Beautiful Soul displaces everything
External beauty cannot compare with internal beauty……… External is taken with time …… Internal is enhanced with time….. The dig is the light within overshadows the light without……. ttucro
Read MorePerception is Your Reality….. mental snack
Would you rather be bitten by a lamb……… Or Kissed by a snake…… Safe to say most would choose the previous perception is your reality ttucro
Read MoreCan’t put it back
The sand in the hourglass can’t be put back…… won’t do any good to complain or fret…… But one can learn to make it count…..whatever time we have left A well lived life isn’t void of sorrow or pain…..but it is resilient and gets up again learns to treasure the…
Read MoreGood Return on Investment
Doing for others…….I do for me because the rewards are so easy to see ……the smile on your face returns to me and when I do for others I do for me…… what determines the gift of time or money? of course we must consider need…….from every angle ……. –…
Read MoreTurn the Soapbox Over
I am stepping down off my soapbox no one believed the rants anyway…… less talk is more effective and words just got in the way…… so now I’m using it to gather things that will help restore……those in need and suffering….. and let my hands and feet do the talking…
Read MoreA New Story
The old story didn’t suit me……. Mainly because it didn’t include me…… only included the parts of me you were comfortable with ……. you weren’t comfortable with my creativity…… you weren’t comfortable with the truth… you weren’t able to see those closest to you as they are…..that a fair assessment…
Read MoreAfter the fire is gone……
Nothing as cold as ashes after the fire is gone….. starts when you assume…. Instead of asking when you ask you meet with resistance….instead of insisting…… relent and stop asking…. water on the fire You hold no position of respect……you are a part of the plan……as long as you play…
Read MoreNo one knows
No one knows anyone……. You don’t agree…..ok lets talk about ourselves….we show people a doctored version of our thoughts…… because if we told them how we really thought……they might judge us as shaky so our actions and conversations are filtered to fit the image we want others to have of…
Read MoreDisappointed vs. Acceptance
Ok so you have a choice to make and it will color or cover your day…..things didn’t go the way you want ……. Accept it and move on or try to change what already happened…… good luck no one mentioned…..”like” ttucro
Read MoreI Focus on what I Know
The world is constantly changing and it isn’t hard to get confused….. short on explanations…… I focus on what I know The intelligence behind everything we see…..has set these things in motion……. but they weren’t explained to me……. I at times has spent countless hours hoping to understand….but until I…
Read MoreIt’s going to cost you ……..invest wisely
Reactions from you and everything you say is going to cause a response so choose wisely everyday …. as you invest your time and energy into things that matter to you……. the day has only so many hours so think before you choose There will be many crossroads that demand…
Read MoreSignificant Other…..
That Significant Other is exactly that…….someone that stands with you but doesn’t take your crap A different perspective…..a different view…..don’t always agree but learning something new Interaction produces a clearer path…… keeping what is working and shedding what is not One thing that always remains throughout the sunny days and…
Read MoreThe King needed your heart and hands
All the Kings horses and all the Kings men……. Were having a difficult time putting me back together again…… but you heard the calling and you stepped in and He used your heart and He used your hands ………. to put me back together again thanks for listening 👂 ttucro
Read More3 leaf clover
I looked everywhere and much to my surprise…..couldn’t find a 4 leaf clover anywhere…..didn’t matter how long I tried so as I sat against a tree musing about my plight I laughed because I realized the leaf that was missing had been hidden within and my fortune began to change…
Read MoreForget the Wishing Well…’s a shovel
The old man chuckled as he approached the boy as he tossed a coin into the well.. …. ”what is it you desire and perhaps we can form a plan……to achieve your hearts desire ……it may already be in your hands”…. The boy looked puzzled and waited for a reply….…
Read MoreNot the Pilot
I am not the pilot of my heart although I would like to be…….for where it goes often looks confused……and tangled to me… …but the effort I exert to maneuver through the maze…..has always landed me in a place……where I am grateful my heart led the way…. I am not…
Read MoreMy favorite prayer
It’s me Lord…… I know you are near…… please give me a chance to offer a prayer I know you already know what I’m about to say……but I need to hear it and You know my ways… there will always be things that can overwhelm but I have been reluctant…
Read MoreHeartbreaking 101
I didn’t think I enrolled in this class…..but you say I completed the course…. It must have peaked your interest because you are now an alumni as well I personally have no interest in advanced degrees and I hope these lessons have been taught : Best not to gamble with…
Read MoreForgot liking it
It isn’t a matter of preference or choice sometimes you have a say……often you don’t but denying the truth is a guarantee that what you resist is often exactly what you need I wish I could number the times in my walk when what I never wanted…….. became just exactly…
Read MoreSparrows Cry
Out from this darkness in the dead of night The winter winds were testing their wings In the distance faint but clear …..a sparrow cries……” careful where you walk……careful where you walk”…. I paid little attention to the warning it spoke and trudging forward I spied a stream and a…
Read MoreWork with what you draw
Play the numbers that you pick see that’s the trick, stop complaining you were expecting something else because a lump of clay will continue to stay that way until someone puts their hands on the wheel someone has to put their hands on the wheel Play the numbers that you…
Read MoreDon’t be afraid to fly
Your wings are old but they still work……and stopping to rest has its perks so try to keep the wind at your back keep focus on what’s in front of you…… the past is an illusion …….. don’t be afraid to fly ttucro
Read MoreThe Destination…….
Moving…….rolling……packing…..going….but I was amazed to find that the destination I am searching for……is exactly where I stand be where you are…….. before you leave to where you want to go ttucro
Read MorePlease stop throwing rocks at my bus
I am aware that personal experiences dramatically affect how we perceive the world and our spiritual beliefs…… my evidence directs me to beliefs that the God of my understanding has the best plan for me although many times it is not immediately discernible……. I respect others in their journey and…
Read MoreMissed it…….
A gentle breeze passed me by……..I tried to make it stop and justify its reason…….it managed to go around and when it was gone…….I realized what I had been missing……….myself ttucro
Read MorePhysiological Approach
Never met anyone that didn’t have more issues than they thought they did…….. ttucro
Read MorePisses me off…… like it or not
It is a spiritual axiom that when I find something or someone unnerving or unacceptable …… there is something wrong with me ……… pisses me off. but true
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