me first

say it, me first, me first, me first………………………………sounds comforting after about 5 times………………………after 10 it makes me nauseous the reason it sounds comforting is because we have all said in the course of our life and meant it hopefully you stopped after the age of 5 and haven’t continued……………………..hopefully my…

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vending machine God

God is not your vending machine but He will give you what you want sometimes so you can see how absurd your request was never fails: most of us don’t know what we want, what we need or what is best for us……………………..but we think we do……………….that’s where the trouble…

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look before you leap

l…b…y…l is it worth the risk you’re about to take it’s a long way down  and and you can’t turn around l….b…..y….l are your eyes open wide, is your heart making this dive never hurts to ask a friend what they think l….b….y…..l have you thought this through, is it…

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just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there do your best to ignore it, it’s not going anywhere what you don’t face up to, is like pretending the hole in the boat is not that big it’s all about fear………………………..not sure what to do you turn away……………..but…

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2 steps away

on any given day i am 2 steps away, from behaving like a child, or behaving like an adult there have been many times in my life that i acted like a child and should have acted like an adult                    …

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advanced studies on a bench

often the best educational experiences i have had the pleasure of participating in were of the bench variety…………………………………..sitting in a park or the woods and just being……………………………..without trying to be anything,think anything or compose anything…………………………………..this is the best procedure for me: sit turn off be still wait something will come,…

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the rat that ate your lunch

some days the atoms revolt , they just get tired of going around in circles and they get crazy, it’s going to happen…….on those days they are ”free” radicals doesn’t matter how well you think you have it together, it’s going to happen so you try not to throw anymore…

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garden /desert………………. for d.m.

impossible to deny the presence of love/ two giving it their best shot of keeping their affections under wraps                   but it comes oozing out like peanut butter in a pb&j          your friends make faces, raised eyebrows and…

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the one i let slip away/ afraid to love……………………for Scott G.

fear of my own frailty, i was never strong enough to reach out to you i will always remember you, the little one who wouldn’t give up the little one whose eyes were as deep as the trials behind him the little one i never knew, the one i could…

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gateway drugs

arrogance…………………………………don’t you know who i am selfishness………………………….how is this going to affect me resentments……………………………….you probably have never done anything like that fear…………………………………….not having the courage to find out all the information and filling in the blanks with misconceptions revenge………………………………….you did that on purpose………..maybe….maybe not………i’ll get you back by tormenting myself…

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bits and pieces/#1 formula for a good life

formula for a good life:   don’t be ruled by your emotions

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so if you hate the haters, are you any ….. better justified hate is a very dangerous thing it escalates, it does not resolve things that offend, usually mean we are guilty of those things………………….hate it don’t you otherwise we would be able to tolerate bad behavior and bad ideas…… because the…

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the sign on the gate reads,” entry herein is restricted to those who are interested in giving as much as they take…..entry will be taken on an individual basis, if you are in a hurry, hurry on down the road” that sign has saved me numerous heartaches and numerous alliances…

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communicate: share or exchange information………………………everything else is just chatter hate………………….okay that’s a little strong                        i  dislike small talk i have heard it said  that people that are in tune can spend time together without jabbering every minute…………………………………..silence is golden…

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milligan’s fields

in Milligan’s fields i have run and let my emotions flow              in Milligan’s fields i have watched the sunset and trampled through the snow      in Milligan’s fields i have lived and there part of me will die for from my walks in…

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flowers before the grave

every time i go to a funeral it baffles me the outpouring of flowers and arrangements  that are everywhere…………………………….they aren’t for the person in the box…………………….they could care less .. i know, i know they are for the family i would wager  that 75% of the people who sent flowers…

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where poet’s walk

take a walk if you wish…………through the woods with me speak at length of the things you see…………………stir in me a tone that warms to the bone and reminds me……………………the greatest treasures are free reflect on times that are gone……………..examine but leave them alone            …

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the mountain in your mind

when i turned away from things that made you sad the mountain in front of me looked like it would be impossible for me to climb i got messages from others who had made the journey and they said it wasn’t easy but it was possible they gave me this…

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a lot like me/Henry

we already had two dogs………………………… wife is a teacher with a soft spot for her kids, all 800 of them…………………………………………. and for dogs another teacher had a friend and she was having financial problems and couldn’t afford to give the dog his shots and preventative meds.     so Florence…

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lying to yourself

i just got off the phone with a friend who has been telling himself the same lie for so long, he believes it absurd as it, ridiculous as it is, far fetched as it is he believes it when we get to this point all the talking, consulting, professional help…

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stumbling over the truth

just like a root on a shadowy path, i stumble over the truth first thing i notice, i am looking up and not down…………… change of perspective i get hints when i am twisted, sometimes i pay attention to them, often not but when all signals fail, my guardian angel,…

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A gift or an expectation?

funny how words trigger thoughts…………………….at least they do for me i had this vintage flannel shirt, from the fifties…………………… was gray and light pink, almost a rose color, on an off- white background                      think i found it at a thrift…

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the need to blame

he did it, she did it, it was because of the weather, the airline messed up, his family was troubled s……………………..t    everybody’s family is messed up, everyone over the age of 40 is in recovery from something what is wrong with saying ”that could be better, let’s see what…

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X not a dress rehearsal

this is the show and it open’s every morning when the sun comes up and the curtain drop slowly as the sun goes down a different play everyday    the actors change or sometimes they change roles but the plot is always the same……………………….what are you gonna do with it…

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can’t run away from me

I can hide from you…………don’t answer the phone stay away from people……………………just leave me alone close the blinds…………………………….nobody’s at home but i can’t run away from me take a few days off from work, get in the car and drive      ten hours later and several states away  …

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5 words………………………………………………………………………………………………………not 5,000

i like brevity, no actually i love it concise………………………………………………… definition   /    cuts through the shit the difference between men and women/ are you ready ”SAY YES TO THE DRESS” my grand- daughters  are 3 and 5 and they love this show………………..excuse me i have something in my throat…

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stuff you can do to change the world without breaking a sweat

smile………………………………………………………………………you’re breathing, as opposed to not say thank-you…………………………………….. especially to people who don’t deserve it turn off the television……………………………….and read something good for your head pray……………………doesn’t matter whether you believe or not, see what happens be nice………………..particularly to people you don’t feel warm and fuzzy about be a giver…………………………..don’t get…

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better than we think

there was a man who was distraught about his state of affairs and he looked out from the window and thought about jumping            someone was coming down the hall………………..he turned and a woman with a patch over her eye asked him what floor the main…

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i’m just saying / 1

somewhere this morning there is a bloke who tied one on last night and is feeling a little reptilian this morning, he gave the keys to his wife and nobody was killed, nobody abused and he has no desire to do it again anytime soon, smiling as his wife tries…

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quality vs. quantity

i insisted on experiencing as much as i could/ didn’t matter how crazy it was/ how dangerous it was or how expensive it was, it i could come up with the money…………………………………..we gone but experience without understanding is similar to fishing without bait……….the chances of you catching something are very…

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