glimpses of you/ for n.b.

it’s hard for me to watch a friend lose control of their life funny you said the same thing about me when i was fighting my demons you always had a plan and now the plan has you you knew what you wanted, now i suppose you might say to…

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a difficult man

a difficult man will take his stand and fight to the very end and over time perhaps………………………………………………….he will find he could have accomplished more if he had put more effort into making his adversary his friend but stubborn as we sometimes are we think there should be pain and though…

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more than words

these words i read in my little ”red book” some i don’t always understand and your ways are often so much different from how we act as men but what i lack in understanding is replaced by a sense of calm for as my world seems to be falling apart,…

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acceptance of the message/ ”bending prevents breaking”

u think you got and it and it looks pretty good and a breeze comes up and the leaves are all over the yard not a big deal and you start over again and you’re just about finished and here comes the wind so now you’re determined to see this…

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here take this blessing, it’s waiting for you here is where it started and here it will end here is the letter you wrote trying to justify your actions here is where i tear the letter up and forgive you whether you realize you were wrong or not here is…

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tell me what you see………………………………………..not what i want you to see tell me what you think…………………………………….not what i want you to think show me where i err…………………………………………… and when i get it right talk to me plainly……………………………………leave the colored words for your prose ask me why i responded that way……………………………………hold…

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taking out the trash

much as i would like to say, ”i practice staying spiritually fit everyday”………………….i don’t some of that i blame on being human, and the majority is because i’m lazy i let things affect me and only after they intrude upon my relationships, including myself do i make a conscious effort…

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MR. B/teacher

inquisitive student with a passion for learning: seeing mankind slip on the ever-present banana peel, watching the efforts of those fallen to rise again, you recorded as many of these instances as you could…………………..remembering the thoughts you hid in your heart, always wondering what had and had not been learned…

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keep a part for yourself/ my private space

when i am alone i laugh about life and my relationship with reality, which has been somewhat touch and go   if i stayed here all the time i would be as difficult to deal with as the rest of them   so pardon me while i journey through this…

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3 Ravens

peering out the window, i went into a daydream………………………..i was startled by a tapping sound coming from the roof 3 ravens descended to the grounds below to something i surmised was a dead animal, as i moved to a different window for a better vantage point, a car came down…

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a little piece of me

hey brother, i’m sending you a little piece of me you may not be able to see it, but you will feel it as you read i wish i could do more…………………………… please know it bothers me to picture you in prison and me walking around free there were so…

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sometimes i wonder what all this means………………………so many people preying on others and seemingly without any remorse when i hurt someone, i hurt as well…………………… is not natural or normal to cause pain and suffering and blow it off like hey they were just in the way, luck wasn’t with…

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simple things are all it takes to redefine this world take a simple thing like a smile and watch it’s magic unfold the power of a kind face, spreads the threads of love  the tapestry that we weave is how to be a blessing to this world ttucro smile……………………….when you…

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i love the sun…………………always have i find it ever so invigorating to work in the yard with my shirt off, my wife says it’s the red-neck in me and maybe it is…………………………when i was younger i was forever frying myself and would repeat that behavior over and over during the…

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where did we put that?

i know it’s here somewhere, i remember how it helped us overcome the ”great depression” you know the spirit that we are in this thing together so many factions……………………everybody is screaming ”  see me, hear me and do it my way” isn’t the sum supposed to be greater than it’s…

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they said it would rain and the wind would blow but no one knew where it would go i guess sometimes the Lord don’t know what to do with this crew so he sends us a hardship to help us pull through when your neck high in water and you…

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dwell or accept

i heard the voice of a young man and his concern about the conduct of a person he barely knows his conclusions may be right on target but his concerns affect no one but him why, do all of us punish ourselves with angst over concerns we cannot change the…

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ass or asset ?

living consciously is a challenging prospect……………..but it is the only way to a great life imagine looking at every encounter throughout the day and making a determined effort to benefit everyone involved are you someone friends come to for strength and understanding………………..yes i am, sometimes friends don’t tread water in…

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that magic pill

there is a magic pill………………………….. it can cure all manor of sickness and ills it comes from a place deep within, likes a spring it flows and it has no end it seems to replenish itself again and again………………………..that magic pill is love stronger than steel and softer than fur,…

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a pothole in someone’s day

everyday is not going to be a stellar day you won’t feel you should be riding a float in a parade confetti and streamers won’t be flyin’ your way but you don’t have to be a pothole……………………….. in someone’s day this has been my m.o., and i’m not proud to…

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impossible to know……………….what you do not know………..until you live it

i will start with giving credit for that statement to David Jenkins……..a friend who tried to teach me but i was under the heavy influence of addiction for Amelia,CC, Cullen and Ian……………….my grandkids the most unwilling, uncooperative, don’t want any of this grandfather there ever was………………………….immediately went to ”we will…

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freedom isn’t free, takes a fair amount of work to get out of me if you want to be free, stop thinking so much…………………………just enjoy being pondering is a beautiful pastime, until it becomes consuming this is a simple axiom that perplexes me and does so until i accept it:…

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the part that’s missing

i just know it’s here somewhere, the little spacer that goes between thought and speech, a.k.a the ”pause button” mine is broken………………………’s like the transmission in my Yarus……………………….. it’s starting to slip and my ” pause button” allows things to slip out …………………………things that don’t need to be ” thought”…

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turning off the news

we’ll see how often my wife reads this blog.……………………… consumed with  things i have no control over for years…………………………….opinions about this……………creating dissent at home, with friends, at work…………….ridiculous enough…………………………….i believe in voting………………..don’t vote………don’t complain but the hours i have spent listening to hundreds of different self- serving slants on the…

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what is the message of your book

life : the ongoing narrative when it is ”all ” said………………………………………… least everything you are gonna say, what is the message of your book so far this is my message: you can do it your way, just remember everything has a price………your way can be expensive, mine was your message…

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100 words

say we each have an allotment of 1,000,000 words when we enter this world…………. and you live you life. you got kinda old but you really weren’t  feeling all that bad and you get an email for the ”Chief Timekeeper” that you are down to you last hundred words before…

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black and white

let’s start with me……………………..i am classified as white and i’m not white, reddish brown but not white most of my friends that are classified as black aren’t black, from olive to various shades of brown my black friends are Africans………………………………………….. so……………………………………. what the hell are we doing still referring to…

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robertson shaw/ cracking the safe

it doesn’t matter now, that was his name………………..his family wouldn’t dispute a word of this anyway this is called ”cracking the safe”/ for r.s. a bastard………………………., nothing good to say about anyone or anything everyone has had or will have an r.s., in their life, most of us will put them…

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my old man,dad, father…………………………..and he was all these at different times depending on what his middle son, me, did to provoke the living sh..t outta him i can say at 63 that he did the best he could for me and my brothers. given what i know now and being…

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the little things add up

think you know someone…………..okay want to understand that person on a different level? take time to notice the manner in which they do common place things eat……………… they enjoy food or just eating to stay alive drink……………the length of time they hydrate may give you insight as to how long…

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