the wisdom and patience to savor every bite and every drop…… bring it on……..Aladdin waits……I have…

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The Loudness….of Silence

The Leviathan that is reluctantly leaving……..is dragging his feet…….and in the silence you hear the thunderous grunts of defiance…….screaming, “ I am going but you will bare the scars of my presence for a long time”……… laughing in a cascade of “boom, boom, boom,” that accompanies the retreating…….. He might…

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The Candle in Your Eyes /for Miracle Jen

Doesn’t take long to see the light from the candles in your eyes…..that light fueled by a caring compassionate heart that finds opportunities to heal….born to be a teacher and healer…..and acknowledged as such…… impressional people are impressed with impressive people…….especially when they are humble shine on ttucro

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Shedding the Weight of Time

Time is experience and experience induces memories that either consume us or are filed away for occasional reference and reflection….. the ones that continue to consume us thwart the experience of new experiences and barricade us from the present……. they are a problem and need to be dealt with……anything that…

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Solar Power by Liz

One brings the power of the sun into their lives in many ways……smiles…..kindness…..compassion and concern……generating an atmosphere of gratitude for the many possibilities and potential of life…… the art of wearing the sun comes by learning to wear it on one’s heart thanks for teaching……..L

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After the Anger

When the pain and hurt of disappointment ease and the weight slowly dissipates from you mentally and physically…….. you question was it really worth carrying…… People do and say things driven by emotion and fear…..we hurt when we hurt and if we have learned anything……. we heal when we heal…

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The Wanderer

There is no cure for the wanderer……. Not family…. Not friends……Not even fear can constrict for so long… the end of the page is the beginning of another and time aka life will find him yearning for a different angle of the sun….a bluer ocean ……and of course the trees…

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The wind began howling and the trees started to bend / the rain fell like rockets and the drops hurt my skin ….. but the worst thing about it……the weather was within……. the worst thing about it…..the weather was within ttucro

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Flying through a hurricane

You focus on what’s in front of you……you know there. is debris swirling around you but you have to pass through what’s in front of you…..hesitation is costly and unknown particles plummet your craft…..full throttle and glints of sunlight appear on the horizon…… surveying you wings they are cluttered with…

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Careful with heart ❤️

A good place to start is to be careful with your heart and hold the reins tight when it wants to run  on unfamiliar trail….. the desire to seek must be tempered with restraint or you will find yourself on your way to a fall…… put the bridle in your…

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It does happen…….for the Gypsy

One moment from now your world could change like sweeping hands of the clock……life will forever amaze us……if we aren’t to busy to stop 🛑 life happens all around us and most never even know…… squeeze the nectar from the fruit… it is there ttucro

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There are few things as beautiful as the stirring of the heart….. but there is one…. The fulfillment ttucro

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Don’t kid yourself

Whatever you think you are…. whomever you think you are…… take it back about 10 notches….. that’s who you really are…… ttucro

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Yesterday’s Worries

Yesterday’s Worries don’t belong in today…..so when they try to slip in I send them away…….and guard today against tomorrow trying to push me through today…..so right here right now is the perfect place for me…..stay in today… ttucro  

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Don’t need a little more…….

I don’t need a little more…….thinking so would only spoil……. What has graciously been given to me…..so I pause to say thanks for enough for today with leftovers to share with those who have yet to see that what I have……can be given to thee…..if you ask tucro

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There is a place where I can go and in the silence reflect and grow…..a place no one else can go….my sanctuary Matters not the conditions… nor day…..I can effortlessly slip away and leave the distractions of the day …..my sanctuary Has given me the opportunity to understand what few…

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