My Sister……….4 Court
My sister cares for me though we have different Mothers…….she likes the fact I’m a little whacked that’s why she can relate to me she’s matter of fact no doubt about that and she always shoots straight with me…… I never wonder where’s she’s coming from….. pretty plain to see…
Read MoreThe Poet died……..
The Poet died when what you did…….. didn’t match what you said….. the poet died when he realized you didn’t know him and he left the door unlocked and open…… the poet died when he adored you and gave you his heart and you either forgot it’s value or never…
Read MoreShadows walk……
Don’t kid yourself…….. you are never alone… there are shadows and they are hard to see in the daylight and a little easier at night…… shadows walk …. They bend…… they laugh and the cry…….don’t believe it? that funny feeling you get sometimes that someone is walking beside you or…
Read MoreSufficient for me……
I heard your sobs and I saw your tears and the moans that originated from somewhere else….I suppose I will never know your pain of signing your children away……. But your pain was sufficient for me….. You can’t imagine that it was the best thing to do, I’m not a…
Read MoreLeaf……the ballerina
Stopped at a street light …….. the wind lifted you from the road……and you skipped along and pirouetted and twirled….. and I watched a natural ballet unfold. Other leaves surrounded you, circled and strode, but you were the lead and it quickly showed…. I watched as the troupe was driven…
Read MoreTurtle………home is in your heart
Well…… let me see… I suppose a Turtle is a way to describe me……. For I carry my home everywhere I go……. My home my heart…… filled with an abundance of gratefulness for the gift of life and all the wonderful things that come with it…. It’s a sad day…
Read MoreHe’ll make room……
He’ll make room if you want to go…….. say a few words and mean it…….you’re on your way some folks don’t believe it and turn away…..but I’ve been to hell and there’s got to be a better way so I read this old book that is always new to me…
Read MoreThe Knowing……
When I was young I was often stopped in my tracks and encouraged to reflect on the things that I passed that reflection raised questions in my mind and now that I’m older my heart drives me to find……those answers why do people think as they do? Why do we…
Read MoreEveryone doesn’t go to my school……
My school is the world around me…….. the streets…… the neighborhoods….. the parks……the people that I cross paths with. I take it in and chew on it…. describe it……feel it and pay attention to how the contact influences and affects me. I’m in it not around it……….could never imagine testing…
Read MoreTattletale……..
I cannot rely on you to help me see……traits that aren’t beneficial to me……I have to tell on myself The responsibility of being the best “me”…..I can be, isn’t up to you…… it’s up to me…..I have to tell on myself Although I like to think otherwise……ego in reverse. I…
Read MorePerception……34ad…….
Be mindful……. the last geese in the formation is traveling at the same speed as the leader…… just at a different position………think before you speak ttucro
Read MoreA rock in my pocket…….
I carry a small rock in my pocket to remind me to think ……..happiness or confusion is just a stone’s throw away…..because I cannot change what is in front of me…… but I have a choice in how I view what I see……….many things come on different days and often…
Read MoreNot someday……today
Someday never worked for me…… did it ever work for you? Seems my dreams slipped away…… the ones I didn’t use. I believe our dreams are waiting to arrive…….but I have to do my part to keep those dreams alive. So I don’t have a timeline but I do have…
Read MoreWait and see…….
There are many things that challenge me… the top of the list… “wait and see” with my best guess life is still a mystery so I sit on my hands and “ wait and see” much of maturity is still difficult for me but I’m starting to buy in to…
Read MoreThe beginning of the Rainbow 🌈
The end of the rainbow 🌈 is often referenced in regards to victories, goals or treasures……but let’s not forget the beginning……..chaos Storms…….lightning… thunder….. high winds and hail……. all can and do tremendous damage and destruction…….then it stops The village… or community is left to sort out the mess and put…
Read MoreFaith…….oatmeal of life
I use to detest the porridge aka oatmeal mom would serve for breakfast……. But a little cinnamon, sugar and butter made it palatable. Couldn’t argue with mom’s logic it would stick with me and carry to lunch……and it did. Since then I absolutely love it and appreciate its wholesome goodness.…
Read MoreSign language…….
We may not actually know the signing used to communicate with the deaf…… but we all know our version ….. what we do. what we say… we say it and particularly our facial expressions those unspoken gestures and movements that speak volumes…… if we learn to listen with our eyes…
Read MoreAccessible……
I do not write for those wishing to escape….. my lines are meant to connect those wishing to engage to offer similar feelings that remind others they are neither unique nor alone that we all get overwhelmed at times and need an understanding soul to turn us from despair to…
Read MoreIt’s time to let go……
Those old fears are keeping you tethered to a past that has a hold on you and your perception…….it is past time to let them go…….. At present it wouldn’t matter how sincere or honest someone might be…… those old fears have you doubting….. take responsibility for the things you…
Read MoreThe Agreement……
Walking in the city one day amongst the throng of scurrying cars and people I happened upon a jolly little man laughing hysterically…… I slowed my walk and bent my ear to hear any signs that he might be mentally unstable…..I didn’t get that impression…….seemed he had thought of something…
Read MoreFoundation
Everyday and in different ways we build….shore up or tear down the foundations we have laid with our family, friends and loved ones…… Either we or adding or subtracting to those relationships…….as we go about our day What we say matters…..what we do matters even more…’s feet and hands speak…
Read MoreThere may be rainbows 🌈
I could let this rainy day get in the way of the things that I had planned…… but I have a coat and an umbrella and the park is just a few blocks away….. My dog has a jacket and we have weathered these days before……besides when all is said…
Read MoreHard and soft
There are still times when I have to be hard….standing fast for what I believe…. but those times are fewer now …..a softer approach works better for me ….. I have no desire to argue with you about what you believe……I won’t try to change your mind and please do…
Read MoreDon’t get good at saying….”I’m sorry “….
There are times when apologies are appropriate…..make the amends promptly…… but becoming good at it isn’t the goal…… it gets old to the recipient and people begin to think it’s “it’s thin ice”….. the correct response is acceptance and change ”change” is the best apology ttucro/ realist
Read MoreHope you heard……what I didn’t say
Sometimes words just get in the way and they lack the ability to convey……. I just hope you heard what I didn’t say…. Things get compressed throughout the day and when we talk they get misplaced…… I just hope you heard what I didn’t say….. I get enthused and often…
Read MoreAlice……..bag lady Supreme
I asked Alice what she kept in her bag that she haul’s around in a two wheel grocery cart and she said…” Well…. I have a few personal items that are none of your business…… couple of changes of clothes…… ball of stout string I sometimes use as a clothesline……my…
Read MorePaul…… one of the blanket people
Paul has a whimsical smile and for a homeless person… Paul has style……if you ask him why he’s homeless I’ve heard his reply….” Got tired of chasing rainbows and I fell from the sky “…… Losing his wife……to cancer….whom he adored….be quit his job…. sold his house and took up…
Read MoreStale crackers……
Funny where I have been and what I have seen…… I have dined in a palace and ate beans from a tree…. Rode on a camel’s back and had an elephant hug and kiss me….. I have had luxury suites and slept in the mud….. and wouldn’t trade where I…
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