
every once in a while it’s good to look back with a smile, check your tracks and see the imprints you’ve made          you can’t change what you’ve done but from your trails you can learn what to keep and what to let slip away it’s easy…

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okra’s pics

info shared is based on personal  experience, no compensation for my plugs        best sandwiches / near Richmond, Va       hands down      Country food and furniture    1901-D  Anderson Hwy.  Powhatan   23139    804 794-4454 best car repair in south  Richmond, Va.  …

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mantra for a good day

today     will      be      a     good      day   whatever      comes     my     way   God     will      never      give     me     more   than     He  …

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it just works that way

whatever is your most prized possession……………………….art, song, money, time  big one for me that is what your need to share, has nothing to do with ability, stop judging yourself and open your mind and heart to share no one, was created without a gift, no one ask yourself what it…

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I hid in my castle and never felt safe, surrounded by weapons and feared for my life, locks on the doors were strong and tight………………….and lived in fear I looked in all directions when I went for a walk, paranoid they were coming, they were there in the dark /…

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alleys of my soul

walking the alleys of my soul, I am reminded of events and people that I empowered or I let take my power, either way the fault lies with me       I pick up relics that return me to a time and place and resurrect it as my memory…

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give it away/ for s.p.

give it away, no need to save our offerings of love they  come back  multiplied best of all they come back in ways we never imagined I made a friend today, they needed to hear what I had to say, and I needed to hear what they had to say…

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grateful: full of gratitude chosen ”if I could rewind the tapes I would let it play out the same way, because without doing what I did, going where I went, walking the road I walked, I wouldn’t be where I am today”     a statement I have heard many…

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dope don’t care how you wear your hair, who you know or what you are reading         dope don’t care , where you go or where you spend your summers          dope don’t care if you think you’re having fun, you won’ be laughing…

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ben franklin ervin

i wasn’t drinking or using but i was about as spiritually fit as cabbage/ there was a hole in my soul i heard you share and i sensed a wisdom that i knew would help me if you would agree to work with me            …

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now: at this present time or moment now is all we have, Eckhart got that right, so why are we living with no end in sight/  now is the beginning, now is the end and there is nothing in between old friend glad to see you again and if it…

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halfway or no way

come here, come here so I can lean on you/ bleed on you/ need on you/ capture you leave me alone/ I can’t possibly be concerned with what’s going on with you/ when I have so much going on with me come here, come here/ I’m sorry I’m just so…

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burning would / storing could

would / past tense of will                                                       could / past tense of can would that you  supply my needs and attend to my every…

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curtain in your window

in this world there is so much to see and wonderful things to explore but you have to go out and look for them rarely do they come knocking at your door somehow they seem to elude you and I wondered why that was so but after knowing you for…

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a poet writes a few more lines to ease his troubled mind about another lover gone down the drain/ he laughs and cries , writes and sighs about the things he can’t understand/ a briefcase holds my life, tells it all once or twice about what I’ve finished and what…

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alone can be nice

alone can be nice if the timing is right, to find out what you are all about time to retrace look back and embrace the things that make you who you are alone not by force, alone by choice, wandering through the pages of your life you look ahead through…

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friends are hard to find

friends are the people who take you as you are/ they don’t judge you and your words don’t leave scars/they don’t keep their feelings tucked away in a jar friends are hard to find friends are the people who forgive and forget/they don’t keep you down because you’ve slipped/they don’t…

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when the bottom / becomes the top

walking in this slop/because i let my defenses drop/now i have to forgive and move on/so the bottom can become the top like a seesaw life teeters on the spot between what’s good for you / and what’s  not/ so to keep this thing in balance often there are things…

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s y s d m s

saying your sorry doesn’t mean shit,  you’ve been saying it a long time and it’s time to quit, so either  do something about it or don’t say a word ,                        “cause we are tired of hearing sorry for things…

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i try to step into someone else’s shoes and look from their perspective / i write especially for those who never looked into verse or considered it as something they might find interesting……………….give it a shot and write down things that affect you……………………it  will change you ———————————————————————————————–for everyman / my…

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fear of leaving mother’s side slipped away a little each day venturing, i became aware there are many things to see and do i was forever running from playmate to playmate/tree to tree relationships formed and blossomed/ friends came and went however, intimate love eluded me   sitting on an…

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brothers 4 ben an jon

we walk different roads       crossing different streets      encountering  different faces                   better to share than to stare          easier to judge than to understand                    …

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come down from the tree queen

the queen without a crown, packed her bags and headed out of town, seems no one was being attentive to her needs so the dogs took another nap, the old man took a crap and things settled into a minor key chorus somewhere over the rainbow is a guy fishing…

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wheel of time

the wheel of time will change you mind and if it doesn’t then something is wrong                   we can’t be right about everything and we learn as we go and learn as we grow              i wish…

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prison of the mind

so far they can’t imprison you for what you think then again you may already be shackled by your own beliefs a dream: as i peer through the bars i see keys hanging on a nail just outside the cell springing to my feet the first steps send me falling…

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give me your hand so you won’t get lost give me your time we will share the cost in return, I will open the door to a place you have never been before your heart

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tulips watch vain attempts to convey love through words describe the joy of witnessing birth/ touching someone without touching convey that moment when you replaced the fear of love with the fear of denying it love is all we have, more than we need I look in your face, hoping…

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♥ funny thing happened on the way to your heart holding you became easier……………………………….when I let go loving you became natural………………………………….when I learned to love myself helping you became the goal…………………………….instead of always thinking about myself giving became the objective………………………………letting me receive on the way to your heart a wonderful…

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I’m hear for you/ for brian

it was beyond my capacity as a child to question the reason why my parents were deaf and I could hear, it just was I became the recorder and transmitter, covering things I couldn’t understand and things I had never experienced and didn’t have a clue about I was given…

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tolle has toes

we never get any better than human……………….ttucro i should be this/ why aren’t i that    /   why do i continue  to walk down these overgrown trails………………….. the voices say, yes i hear voices, unfortunately most of the time they are mine, you will encounter the same things over…

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