Compared to What?
Comparison is a valuable exercise if one realizes that similarities may emerge…….. but that was then and this is now……. Referring to past experiences gives insight but should be used as a tool to determine appropriate responses…….but there are no duplicates……. Each segment of our lives are unique and stand…
Read MoreAlways a student
A good teacher is always learning………ttucro
Read MoreJust Walk it……
Ok………for the benefit of a doubt…..let’s say half of what you said is true…… I need to see you walk it Promises are only as good as the person making them ……you are in the probationary period……. I need to see you walk it What we don’t know is the…
Read MoreWants before needs
When I put my wants before your needs….. trouble always follows me I wonder why this is happening to me…..when it’s not about you it’s all about me……. I think that’s called…”selfish” ttucro
Read MoreFinding David
I was hoping you could take me there self-discovery and self realization but no short cuts here….. I have to do the work the hardest part for me is the waiting waiting for guidance……waiting for understanding and being led instead of trying to lead I’m looking for the man inside…
Read MoreObvious
You would think obvious and direct would be welcomed ……… scares the hell out of people “ I don’t understand…… are saying this is what you want and what you’re willing to give to receive it…….that’s a little too direct…….that’s not how the game is played…” Exactly…. too complicated for…
Read MoreOut of Balance
When your physical needs outweigh your spiritual needs……. you are out of balance……… jus saying ttucro
Read MoreGamblers Code
Never …….., never……..never gamble with things you aren’t prepared to lose…. . ttucro
Read MorePlain to See
Pretty plain to see….. I’ve got something for you You have something for me We all have an intrinsic need…… to have someone to share our dreams The result is something familiar…..but new The combining of two dreams……… become one……. ttucro
Read MoreUnderlying thread
Perhaps the best life we can live must be supported and held together by an underlying thread….. love ttucro
Read MoreEyes Wide Open……please
Don’t pretend I’m your friend……unless I act like one……. Don’t hesitate to ask for the information that helps you feel respected and valued…….if it makes you feel uncomfortable…….stop……and get it straight and clear or disengage…….wrapped up in one’s feelings is dangerous……and throwing caution to the wind is akin to urinating…
Read MoreChurch of the Misguided Souls
Come on in…… welcome to the “ Church of the Misguided Souls”……..we meet every day of the year and please introduce yourself by your first name….full name if you are comfortable we already know your story…….many of us have similar experiences… if it’s okay with you we would like to…
Read MoreNeedless to say……
What a minute……we have all these words that conjure all sorts of conceptions and misconceptions….so use them…….wisely Stop pushing yourself or others to respond……speaking after thoughtful contemplation usually produces good communication…… a dominant portion of the words we present are in fact……… needless to say —————————————————————————— join the war against…
Read MoreEat your cake……you made it ….fraud
Whatever we profess to be…..we aren’t….at least to the extent we think we are what need would there be for such proclamations…..we simply would walk out our beliefs and that would be our faith our feet and our hands would speak and our lips are closed my aspirations are a…
Read MoreThat was kind…..
Kindness has many forms and the tendency is to focus on the marshmallow fluffy ones but they are received fast and gone almost as quick But the forms that take on tough subjects and test the mettle of the giver and receiver are the difference makers…….. they are given because…
Read MoreWrite the caption…….
What would the caption say below a picture of your life……. okay …….. I’ll go first “ a bumpy and scenic ride” ttucro
Read MoreSense of belonging
Either you have it or you don’t…….no grey areas here All animals crave a sense of belonging to a herd….pack……or group… is genetically engineered in each of us To feel a part of something makes us feel protected and appreciated….. Usually attained by showing interest in that particular thing or…
Read MoreCarry the Light
Carry the light……keep it in your eyes….without words, you can give it away The moment it lands…… frowns turn into grins and a noticeable spring has quickened in the receiver’s steps there is power in thought and it can provide a spark to relight a dark and foreboding day carry…
Read MoreGenius……..not
Everything I do is genius…….until it doesn’t work ttucro
Read MoreRobots
People that are always in control of their emotions…..scare me Something inside of them is dead……. I am not a robot……I hurt…..,I feel…..I get overwhelmed…….I cry…..I laugh……and if something touches my heart it shows i try to leave trivial out of this process….. but things that mean something……matter to me…..beyond…
Read MorePull the Reins
I’m pulling the reins little heart your running to fast we have discussed this before and you promised you would relax but I understand what you are trying to do……but you have to accept…….it always takes two So hurrying the process is a bad use of your time…..accepting that is…
Read MoreThe Great Dilemma
Walking the tightrope of being older……..with a young heart……. Humbling to say the least……….if you know what I mean……. Good luck on the high wire…….you are going to fall good luck in your recovery ttucro
Read MoreBe yourself……that’s challenging enough
Once I made the mistake of “pretend” and I lost the essence of who I am and after much complaint I managed to regain that which I had lost and trying to become extraordinarily for someone else …..I became ordinary and usual being everything to everyone isn’t possible…..but I will…
Read MoreTell and Show
Tell me those things that have become intricate parts of your life that you cannot live without….. Then please show me how to have them ttucro
Read MoreBuyer’s Remorse
“Damn ………….hope I did the right thing”…….catching backup to reality……I sense the second thoughts syndrome spinning and spamming you bought into the picturesque description of the possibilities……. That are indeed there…. Time will flush out the grouse if the are hiding in brush……it’s just hard to see everything when you…
Read MoreUntil it’s gone…….
Little by little the things that become ordinary slowly slip away… sand through a hourglass the connection of touch becomes random at best and rarely intentional and you don’t even realize it… just get numb and complacent…. watching a young couple in the gym struggle to keep their hands off…
Read MoreI kissed the sky…..
Feeling my oats……I decided to try……so I gathered myself and kissed the sky Her response…’was wondering what took you long…..the only things you cannot do …..are the limits you place on you… anytime you want to try……remember you kissed the sky” yes I did ….and will again ttucro
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