make ’em count
i saw that walter becker died, half of steely dan wonder how many of us get up and know that today is our last day on this plane? some, few, none……………………….i don’t know so how does one continue to remind himself or herself to make the most of everyday? do…
Read Moreprisoner of ”self”
the hardest time you will ever do is in the prison of ”self” you did the crime, you assign time, you sit in the cell by yourself ”self” will keep you alive, but if you aren’t careful it will takeover your life, until there is little room for anyone else…
Read Morelooking for you/have you seen kenny
brother, i need to know where you are, how you are just like i hope you would do for me, if it’s been awhile i need to know you’re allright a bond is formed, we cannot see, stretches form you and it stretches to me and we are connected because…
Read Morethe right amount/finding balance
everyone is faced with the eternal quest, finding balance in life you start with the things you have to do and work out from there most of us are not situated that our financial responsibilities are taken care of; so we work……………………some are fortunate to love what they do, some…
Read Moresecond chance
God knows we are human, takes us awhile to learn the dance, we step on so many toes………………………….. He knows……………………….were gonna need a second chance don’t get me wrong, He wants us to give it our best shot, sometimes we get it right the first…
Read Morecan’t be done
hey, tightwad want to have some fun? try out giving God this is a test……………………………………………….your in initial investment is $10 carry ten 1 dollar bills , a challenge in itself for me because i never carry cash, the people you encounter at the convenient stores, holding signs in…
Read Moreprison of self
i went to prison today to visit a brother who lost his way and to my chagrin, i found i was more incarcerated than him doesn’t matter where you are, walking down the street or looking through bars if your mind is twisted and your heart is empty than you…
Read Morehalf christian, half ass
half christian, half ass quick to judgement, slow to forgive short on patience, long on fear quick to petition, slow responding to requests half christian, half ass make no mistake about it, i’m not an elevated class, i can get down in the mud with the best of them and…
Read Moreshrapnel: fragments of a bomb
fragments of a bomb, embedded in my skin not to much to debate about, get a pair of tweezers and jump right in and with each painful pull, i remind myself again: relationships are like grenades…………………….harmless until you pull the pin old Ben told me when he was alive ”…
Read Moreperception
1 the trickle of water: a/ was enough to fill my cup, if i was patient b/made me long for loud torrents of rain c/started to weaken and stopped to a trickle 2 after reviewing my notes i realized… a/i had focused on areas that mirrored my own opinion b/i…
Read Morecutting down the colortree
parents place their children under the colortree they point to the color that looks like me, i will pick this one now it belongs to me……………………. now i have been placed in a box,with others like me, because if your color is different ………………we are not the same, separate i…
Read Moretoo busy giving thanks
God does things we don’t understand, like Texas, like Texas to stop us in our tracks and make us turn around, like Texas, like Texas nobody is talking about race, too busy giving thanks, in Texas, in Texas God will do what He needs to do ……………………
Read Moreempty
when something is not filled or occupied……………………………………………. the tides of life will upend and turn us inside out and upside down i have never seen a person so spiritually fit, that they do not waver from time to time and question their faith……………………………don’t believe it will happen on this side…
Read Morewho much is your word worth?
parable: the value of your word the obins were a simple people……………….after the great tumult, the day the rearrangement took place and everything that was in place as far as systems or currency were replaced by the value of ones’ word. so no one had to carry money, only a…
Read Morebricklayers
the apprenticeship is over/we are both skilled masons/ able to demolish and construct walls instantly how easily we learn when we apply ourselves/ unfortunately we never learned how to build doorways…………………………………… for that we have paid dearly, we’re fired
Read Moreeraser
by now you know i am a very simple man i look at everyday things and supplant them into situations where they were never intended to be used……………………………………… a little slanted or warped…….okay …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… looking at this pencil on my desk i notice it has been mauled, attacked by my…
Read Morequiet power
took a long time for me to realize how much power is in my feet a lot more power than in my mouth people argue with words…………………….hard to argue with someone who isn’t there that power hurts no one………………………..threatens no one……………………….condemns no one has you ever noticed that unchallenged rants…
Read MoreTexas
sometimes the last thing we need /is the first thing we need sometimes the BIG GUY will throw something at us to shake us out of the misconception that we are in charge…………………………..if we don’t see that……………. when the water left thousands stranded on roofs, trees, bridges……………………no one was saying…
Read Morehealing myself through you/ for Pete H.
i had no idea what i was getting into and neither did you…………… had that deer in the headlights look and i needed to get out of my head and help someone else get out of theirs……………………………..i grabbed you because i needed you as much as you needed me………… didn’t…
Read Moreextremely contagious/ for b.h.
i know a person who is extremely contagious if you want to be miserable you don’t want to be around him, he will ruin your attempts at self- pity or negativity he is the most giving person i know and he continues to be blessed in so many ways as…
Read Morehow to get out of a rut
pray, yeah, yeah…………………………………do it anyway what is your part?…………………………………hate that stop digging say ” it could be worse” 100 times…………………..use as needed write a gratitude list forgive someone………………………..and mean it go to a hospital or nursing home go visit someone who is sick count your fingers and toes……………………….20 % of…
communicate: the transfer of ideas and information really………………………about 99% of my verbiage serves little purpose other than to create noise like an animal letting others know of his presence thinking before speaking…………………………what a novel idea actually giving purpose and substance to my utterance we already have the ability to speak…
Read Morehow long have you been sitting on the bench?
try to go one hour without passing judgement on something or someone okay try and go a minute without making a judgement………………….you might make a minute if you really try my point : it’s not easy……………… humans we are constantly comparing, sorting and labeling………………..that’s what we do………………………and what it does…
Read Morewishing vs. doing
there is no potential in wishing……………………………………….. but endless opportunities in doing……………………………………. the end result in looking is finding……………………………………may not be what you were looking for but along the way there are many doors……………………………open one
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