When Little becomes Big and Big becomes Little

The tables turn when we become big and leave small the things we perceived as a child are dismissed as we become adults those big things because small and those small things become big we flip sides when our reasoning brings awareness and we give credence to many things as…

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Dear friend I can’t make life go away you each have things that have made you change Best to remember the good that was done, a beautiful daughter, a handsome son, forgive and pray and try to move on……allowing each to heal and forgive what was said and what was…

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Rag rug

That my life could be as colorful and purposeful as this Rag Rug from so many worn out and frayed fabrics these pieces have been formed to create a tapestry that is soft on my feet and vibrant in its many colors and many tones I am worn and weathered…

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What others see I hope will be the loving God inside of me May His Love shine through So when other look at me I pray they will see….You Image Ttucro

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The windows cracked and I hear the sound of the wind in the trees and feel the gentle touch of the breeze the Earth 🌍 sings…..if you are still you can hear a symphony of the approaching night and it’s sounds the song sings of the cycle as this ball…

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I heard clearly what you were saying and your lips never moved.                      The look on your face.                    That struggling smile          Your hands that kept trying to comfort…

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I wonder

I’m making this soup…….we’ll call it “Life” I want it to be good and have it spiced just right Not to hot and not to mild…. Just enough of everything that you want more So I’m making this soup for me and for you and I hope it does what…

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Watching clothes tumble in a dryer at a laundromat we all are turning…. Some faster than others but still turning Our epoch essay is being written with or without our help sometimes we spin so fast we get twisted and tangled like the clothes in the dryer and when the…

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Hard as it is, it can endure great amounts of pressure but often the shifting of the Earth causes it to crack because it lacks flexibility strange how we humans can be like concrete…. So rigid in our beliefs that we lack the flexibility to let others have their own…

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Delicate balance between being true to yourself and accommodating others If you never have to bite your tongue, you have only acquaintances not relationships… no way you could possibly agree with what is said all the time..impossible we cop out on ourselves in favor of getting along but in fact…

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Parachute 🪂

Jumping off I decided to try what it would be like to Fly no illusion that I didn’t have wings but I had these feelings and I had these dreams so I opened my heart and I opened my mind and the  next thing I know I was part of…

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Soul Searching?

Ok so you want to exit the character defects that cause you issues with yourself and others How noble……you want a star or a gift certificate for doing what you are supposed to do….. but before you start wading in the mire…. You better know what you are looking for…

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Labels are for Judging

I have not been appointed as judge nor jury for anything I am not qualified to impose sentence or restrictions I should present myself as impartial and giving everyone the benefit of doubt My own shortcomings are something I have to deal with and not everyone else Labels are for…

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Thinking I understand why people do the things they do say the things they say and act the way they do when I really don’t Is far more problematic then what anyone else does —————————————————————————— I’m far better off to leave those shoe laces untied and not attempt to wear…

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It still smarts

Doing good things , just like doing wrong things….. has a price            Everything has a price Sometimes the price for even those good things is expensive…. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do them but it is good to realize the cost and the consequences and be…

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The Light

The Light I got when I gave in covered by indiscretions and let me in to a world I only thought was for them until my “spirit “ invited me in to my amazement I was asked to give back my answer was “ there’s so much I lack” “Not…

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Breakfast with God

He’s always here…. But not often enough I ask Him to join me in the break of my fast…”breakfast” Kinda like having a friend in the same house and not asking them to join you sometimes I don’t because I don’t want to hear what He has to say…..sad but…

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Trust the Process

Doesn’t seem to be the thing that I would suggest to do but I felt the tug and it generally pulls me through to the other side of a situation and then I see the plan so another example of trusting the process and it becomes apparent to me A…

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Work with what you’ve got

I realized early on that I was never going to be handsome nor beautiful…. So a dear friend….said “ well the thing about being handsome is that life takes its toll on everyone…so it doesn’t last forever. However, if you’re interesting and keep learning and growing that can only change…

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Are You Kidding Me….

I try not to think.. but sometimes I do And in my confusion of course think confused But I sorta recognize “it” and pull the chute and jump out on the way down I sort things out Remembering “ oh yeah, I was the guy that use to live like…

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Smart …..4xIM🦁

Has more to do with knowing what and who you are and what you’re not. Honest evaluation and common sense. Confidence in using what you do know and willingness to admit what you don’t. that’s it.    That’s smart ttucro.

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Actually…….. there are myths and mysteries that I am still investigating Actually I believe that more will be revealed because I am seeking Actually the world isn’t looking for my endorsement, rather my acceptance Actually I am as happy as I intend to be Actually I am blessed beyond my…

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Nobody here….. just markers as reminders of all the things you wish you had said and done ….and reminders of everything you wish you hadn’t said and done I think coming for remembrance is all well and good….but I believe the people whose memories we are visiting would be more…

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Crimes Against Yourself

Doing things that are against your core beliefs                                           Is…. like tying your shoe laces together while you walk you can still move but you are restricted and restrained ttucro

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So how do you give it…… how do you receive it typically earned through experience and interaction implanted and imparted through others that have been involved with someone prior all are possible scenarios…… but occasionally…..rarely…….infrequently….basically almost never does it just deposit itself like water gushing from a downspout and its…

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Friendship is like a pair of old shoes, scuffed and worn but still serves it purpose very well Any real relationship has its ups and downs and around and around, messy sometimes and gut wrenching…. but through thick and thicker and thin and thinner it remains steadfast. The quality of…

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Safety pin

I’m so glad I have a safety pin that keeps things together and fastens them in the best thing about it I can add all I want and it adjusts and keeps things taunt so if you’re like me you can always use a hand tying things together with a…

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As it should be…..

I believe in the path I have been led to…. therefore everything is exactly like it is supposed to be So having that belief I welcome all that is placed and planted on this path There are no labels appropriate for the occurrences in my life other than “part of”…

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The pinnacle of worship is service                     pinnacle of service is love Ttucro

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Trenchant Words

The malice I uttered in the “trenchant” words I spoke weren’t received and damn if they didn’t turn around and boomerang to me So when my intentions aren’t grounded in love and care the fruits of my “trenchant” words are disillusion and fear The evil in my words dissipate when…

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