Ok you win

I give up ……..you win I don’t see starting over again So the deck was stacked before we began I give up…..you win Hard to resist when you get more than you give That kind of investment pays huge dividends So just thought you should know how the game would…

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The Last Flights of the Gypsy Moth

Walking I came upon an old gypsy moth I could tell he was older by the wear on the wings and the fading coloration Struggling to take off and unable to stay airborne for more than a few seconds After several attempts it resigned itself to take a break But…

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Less doing…… more living

You need to keep busy and much of the time that’s true It if you are always doing life will escape you For without frequent moments to reflect all the places and things you have been through You will forget Always doing….life will escape you Pause often Ttucro

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Don’t walk in the dark……wait

It’s dark outside and you cannot see There is no need to hurry there is no emergency So wait for the light it’s just a matter of time…. And you will see clearly and the path you will find You will see clearly and the path you will find Wait…..…

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That was then ……this is now

Almost got away from us……fear got in the way But facing that we look back and laugh about our mistakes Sometimes the things we want are wrapped in a way that are initially hard to see, But taking the time to unwrap them we see things differently So that was…

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Stop looking

Most of the time I seem to find Most people have what they want They just neglect to accept the fact And go on looking as though they are blind So I offer from experience that if you pause and take a look…….at what your searching for You will find…

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The Best Teachers

The best teachers…… help their students……. learn to teach themselves……. ttucro

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Sometimes it behoves me to offer my words sparingly Clear.. concise and to the point so there isn’t the possibility…… of misunderstanding There are times that need to be defined… so others can see what is happening and what it means to me People have a right to their opinion…

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Plato in Rags

Plato’s Spirit laughs as people walk past his Spiritual Host because of his appearance life has its way of shaping and forming us, some we are able to deflect and some we are driven to accept But the “ wise “ realize that everyone is a teacher……everyone has a bit…

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Doors 🚪

There will be doors along the way that lead to…..and lead away most of the doors we will encounter are a result of what we are trying to achieve….aka “what are you looking for” we should try to be selective as to which doors we choose to open and the…

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I’m wrapping up my insecurities and putting them in this box sending them away from me because they’ve run their course and in there wake I see the remnants of what they cost I no longer can afford their price…..so I’m trying to replace them with…..trust postage paid ttucro

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Warehousing the ELDERLY

I pray when it’s time for me to go it will be a quiet and quick end to my “show” May I live to be remembered as a “caring and thoughtful soul”…… that that may be pushing it “ I dabbled on the high wire and often I fell but…

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Heuristic Life

“God forbid that I should have lived…. Never owning or deserving a scar ttucro I would like to say……I pray attention to those people placed in my path…. But that would be a lie so my tendency is to do it my way and deal with the repercussions and go…

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Good to remember….that when all our attempts fail God never does……..impossible ttucro

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Embarrassed to be a fraud

I would love to tell you that I am accomplished at being loving, kind and considerate…… but that would make Pinociho trustworthy I would love to say my heart goes out to the elderly and the people dealing with dibilitating illnesses…..and something goes out ….. perhaps concern but that’s about…

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Surrender to Win

I am expected to do the best I can…..with the situations I find at hand but what I cannot control or change to my benefit then I am now at a time when I surrender to “it” sounds like being defeated but “defeat” happens when I am overwhelmed and confused…

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Sad for you ……let go

I feel sad for you because you won’t let go I did what I did and the “why “ you know…..so own your mistakes…… like I’m trying to own mine we identified the problems but that’s as far as it went…….there was no resolution an we pretended everything was fine…

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What to predict the future….. first look at the past                  If you don’t like what you find  better make some changes fast sounds so intuitive and we all want a meaningful life but if you’ve been doing certain stuff for a long…

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My Father’s Shoes

My Father has a system about caring for his shoes…..amongst other things it was quite a procedure He was a quirky guy…. that embraced his peculiarities……. It was who and what he was It’s quite common to hear people nowadays call their their family as “ dysfunctional” my father’s home…

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Nightmare: “the only one on earth “

I awoke in my dream to a stillness that was confusing…. Eerie nothing was moving except Stuart the “wonder dog” who coaxed me out of bed to pee it was early but by this time life was happening and people were moving….. not today a walk from my camper van…

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Smoke Signals

Impossible to send smoke signals if there isn’t any fire so we must keep tending it….. or it will expire And there’s nothing worse than trying to communicate when they is much to say and the fire has gone out…… no signals today grab a bucket 🪣 of water and…

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Let’s not and say we did

Everyone is prone to fib let’s not and pretend we did we are old enough and wise enough to walk away from pain so you go your way and I’ll go mine and avoid a little rain we’ll have fun with the situation and laugh when no one’s around let’s…

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Synchronized Swimming

What we are trying to accomplish here Is a dance both entertaining and clear Free of outlandish acts or ominous fear….with the only thing we must pay attention to is the person we are swimming near So we have been rehearsing for quite a long time….and our fans are ready…

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Never weaker then when you’re angry, but Time doesn’t care

I watch you in your hospital bed and it conjures up many thoughts and confirms my lack of power to change or control the reality that you are in the final stages I see myself in the same situation and I find it unnerving at best Time doesn’t care about…

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Rip Vanwinkle

Are you comfortable with the person you wake up to…………yourself ttucro

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Monkeys don’t sell bananas…..

So simple even an animal can see I have no right to sell what was freely given to me trying to profit from others in need will end in great frustration and will only cause harm to me so there is much to be learned from observing a simple animal…

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Between the Raindrops

I walk between the raindrops……they don’t bother me they have their place…..and I have mine , we let each other be I hear them pass by me as they accurately measure my steps and I walk in cadence just in case they slip so we honor each other’s presence with…

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Get over yourself

We humans are a peculiar bunch all our lives we pursue the goal of independence off the clock….. of the constraints of work or commitments and we get there and we don’t feel we are worthy we aren’t structured enough….. focused enough or doing enough Tired of beating myself up…

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Out of my hands………thank God

My life no longer belongs to me the previous manager has been fired seems he had a tendency to lump the good with the bad yes there is a distinction….. like muddying the water in the stream it still flows but you can’t drink it…… because it isn’t clean so…

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Smoke Signals

It is incumbent that I am aware that I send messages by what I do and what I don’t do I tried to fool myself that if my mouth didn’t abuse others that I was doing well ……  but what was my demeanor saying……. My facial expressions and my body…

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