the destination
there is a special place…………………………………took some time to find i had to rid myself of all the clutter i had stuffed inside my mind clearing out and cleaning up allowed me to see………………..once i placed so much value to things that now mean little to me part of that comes…
Read Morepicture not a puzzle
quietly we go about His work, with gladness in our heart there are no words to say, the work will do it’s part professing what the lord has done, for each of us…………quietly ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………i was under the impression that my mission was to find the pieces to the ”puzzle” of…
Read Morethe ”Quad”
the Holy Trinity came to me and I asked if this group was just about three and they said it was open to all, but few ever had the nerve or ventured to call so I said, ”my credentials aren’t that good as you well know, and on many of…
Read Moreif you say so
it’s not my problem, it’s not my fault, they made a choice and that’s just tough, not everyone is going to get what they want if you say so this shouldn’t have happened, they were told to watch out, i don’t care if they bitch or shout, if they were…
Read Moreleaving the game
I’m leaving the game after all this time, I had a good run and my legacy is fine I tried to help younger players to see we were just passing through and that’ s all it would ever be you make the rules up as you go and they change…
Read Morerules of engagement
your path in life will be determined by what you want and what you are willing to do to get there………………………………………ttucro that’s it, it is that simple i have a lot of interests, verse, art, music………………………….but if you want to excel to the highest level……………………….you have to pick one and…
Read Morethe little part i need
far from being an accomplished writer, a journeyman at best…………..even if i were graced with extraordinary vocabulary and wisdom there is that bit of distance between what is written and what is conveyed and only the reader can add that part in other words………………………i can’t do this by myself…………………communicate i…
Read Morethe shortest story you will ever read
he lived………………he laughed……………………he cried ……………………he died. those eight words could be said of every man or woman who has every breathed on this planet i can hear it already, takes a certain ass determined to disrupt the flow and idea of the conversation to interject something like what about a…
Read Morenothing to say
you ask me to come, so here I am I will walk by your side talk if you like if there is something you need to say I will listen you got my message without my vocalization, I know because you nodded so we walked in the park amongst the…
Read Morefrom me to you/gift
i have heard people share that they do their art, cooking, writing, hand-works for others not really for themselves…………………to which i would respond, i might eat your cookin’, only because I’m a confessed glutton, but I probably wouldn’t be interested in owning or displaying work that was intended for someone…
Read MoreI am that man
act 1 I am that man who was a confused, mischievous kid who was into everything and had a hard time fitting in that got into trouble and was often over His head and weathered the repercussions of acting on a whim fires and broken windows and even a stolen…
Read Morewhy plant/ if you aren’t going to Harvest
you took the time to prepare your mind, by clearing off the spot taking all the sticks and rocks and smoothing out the bumps turned the land gently to expose the dark rich soil and put in the fertilizer just as you had been schooled now the seeds go in…
Read Moreyou not over there anymore
Your not over there anymore, across the street or next door i’m not looking around to see where You are because Your right here I’m not praying to a God out there, on top of a mountain or the bottom of the sea I’m talking to you just like I…
Read Moredon’t forget to say your prayers
especially if you don’t believe, take a chance it’s absolutely free and it comes with an iron-clad guarantee………………….if you aren’t satisfied you can stop at anytime with no cancellation fee make this offer to anyone, struggling with life, ready to come undone, and if they will try for a few…
Read MoreRingling Brothers/bumbling idiots
the circus is in town, look at all the clowns are they prance around the problems is they are making our laws, and putting lots of money in old mason jars so that when they finish this charade they will be sippin’ martini’s in Jamaica in the shade so my…
Read Moreabide in Me
if you try……………………………you will see………………………… isn’t that hard to abide in Me I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end…………….I created everything and My Children are My Crown I cannot say how much it means when a decision has been made to come into my Holiness with…
Read Moredon’t mail it
I will write this note so I can see the words in my head in front of me I see your memory is starting to slip…………….I suppose if I were kind i would just let it go, but it pisses me off what you think you know and what really…
Read Moreno waiting………….you can have it now
I’m not talking about material things they get old and break what I am addressing is something that money cannot buy, not available in stores or online it is called ”peace” and having had a taste of it at 63 I would like to keep it and share how others…
Read Morewhat will you leave behind
when we are young, defiant and blind……we are unaware that we walk this Earth……..a very short while as the days pass we come to find, that we have no control over the hands of time we wrestle and struggle until we finally admit, we aren’t in charge, and come to…
Read Morelove dresses funny sometimes
we get these notions in our head about how things should look and feel problem is we are forgetting that we base these beliefs on our experience and lets face it, no matter how well read we are or traveled…………………we only know a little ””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” this weathered woman approached me…
Read Moremy America
my America isn’t the Kardashian’s, isn’t Hollywood and rarely makes the news my America is Jeff who works on my cars, David who maintains my heating system Jack who is a genius with glass, Danny who can repair anything and my go to guy for everything real people living the…
Read MoreJUANITA/” please forgive me”
our paths crossed at our favorite restaurant on the trip back and forth to the cabin in Buckingham , Va. you where a piece of work and you took my jousting pretty well, and i didn’t even know your name you ran a tight ship and we enjoyed watching you…
Read Morespeed bumps
often things are placed in our path, to make us slow down get so wrapped up in life, we stop living life and life starts living us initially you grimace and say now why is this happening, but as you go on you begin to recognize the speed bumps are…
Read Moredon’t say a word
99% of what people say………………………would go away……………………..if we never said a word no defense, not necessary to reply, let the words sit where they belong in the open sky i have a choice today whether to sit or play and i will choose what’s right for me if the interaction…
Read Morethe challenge
there are certain things one must do as we walk through this promenade of life learn to respect others and ourself, when to take and when to give back there is an ebb and to life that keeps things moving along, some call it the rhythm, some say it’s a…
Read Morei call your name
I call your name when I’m afraid, when I’m tired, when I am frayed I call your name when I’m on my own, and when this world won’t leave me alone I call your name because I’ve been blessed, with your love and thoughtfulness I call your name because you gave…
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