in…………………………………..or out

doesn’t take many words to convey the message of love     and there aren’t enough words once that love is lost       in…………………………………………………………………………………..or out

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let go of the rope

i had this dream, i think i know what it means but i’ll let you decide for yourself ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the smell of smoke roused me from my sleep i opened the bedroom door and fire was racing up the stairs, all i could see was flames i had placed escape…

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quiet inside

as the pages of the calendar turn, the goals in my life have changed it isn’t about lots of material things, or loads of money in the bank it’s about peace the beautiful peace that comes with being still and quiet inside, when the wheels stop turning and a thousand…

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it’s better if i do

it’s better if i do, think more than less of you really doesn’t matter what you do or say, i’ll try to like you anyway so any harm you meant for me comes roaring back at you it’s better if i try to help you, maybe we both will learn…

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i’ll have the last laugh

attack, attack,attack you never are to blame have to keep that facade intact you have devoloped the act of transferring responsibility into an art with details so fine that any portrait painter would envy them you have it down so well you believe it yourself …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… but i have one…

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still have you

if………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… the bottom drops out and i lose my job the doctor finds i have an incurable disease the house burns down i lose my friends and family i lose my way i find my way i become indigent the government takes my freedom ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. no matter what this world…

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hold on

hold on it’s coming but it may take a while when country comes first and when good means good for all and not some when ethnicity becomes secondary and citizenship becomes primary when a hand reaches out to get or give help, it will have nothing to do with color…

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ask yourself

i look around me…………………..i must be insane and i have the nerve…………………to complain two hands, two feet, two eyes getting weak nice warm house and comfortable seats two cars in the driveway and plenty to eat and i have the nerve ……………… complain friends and family, most of whom i…

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wading through my fear

doesn’t seem to be a way out of here,  i have looked everywhere the last thing i want to do, is the only choice i have wading through my fear i have no idea what i am stepping into,it has been years accumulating and i don’t have a clue, i’ve…

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the fair is always in town

the fair is in town, it’s not going away they found enough people who where willing to pay and as the tickets keep getting higher, the smart ones walk away but there will always be some that are willing to stay looking for that chance to see what they have…

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those little red dots

i guess it looks kinda stupid, but i put little red dots by my thumbs, as a reminder to stop…. to be aware of what i’m thinking and what my mouth is putting out and if it isn’t, kind and necessary then i need to ”stop” like the signs on the…

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delete this program

delete the program that tells you, you’re just human and you are bound to make mistakes and replace with a program that encourages you to be the best you can, realizing you will fall short sometimes can you see the difference…………..don’t start out with excuses………come on i am bound to…

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don’t let your thorn become a tree

along the way a thorn is stuck in your side and it hurts you get caught up in things and every attempt you make at removing is thwarted so you move along and you get used to the pain, it’s just there doesn’t keep you awake at night, just keeps…

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no way out

you lean back in the chair and listen to the sound of a car door shut you hear voices and you know someone is on the phone you glance around the room, for a good place to hide, nothing looks promising, so you let the thought slide the car doors…

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short notice

life runs on short notice………………………..things happen and rarely are we prepared for them…………………………………we deal with them as best we can and hope something was gleaned from the last episode that will help us deal with the next often emotion gets in the way of knowledge and we swim around in…

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no place else to go

no place else to go when it feels like snow and there is no snow when the lights are low no matter how many lights you turn on when you klnda feel like hopping in the trash can, just for the ride words seem like sand and tumble out as…

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paint by numbers

paint by numbers was good as a child one could find order by following the system i am looking for that system for my life if it were just I…………….. and I were left alone perhaps the numbers would be easier to follow but people keep moving the numbers around…

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hope he was right

a friend suggested that if one writes from the heart, the content will take care of itself …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. they are everywhere sitting their snares, hoping you are unaware they are trying to trap you how nice it would be if people would ” live and let live”, but it isn’t…

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bill foster

bill foster is gone but he will never die, because i keep a piece of him close by my side and after these words, maybe you will understand why ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. I was the wild child growing up,stuck in the middle and I grew up tough prone to follow a hunch…

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let it pass through

hey, i got news for you if you are out there tryin’ to do right they will be gunnin’ for you sometimes it’s your family, people you meet old friends or people on the street but the bullets will be flying, that i can guarantee some will come in the form…

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the last child…………..won

two little boys were playing with toys and another entered the room they started to say and act as sometimes children do unkind remarks and words that send sparks that often ignite a fuse but the last child thought today i will avoid these sparks, for i have others things…

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better wait

days do not define me, my attitude does

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Off balance

  woke up this morning and only one foot touched the floor It was apparent that I was out of sync and I clenched my teeth and accepted it entertained returning to bed but there were things that needed to be handled, so I did them, half-heartedly and a bit…

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almost the truth………………….is still a lie

almost the truth is still a lie…………………I’ve known you too long, I can see it in your eyes you think it’s better if you almost get there, just leave out the parts you would rather not share you’ll get most of the story, why are you upset, don’t see any…

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the gift…………that was taken away

life has so many twists and turns i wouldn’t suggest that i understand things that seem logical today tomorrow i find absurd i am indeed a work in progress i see no end in sight somewhere in the distance there remains that soft purple light i make no claims of…

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what you’ve done for me

if i had the words to tell You what You have done for me there still wouldn’t be enough time to say everything i need to say best i can do is to try to live Your way, maybe someone else will see what has You have done for me…

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all i can do is pray /for Mayday

don’t get me wrong…………………i  believe strongly in the power of prayer that means I put it in Gods’ hands, which means it now is on His terms and His timing i’m human and i want results now……………………just doesn’t work that way the patience to let God do His work on…

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the fear of the lord is the beginning of understanding……………..but fools despise wisdom and instruction.                           prov. 1 v. 7 i am going to replace the word fear with respect i am well aware of the unbelievable power and resolve…

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what i do is more important than what i know

sometimes what we think gets in the way of what we should do let’s look at the list: opinions, generally formed with very little evidence judgment, it is so much less effort involved to judge than to understand we know what’s best…………………really look back at your track record and say…

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little dog

the puppy reminds me that sometimes i am like a little dog into everything that moves and running from one thing to the next expending so much energy to go no where sniffing and looking at things so fast i couldn’t possibly”see” what i am looking at the exuberance for…

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