grateful for all things
approaching a place where i can be grateful for all things, with the confidence that there is a reason for them that i may not initially understand i operate under the premise that there is a God, i am not Him, HE loves me and wants the best for me,…
Read Morethere is a way
there is a way but i cant always see it but I know someone who know’s the way and He know’s the lay of the land and the ways of men this world can be a jungle to me………………………………., was a time when I was afraid of what was in…
Read Moreloan you one of mine
if you can’t come up with a reason why you are stubborn, self-centered and unkind come a little closer and I’ll lend you one of mine if you can’t justify why you did the crime, step over here and I’ll loan you one of mine if your speech is abhorrent , you…
Read Moretwo lives……….one before, one after
if you are on a spiritual journey, you are trying to understand and do Gods’ will………………which i believe is to be the best example of love, compassion and concern for your fellows, then you have lived two lives, one before awareness and one after the second isn’t about rainbows and puppy…
Read Morewhen want passes need
when want passes need………………………….be ready to hit your knees cause you are headed for trouble when want passes need starts out slow till it picks up speed then it’s hellbent on having whatever it seeks logic gets pushed aside, thrown out the door and the wisest friends are often ignored…
Read Moreworst mistake I can make
I woke up this morning, not came to, thank God, and a thought came across my noggin, ” what is the worst mistake I can make” well the initial thought that came in my mind, probably because I am a control freak is that I should think that i am…
Read Morechange
change can play these strange games comes like summer, sometimes like spring,cold as winter, soft as rain………………… never know what change will bring sometimes its sneaky, but most times it’s abrupt, like someone bumping into your hot coffee cup often we don’t like it, but that’s just tough, cause you…
Read Morelook under the rock
if something has you blocked, probably a reason you needed to stop before you start to fret, look under the rock rarely are things just like they seem, it’s an opportunity to look before you scream what started as a block, turns out to be something you dropped, an opportunity…
Read Moregag order/ shut up
well it is a bit easier coming from myself than it would be coming from you so before we cross that bridge, I am placing myself under a ”gag” order self-imposed, probably before it is suggested from someone else generally we can tell if we are getting to close to…
Read Moremy greatest victory: admitting defeat
seems odd to admit this at first………………………my ego wants to get in there and say” so sad, that’s it ” but i have to drop the ”poor me ” and think about what has happened in the last 13 years and 318 days………………straight up ”miracles” i have had the same…
Read Moreprisoner of your mind
i was troubled and i was wondering if i had lost my way and a voice said” look inside today, and i think what you will find, you have become a prisoner of your mind” that message wasn’t loud but it was clear, so i finished my coffee and got…
Read Morethe magic pill
the prescription i use when nothing else works, doesn’t come in a bottle or a box for everything it has fixed, don’t know why i don’t go there first but i’ll hem and haw, complain and fret and when all else fails, i’ll hit my knees and throw up a…
Read Morethe pain of knowing
one cannot take away the pain of knowing you may try avoidance or disregard, but one knows what they know going against what is proven and recorded is the equivalent of putting your finger in a pencil sharpener and expecting it not to hurt you may pretend otherwise, but you…
Read Morewalk around the land mines
read the lines before you read between them if you’re like me I struggle with acceptance of what is before me, sounds kinda odd when I see it on paper, doesn’t stop it from being true my tendency is to question reality perhaps that’s a result from living in ”neverland”…
Read Morewhat’s most important
what is most important to you? the reason i ask, people will list: family friends faith work home money then if you inquire what kind of effort they put into securing or developing these they will often say ” not much ” so the disconnect is what we esteem to…
Read Morelearning……………..door open…………….door closed
one can have it hammered into them after they’re beaten and bludgeoned and no other choice is left and they surrender out of desperation……………………………….. or you can be open to suggestions and options you may not have considered while you are trudging through the mire I have found rather than…
Read Morewhy i vote
our political system needs an overhaul…………………………….bad we have republicrats and demorats and there isn’t a dime’s bit of difference between the two we need a 3rd party, somewhere near the middle of the road, imagine that, not too far right, not too far left, that’s called middle ground but i…
Read Morecheck the expiration date
before it’s too late check the expiration date maybe you don’t want to do that after all perhaps that time is gone and you would be better to let go is there a reason you are holding on everything has its’ season and things come and go but after it’s…
Read Morewhat can i do for you
turn it around, instead of asking for, ask how to be of service, can’t lose either way hey, what can i do for you today? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… well, you can start by giving thinks, let’s me know you are aware of things i help you with and that i care be…
Read Moreflying lessons
part 1 I asked you to teach me how to fly………………………………………………………………………………………………… never paused your answer” how high” high as the heavens where the birds don’t fly, over peaks and valleys that’s how high so it has happened, no I didn’t grow wings, but you provided the ways and the means…
Read MoreGod doesn’t answer to me or you
i hate to wait, but i also am painfully aware of jumping the gun on my own and going off half cocked determined to have my way………………………..disaster I ask God to help me with certain things and i try to ask assistance in being a better person and i get…
Read Morewhat’s it worth
hey bro, what you’re about to do is good for us, or just good for you what I’ve found out, might work for you too, if it isn’t good for me can’t be good for you if you take the time to weigh things out, the scales of honesty will…
Read Morewhere is this God
where is this GOD you are so quick to recommend seems like a lot of you guys are taking it on the chin you reply ” that’s what happens when evil wins” your God must not be that Big after all ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I can see from your perspective it could…
Read MoreSutherland Springs
i do not have the answer, intend to blame no one, impossible to legislate morality but somehow we have to be doing something wrong so easy to point fingers and blame it on guns, but now is not the time for debate families have been torn apart the gunman has…
Read Morelisten to old farts say ”yes” to the dress
say yes to the dress and get out of this mess she could care less what you think anyway and as much as she will disagree she not dressing for you or me she is trying to turn here sisters heads a laugh when I hear young guys say I…
Read Moreafter all this time
after all this time, i still can be blind, not because i don’t see, i don’t wish to accept what i see that is this man’s dilemma, dealing with reality and not my reality it is a modern trait to describe and position things to allow enough wiggle room, to…
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