Eagles šŸ¦… Talk

I see you mesmerized by my agility to ride the currents of air as they pass through the valley I know you think youā€™re superior, but are you ? You canā€™t communicate with meā€¦actually you wonā€™t communicate with meā€¦. you could if you tried. One day you will realize you…

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Just because you donā€™t want to talk about it

Doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t happen Walk from it, run from it, drive from it Itā€™s got to go somewhere, where are you going to put it You can grieve, make agreements, arrangements, and still that shot you took to your heart and head are only going to get comfortable they…

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I had to get a new face, I wore this one out Trying to figure out what this life was all about So I decided to trade this one in and I ordered a new one and it just came in Itā€™s going to take awhile to get use to…

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I donā€™t have a problem telling people Iā€™m in recoveryā€¦or that I have a faith. Yet I am hesitant to inquire about someoneā€™s salvation.. Something wrong with that picture.. Selfish After what God and His Son did for me.. Selfish Ttucro

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Welcome to the Rodeo, you picked a good day to ride The bulls are in their pens and donā€™t seem anxious to go outside They are just as scared as you and want to get this game over with as soon as possible , just like you So try to…

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You can go backā€¦ā€¦

You can indeed go backā€¦.but it requires tack and the ability to remember where you were Less the life that happened in between, you can do it but it take effort and the knack of not dismissing what you have learned but temporarily sitting it aside Remember you are going…

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Kindnessā€¦..the mental vine

Kindness grows like a mental vines but it does entrap or strangle.. it wraps its recipients in concern and thoughtfulness Kindness is strong and can withstand the challenges of misinterpretation and doubt Kindness is rooted deep authentic soul of someone who has endured suffering and wishes to help someone else…

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My Trip

This is my trip and it cost me a lot Iā€™m not complaining I took my spot I let go of all the things I forgot and put wheels on my dreams The things you learn by letting go will teach you things you could never know until you put…

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The House Fell Down

The house you built where each card was meticulously placed.. A southern wind came in and blew it away It wasnā€™t the wind that took it away it was the wind you felt when you swallowed your pride That internal wind that caused this stir was from someone who wouldnā€™t…

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Sometimes a touchā€¦.for a Swan

Sometimes a mere touch on you hand, a friendly embrace Is enough to put the axe down and rejoin the human race For everyone at times feels alone and invisible and the slightest gesture can redirect thoughts of isolation and warm the coldest heart. A simple touch Ttucro

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Little menā€¦ little minds

Little men who creep along looking for a way to impede the song ā€¦.. because they cannot sing Their minds are focused on the cracks that give them a way to attack and bolster their self confidence because they thrive on taking others down Because they hear a song.. and…

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The impertinence of self

Part ofā€¦..is important and what you are part of is even more important There are times of necessity that call for separation and quiet But not too long or the only one beating the drum is yourself That melody gets old fast The impertinence of self is constantly confusing Ttucro

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If you could only buy itā€¦..

Patienceā€¦ if you could only buy it. What would you pay for it and who would sell it? The patience to wait and not push or prod often escapes me. I suppose most of us suffer from a lack of patience but those rare people who seem never to be…

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By the wayā€¦..

By the way, I thought I would mention this to you, it should have been said long ago When you tell half the story my mind has already written a play You are the villain and I am the victim because I try to believe what you say But it…

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What is the value of getting close? What is the reward of setting a goal and then ā€œalmostā€ achieving it? Can you accept the outcome of something you really wanted if it doesnā€™t quite work out the way you expected. The answer to these questions is the sameā€¦. Your degree…

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Finish Your Own Story

If you are waiting for someone to complete you, You better be ready to let that person šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø write the rest of the story and hope you like the ending . Wowā€¦.thatā€™s a lot of power you are giving to someone. I think it would be better to be alone…

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99% fake

I bet I hear everyday someone say ā€œ I would love to just pick up and goā€.. so do it. But theā€¦.blah blah and other blah blahs are only an excuse, you could if you wanted to, and you would if you really wanted toā€¦so shut up Truth is virtually…

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Ask for help

We learn all these lessons when we are young and then spend the rest of our lives trying to disprove themā€¦ because we are older and wiser We struggle with all sorts of issues and have to be bloody and beaten before we raise the white flag Wise people donā€™t…

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It will be different..

When all my ā€œdime dancing is throughā€ That one will appear and it may very well be an old acquaintance that our paths cross and we sit down to talkā€¦ā€¦and we leave together It will be different because I am different and the trials of life have filled in the…

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Annamaria aka ā€œAngel of the Day ā€œ

Chance meeting on a flight of steps deep within the woods I dare not disrespect this gift by thinking it wasnā€™t arranged The countenance you displayed was one of joy and peace We shared but a moment but we honored the time though it was brief So in the scheme…

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Stop fighting time

Stop fighting times heā€™s going to win But you can acknowledge him but not give in Take off your watch and put down your phone Enjoy and appreciate the time you have and time will leave you alone Stop fighting time Ttucro

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Slowerā€¦..the better pace

I seem less to misplace Now that I have learned to slow my pace Well I suppose it comes over time But even at that rate One must accept itā€™s beauty and itā€™s grace Living life at this slower pace For is it not what I seek, a fragrant life…

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I dare youā€¦.and myself Live life graciously and gracefully appreciating what She brings to you, instead of trying to demand and orchestrate it. Wear life loosely and follow the lead of your heartā€¦. If you canā€™t trust your heart stop giving it away until itā€¦not you, finds a home. Ttucro

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The ā€œanchorā€ that helps our confidence when from our human abilities we cannot see a way through the ā€œmazeā€ before us.. Faith

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This world doesnā€™t choose favorites It favors those who try To make the best of what is presented That spend little time asking ā€œwhyā€ So me thinks itā€™s advantageous to greet Each day with applause And share what you have been given and be grateful for what was lost Be…

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My new friendā€¦..FEAR

You use to scare the ā€œwhole lot out of meā€ Had me on the ropes and I looked you in the eyes and saw the only power you had, I gave it to you. I hit you with an uppercut and you when down for the countā€¦ā€¦after a few whiffs…

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To old for you so doesnā€™t matter Youā€™re still pretty and studious in your glasses You will never see me again so it doesnā€™t matter Itā€™s fun being free but sometimes itā€™s hard Thanks for sharing your life with me. šŸ¦. Ttucro

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The hardest part

You will never become a complete person Until.. You spends many days and often years alone No other way to get to know yourself The world has to many things pulling us in different directions The noise the lights the incessant talking It is enough to challenge the most grounded…

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I had to look several times, until I made myself accept it was you. I was walking to an AA meeting downtown and saw you in the alley going through a dumpster. Your face was dirty but that effervescent smile was still there and it sealed the realization it was…

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I would like to say I resemble the lead actor in this playā€¦but I have forgotten the script The lines donā€™t seem like mine and he seems lost a great deal of the time and that makes me uncomfortable But Iā€™ll let it go on until it moves in directions…

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