from here on…………………….

that’s all that matters from here on yesterday doesn’t matter, argue with me if you like tomorrow isn’t here today we play, live, laugh, cry, fry, shed a few tears and die from this point on and in increments of 24 hour blocks ingenious way to live, one page at…

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as much as you would like to delude yourself into thinking that something is different than what it is, go ahead when the consequences come down then don’t have gall to ask yourself…………………….duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how did this happen it happened because you knew better and did it anyway………………………………most people aren’t really…

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SHORT FOR I WOULD IF I COULD BUT I CAN’T no explanations, no apologies, no excuses………………..don’t expect me to elaborate……done the mistake we often make is to offer more than is necessary and it leads to ”maybe”, ”we’ll see”, ”if I can” and it’s bogus I have a right, you…

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Hershey Kisses/Make Time to Take Time

it is 24 hours, no more………….no less                              how we choose to spend that time is controlled by work, obligations, and habits………………………….so whatever time you have control over is usually very precious in today’s world it is…

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defiant/just hurting myself

after all this time, not young……….not old, I still find myself working against myself and making hasty decisions that I know are wrong when I am doing them really not much different from a game we played as kids ”throw the knife”, yes we were hoodlums and barely missed being…

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time out

place myself in the corner by the window sill and I gaze out at the meadow at the slow rolling hills I needed to change direction, my flight wasn’t going well so i landed in this corner. deciding to sit for a spell no one to be angry with, no…

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Halloween is Dead

Halloween is dead,………………………………….shot right in the head the Christians didn’t kill it,……………………….society did just couldn’t chance hurting the little ones so we change our traditions, to protect us from the crazy ones makes you feel uneasy when someone says somethings wrong, forget what I’m saying you explain what’s happening i…

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Face of God

what if someone suggested that you were the Face of God,……………………….you probably would laugh, shake your head and roll your eyes but the ”skinny” is what they were saying is true,…………………God uses people to do the work He needs to do most of the time it’s small things like giving…

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God / Reviews

great plot……………. amazing how He managed the characters and got them out of hopeless situations thrilling,………….non-stop action with great messages just below the surface great casting……………………. unbelievable how He used the most inept people to do incredible things thought-provoking………………… stirred the imagination of how life can be purposeful and rewarding powerful………………….that…

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Gods Plan/the Fountain

Gods Plan is better than anything I  come up with in my head or hand I count it a blessing that I stand as a man and ask His blessing and to reveal His Plan so I go to the fountain that I searched to find, the Path was well-marked…

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there was an old man who danced in the park……………….late in the afternoon just before dark i would finish my run and wait for Him to stop………………sometimes He waved and sometimes we would talk He told me that a long ago He left His Home on a distant shore and…

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it’s time

it’s time we look at what  we took and what we gave away to see if it is a reasonable mix and if there is something we need to change by now we have enough evidence the we will be okay, no matter what life throws at us G will…

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stay in today

you can’t live for tomorrow so you might as well stay in today nothing here is promised, tomorrow you might not have a parking space so spending time projecting is like painting a picture with your eyes closed it could be kind of interesting but it probably wouldn’t be something…

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two of a kind

my favorite person i would like to kill, is so much like me it makes me ill it doesn’t flatter me that the person who can crawl under my skin is a carbon copy of the man I am so when i look at him with disgust, i’m looking at…

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my friend behind the fence

I have a friend behind the fence, it’s always the same reason why, he chose to go against the rules and society set him aside matters not the infraction, matters now what can be done to regain the joy of life and to embrace lessons that can be learned we…

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finding humility

thank-you for the sunshine and thank-you for the rain, thank-you for your patience in trying to teach me about the appropriate measure of a man you don’t know what you don’t know until you learn it……………..David Jenkins I am approaching the realization of the quiet power and strength of humility………………………….the…

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careful how you fill that hole/landfill

careful how you fill that hole, what you put in determines what comes out and you won’t know it right away……………….takes a while for things to settle out and decompose and you can’t see the effects right away……………………..but as you look back at what you put in you will see…

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what i’m supposed to do

what i’m supposed to do is not to depend on me ………………………………………but to depend on you some will call me weak, dependent and confused……………………………………..i need not defend You nor Your work, my own life is an example of what You can do why is that when i wake up, seems…

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wake up rip

grateful today I can appreciate my life as it is and not aware of this only after something has been taken away loss has been a primary motivator in my life and I am realizing it doesn’t have to be that way one can protect what is  valuable by not…

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whatever you choose as you direction in life be it vocation, focus, career………………… I believe paramount in this equation is the ability to ward off being under the direction and influence of our emotions…………………not to be ruled by your emotions the degree of success you will find will be directly…

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careful with that cross/ for all of us

careful how you carry that cross friend, don’t think Jesus used those words nobody expects you to be perfect, but you’re not trying very hard when you wave that banner make sure you have the right cause bringing attention to ourselves isn’t what we’re looking for, but to go about…

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keep it to yourself/Preparation H

unsolicited opinions are received about as well as hemorrhoids……………….keep it to yourself

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wise men/wise woman

slow to speak, because it takes several minutes for reason to catch up with mind no reason to seek attention still discovering new things all the time learning and searching are not worthy of status, rather respect i have found the wise to be humble in awe of the intricacies…

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sounds like he’s giving up, tired of the repercussions from doing things his way people tried to talk to him but their word fell on deaf ears but life is the best teacher and it favors those who learn, if something isn’t working perhaps it’s time to investigate what is…

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not there anymore

i’m not there anymore you know the place where you try to hide from everyone including yourself i’m not lost anymore, off track sometimes but not lost, and a hard turn brings me back to familiar roads i’m not as impulsive as I once was, sometimes, but not so much,…

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assisted living

words can have so many meanings…………………………………… I have been in assisted living since I was in my teens, although I didn’t know it then, I know it now had it not been so I wouldn’t be here I am grateful that the help was there however unappreciative and unaware I…

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tall not small

the mention of the word God makes me tall not small, for I am greeting and accepting a creative source that I am neither able to conceive or deny God is………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. tapping into that energized resource gives me strength and courage to live in a fallen world With His help…

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take this pain away………………no, don’t take this pain away

on any given day, I can reiterate the heading at the top of this page………….so much I don’t understand and I keep telling myself it’s part of His plan, but does that change…………………………. suffering animals struck by cars, humans stuffed in boxes, bombs tied on the backs of children take…

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broken wing/Jack

I know it’s bad, pretending otherwise would be a slap in your face and a denial of reality…………………………i’ll hang with you and when I can help, let me know………………otherwise i’ll stay out of the way………………………I know you well enough that someone hovering over you would give you the creeps,…… too…

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there is someone I’m suppose to reach out to today, whose name and face I do not know but those are minor details, so I prefer to let them go I do not know what your needs are so I’ll pretend you are me, we’re probably not much different……….. in…

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