crack in the ice/ for osd

a lie is like a crack in the ice, once it is there it always spreads you may not notice that it is opening, until one day you fall into it and you wonder how did that happen and why didn’t i see it coming the thing about a lie…

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friends are hard to find

friends are people who take you for what you are, they don’t judge you, your words don’t leave scars, they don’t keep their feelings tucked away in a jar, friends are hard to find friends are the ones who stick around after you’ve lost everything you have found, friends take…

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safety net

wherever i go whatever i do i am protected as long as i ‘m working for you i have to work, most us do if we want to eat, but my real employer is God………………………….now my boss signs the paycheck, but everything he has and everything i have belongs to…

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the problem with ”hurry”

i was getting gas this morning and an elderly lady came into the store asking for directions to an assisted living center………… if was too difficult to explain so i said i would put it in my gps and she could follow me, well that was all well and good…

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the bridge

a brother told me one day,” man , why do you keep going around this wisdom tree, while you are trying to get smart, there is a bridge right here that will set you free, and while getting smarter is a noble cause, often the answer is right under our…

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maybe just one

it helps if you never lose touch with reality and i have tried to be realistic with my expectations of how this blog is received………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..   maybe just one will need to read something i have endured or that happened to me…………………..and from a few words perhaps they will find…

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whom will you serve

you are going to serve something or someone or more often, yourself the issue i have, i said,”i have” with serving something, it becomes like a graven image, or an idol if you will……….just not me the issue i have with serving someone is not to make that person a…

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restoring furniture aka ”the riddle of life”

life can mirror the process of working on piece of furniture…………………the results are contingent on how well you prepare the piece you are working on…………………how well you prepare………………… much time are you willing to devote to get the results you want………………………that is a very concise description of life i have…

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i take my medicine when i arise look to the heaven and close my eyes i do not deserve the life that i have,but for Gods’ grace i would be dead it took many years for me to understand, you can’t live like a child and expect to be treated…

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still the best deal

the best deal in town is right out your window, in your back yard…………………………in the woods across the street a walk down a path by the river, ushers forth a plethora of more amusement then one could find at the fair the best things in life for me are free, and…

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could have been me/ for d.w.

brother, it could have been me, but God chose you to be somewhere and do the things that we don’t want to do i hesitate to think of the deeds that i did, could have easily landed me where you are, or more likely dead so don’t think you alone…

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maybe one day

maybe one day we can agree to accept people as they are, and not as we expect them to be maybe one day your opinion will be as valuable as mine and i can respect that maybe one day the earth will again be our precious mother and we will…

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for you/victims of Las Vegas Massacre

for you who cannot speak, may i say a word for you to shine a light were darkness tried to overshadow your life that others remember you for your living and that you didn’t die in vain  that such a sacrifice perhaps will open many closed doors and minds as…

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torpedo/ for j, part man, part fish

you came into the pool area tapping your cane very softly and carefully, i watched you place your towel and goggles on the bench,this action obviously have been repeated many times…………… you said ”hi” to the lifeguard as she greeted you inquiring about the temperature of the water, to which…

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las vegas

some of us have a grudge, and we’ll get over…………talk about it………..blow off some steam………..and move on one of us will start a grudge, feed it, nurture it and turn it into a vendetta against society sometimes there is someone who has knowledge of this ” out of control behavior,”…

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hand writer

”we do what we do, might be different from you, makes me no better, no worse,be grateful we have a choice.”……..ttucro i make marks on my left hand for reminders……………………….i have a laptop, i have an i-phone, i have sticky notes, if it is something i cannot forget to do…

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a hard man to love took the trash out and sat down at his desk and put a snob-nose 45, by his lamp started to write a note and couldn’t decide where to start much less where to end he heard his grand-kids playing in the yard and that made…

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mosquito’s of your mind

opinions are like mosquito’s of your mind, they bite you when you’re not looking and they separate and divide either things are good for me or not…………………they are inclusive or devisive…………..sound or shaky, for me what you chose to do with them and how you view them is up to…

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firecracker or feather?

we are born with the capability of behavior that can resemble a firecracker or a feather let’s examine the firecracker factor: very loud very messy can create damage powerful for a moment lasting effects…………….marginal now the feather factor: light…………..adaptable non threatening comforting structured non-combative longer lasting influence ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. now which…

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soul ”caulk”

they make a product we all can use, but you can’t buy it in a store it takes time to get the formula right, several years or more and it takes a special person to know when to use it and how to apply it right sometimes people get in…

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not the only one

some days it’s easy being me and some days it sucks sometimes i feel like i’m on one of the moving transporters at the big airports and i’m just waving at people and places as they pass by, like a parade wave then other days i have concrete blocks attached…

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a little song

i keep a little song going on, somewhere in the back of my mind often i hum a few bars and i know people wonder what’s going on but life goes on from day to day, filled with those who want and those who need i try to be the…

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what color is God

oh yes, i’m a believer…………………………………….i’ve said a thousand times, to which i now would respond, ” why don’t you try practicing” everyone is talking about statues and kneeling at nfl games, but nobody is talking about the real deal…………………..and that is we still live in a segregated nation and guess who…

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the lies i tell myself

the lies i tell myself aren’t as well crafted as they used to be………………………………i suppose subconsciously i know they are lightweights anyway the balance has shifted and it’s almost not worth the trouble to construct them at all, i said almost the lazy me still wishes to avoid doing things…

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until you have to do something

being a friend is easy,……………………until you have to do something until you have to tell your friend that his partner is unfaithful until then being a friend is easy when you have to set with a friend while they wait to hear if their mother or father survived the operation…

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peace is knowing when to quit

looking over the pieces that are left, i wonder if i can make them fit………………………  order and ready to go on……………the truth is i can’t i won’t assume all the responsibility for what happened, and i can’t recover the smiles that were wasted i look in your eyes and see…

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the scales are correct

the scales of life are balanced just right…………… we get in proportion to what we give the only people who have a problem with that………………………well you figure it out……….. i don’t know who said it but ”fair” is a place where pigs get ribbons we as humans have a hard…

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treasure chest/my heart…………….for C

safely tucked somewhere you cannot see, is a very special place i have set aside for thee it has little pieces i thought that i should keep, reminders we might need sometime, when the light of love is weak for if we are to be honest we know life has…

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we make our own bed/ arithmetic of life

how’d you sleep?………………………………..we do make our own bed and the debris and chaos we initiate during the day follows us into the night surely you have heard this remark coming from someone who has been or is a royal pain in the a……………”i just don’t sleep well, toss and turn,…

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play God, be God

”i think you should do this, maybe you should try that”……………………………if you are going to play God you better be God ”it’s not the right time in your life, maybe you should wait a few years”…………….if you are going to play God , you better be God ”i was faced…

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