Hope you heard……what I didn’t say

Sometimes words just get in the way and they lack the ability to convey……. I just hope you heard what I didn’t say…. Things get compressed throughout the day and when we talk they get misplaced…… I just hope you heard what I didn’t say….. I get enthused and often…

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Alice……..bag lady Supreme

I asked Alice what she kept in her bag that she haul’s around in a two wheel grocery cart and she said…” Well…. I have a few personal items that are none of your business…… couple of changes of clothes…… ball of stout string I sometimes use as a clothesline……my…

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Paul…… one of the blanket people

Paul has a whimsical smile and for a homeless person… Paul has style……if you ask him why he’s homeless I’ve heard his reply….” Got tired of chasing rainbows and I fell from the sky “…… Losing his wife……to cancer….whom he adored….be quit his job…. sold his house and took up…

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Stale crackers……

Funny where I have been and what I have seen…… I have dined in a palace and ate beans from a tree…. Rode on a camel’s back and had an elephant hug and kiss me….. I have had luxury suites and slept in the mud….. and wouldn’t trade where I…

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Loss of Words……

One would think there are words to express feelings, emotions, all sorts of occasions……. but there aren’t…. they may come close but never totally capture the event…. So we throw them out hoping that the impression we create will somewhat indicate our intent…..hopefully…… these descriptions get the ball 🏀 rolling…

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Menu for today…….

Today a mixed salad of sunshine and light winds with a sweet vinaigrette of appreciation….. the main entree will be a hope soufflé with spinach and mushrooms……. sides are scallions and onions in a hearty sauce of Love bon appetit ttucro/collector of smiles

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Winter Winds

The winter winds howl as the sun crawls to bed…. the trees are empty and the skies are clear….. There is a stillness that causes me to reflect….. I wonder how many winters I have left….. The cold seems to lock things in place and the night doesn’t fall…… it…

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We plant the seeds…..

When we plant the seeds of hope and prosperity……we water them with love and till the soil that they may grow and nourish those for whom we sow… Sharing what we grow….. giving as we go and never being without because we cared enough….to share… The field lies barren until…

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Ravens Song

A raven landed by my window as it was open on this pretty day……. I took a seat nearby for it seemed it had a message to bring…… He turned his head and looked at me and began to chirp and sway……. the message I heard was garbled but it…

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Taxi for hope…….

Just a ride for a brother in need….trying to rebuild broken dreams…..I helped him along the best I could…….. God blessed me with a van…”the taxi for good”…… Not looking for rewards although they do come….. lending a hand occasionally everyone needs one so a simple act of kindness was…

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I say a prayer

The roads you travel I am not aware …. But I need not worry……I say a prayer The people you meet and the tasks you take don’t give me a scare…..I say a prayer So the world changes and life has its ups and downs……but not to worry…… no need…

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No More Broken Hearts 💔

If I could be granted one wish                  I know what it would be For their to be no more broken hearts in this life For me……. No time to entertain the blame game and who was right or wrong…… just a sadness…

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Collector of smiles…….#56.3

At first it may sound strange…….where would one store something not easily explained?…… but it wasn’t long that it occurred to me…… that certain faces made an impression on me….. So being selective….. I started to collect and the most memorable are easy to resurrect……. So as a courtesy….I would…

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No distance between……..

Not very often but occasionally it seems that two are connected…….and there is no distance between Miles vanish and the feeling is the same……a warm feeling……..and there is no distance between Separate and equal the goal is the same…… to continue to grow…….and there is no distance between…… Both have…

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In the middle I can see both sides…….. sometimes on the fringe is where people go to hide……. You have to admit no one is right all the time so somewhere in the middle is a good place to reside…. In the middle people don’t have to be loud…… haughty…

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I must admit when I see children pulling a balloon along on a string……. I hope one escapes……. Sounds disrespectful to the child…….but the kid in me…..that’s right in me wants to see it sky rocket into the clouds. Maybe it’s me but it seems that the balloon is fighting…

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Don’t leave me…….

Although you may be here physically…….don’t leave me….. Don’t leave me in the sense that over time the little things slowly fade away… the thoughtfulness……. the sharing……. the caring by the simple actions concern and appreciation…… when the joy we bring through flowers and gifts become expected…….. when we fail…

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I bought two umbrellas one for me and one for you and we know it’s going to rain…. but we have things to do…… We stopped trying to change what we cannot control and realize it’s just another challenge to get to the goal…… A life not void of rain……..…

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Song 🎵 in my Heart …..

There is a song in my heart and it inspires me to rise to a better appreciation of what lies ahead… the melody roams from a March to a waltz and it encourages me on to the possibilities ahead….. I heard the song when I realized what I was looking…

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The Cookie Cutter Broke 🦁

The cookie cutter broke when it got to me…… causing get mischief and adversity but because of my independence and individuality it has taken me places that few ever see my senses are keen to hurt and pain ….and it bothers me greatly when I encounter suffering Perhaps it’s because…

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Life’s Needle and Thread

I would be in a fix without Life’s Needle and Thread, allows me the ability to repair things that are torn or showing some wear… gives me hope and defeats despair…….. My Needle and Thread is………..faith ttucro/ collector of smiles

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I Wonder………

I wonder what it would be like to never lose my place Gather what I dropped and straighten out my face Forget the times I felt betrayed and forgive those who wouldn’t follow the plan Get over how petty people can be…..and I can be one of them I wonder…

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Hard to comprehend there are things we won’t understand but we accept it and move on…… Stop trying to fit all the players in the skit…..to a certain time frame or certain positions on the stage I even let them ad lib the lines in the script and somehow it…

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Realizing……it’s not up to me

As much as I would love to share it with you, It’s not up to me Cannot find the words to convey what my faith has done…………but it’s not up to me Yes I have changed my position and perspective on many things…… I don’t personally judge…………it’s not up to…

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Toolbox of Life

I try to resist the temptation to fix people, places and things But at times it’s a matter of need that drives me to investigate what is broken and what needs to be fixed I cannot recover actions that hurt….wound or mane, so it becomes paramount that I quaff my…

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Not a Dandelion

There have been many instances in my life when I have been blown away…… my whims and self deception sent the winds my way Gathered up and restored, I stand steadfast in my faith…… now I have no concerns about the storms in my life …….my rock will keep me…

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Broken Lamp

That light sits in the corner and I am tempted to throw it away….. but I love the light it gives when it is working properly wouldn’t take a lot to fix….. a new bulb and a cord…..an I have made excuses rather then do what is required makes me…

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When I was a child I drew the sun with a smile….. funny but to this day…..I still think of the sun that way interesting how things stick from long before you understand their meaning you knew they were important we remember kindness, consideration, trust, hope and love…..especially love How…

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Bouquet ………..

Never imagined it could be this way….. At this time in my life to be presented with a bouquet……no in the traditional sense you see but in the form of a person that has been presented to me did not come in the usual way because in a life like…

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Uncomfortable…….and growing ….4L

The things I treasure have changed as I age…..this isn’t a show…..there will be no parade but the value I place on a trusted word spoken from a familiar face ……lets me open my heart and share my thoughts …….that to me is an essential part of life walking these…

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