it’s not his fault…………………….for my superhero, Grambo
not many times we can honestly say, it’s not his fault and mean what we say but there is a little man fighting for his life and it’s not his fault it’s not his fault, his mother’s fault, his dad’s fault or anybody’s fault……………………it was God it was God who…
Read Moreshe was a great woman, who drank herself to death
i know some will smirk and some will sweat, the fact remains: she was a great woman who drank herself to death now many would prefer that the latter be left out, but perhaps her greatest gift may yet to be dealt for all the good and service that she…
Read Morehope you get it
not trying to write something mysterious, i want you to get it like when a ball hits the catchers mitt dead center, it’s in there a putt in the cup, that sound when it drops, i want you to hear that when you read me metaphors and adjectives have their…
Read Moreforgiveness
the word ”like” is not a necessary component of acceptance you needn’t like the reality of a situation to accept it……..and you are damned if you don’t i am not a stellar example of forgiveness and i admit it my infractions aren’t nearly as bad as yours…………………….right i know it’s…
Read Morethe better half
part of me wants to see you bleed hang your ass up in a tree throw all the shit back that you throw at me yep that what’s inside part of me part of me thinks you’re a brat trying to get back at the people who gave you crap…
Read Moreyou can’t make me………………………………..unless i want to
you can’t make me accountable, responsible, considerate………………………..i have to want to you can’t make me deceptive,evasive, or secretive…………………………………………..i have to want to you can’t make me good, bad, indifferent, callous or caring………………………….i have to want to you can’t make me do anything and that excuse doesn’t work and isn’t offered…
Read Moreit’s really not a secret…………….we can stop pretending
it’s not a secret we both know the score each of us has been around the block to know what we are looking for so we can go about our day and do our pleasantries, but inside we both know that something is missing we can talk around it, get…
Read Morewalk with me
walk with me down this road, tell me what you see i know you been here before and some of this is new to me you told me that you had lost your way, where was it you got confused maybe you could help me avoid the detour that you…
Read Morethat’s what freedom sounds like………………..hmmmmmmmm
my wife had a comedian on the boob tube the other night and i was amazed at his routine it was totally centered around the timing and punctuation of the most offensive four letter words the audience was enthralled and i decided to read this is us anything goes, and…
Read Morei’ll believe it when i see it……………………maybe
i don’t trust me…………………let alone you remember i’m human and i know what they can do so if you find me a wee bit leery……………………you right on the spot i’ll believe what you’re saying, when i see it,………………………………………. or maybe not you see i often see what inside my head…
Read Morebetter pack a bag
i got excused from the boy scouts for being over stimulated, but i was around long enough to remember one thing…………… gotta be ready…………………….for anything as best you can now don’t get me wrong, God will help you……………………..but He may see how you handle yourself along the way……………until the flood…
Read Moretomorrow they may be gone
i caution you not to wait, if it is something you feel you must do tomorrow isn’t that far away, but it may be too late for you the experience has happened one to many times where i wanted to share something from my heart with someone, but tomorrow they…
Read Morethe cookie jar
my grandma had a cookie jar on the counter in the kitchen and she said that it was her place where she put things she wanted to remember warning us that it was ”off limits” and she better not find us kids snooping around it i suppose that was a…
Read Morein Gods’ time
in a tight spot, nowhere to turn, then i remembered something learned no matter what this world presents me i can get resolution, because i have the ”Key” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. the ”Key” was revealed after many days of confusion and doubt out of options and filled with regret, my mind was empty…
Read Morewhere else would i go
now that i know where else would i go when what i see frightens me and makes me feel confused i simply retreat to an isolated seat where i can share with you in a prayer never turned away, nothing to pay, i tell you what you already know you…
Read Moresplinter in your soul
there is a splinter in your soul and it’s ready to come out sad to say you put it there and only you can ask to have it removed we often think situations just happen out of the blue and all of a sudden, but rarely is that the case…
Read Moreaccommodate our lies
we adjust to our lies, to satisfy our mind that what we are doing will work out just fine and when the story is hard to keep straight we look for someone to blame and they have already escaped you see people get use to how we operate, they watch…
Read Morejust because you want it
just because you want doesn’t mean it’s right for you don’t adjust the facts to fit your plans, maybe you should let them fall through this weeks necessities are next weeks fools, just because you want it doesn’t mean it’s right for you i look over watches and books, momentos…
Read Morerhythm of life
it takes time to find what you are looking for helps if you are clear as to what matters most to you pass through different stages where things lose and take on new value in the process you sift the necessary from the unnecessary and the list continues to grow…
Read Moredepartment ”h”
i am one of those people who like things placed in their respective slot filed neatly and arranged such that reference is easily achieved place that notion with the chaotic nature of life and it isn’t hard to see a collision in the offing i believe my journey here is…
Read Moreex-marionette
i could say it was you who is to blame and get on my high horse and ride away but you wouldn’t buy it, you are familiar with this game, your look said it all so when i’ve used all the excuses and they don’t even sound plausible to me…
Read Morewhen subtraction becomes addition
deciding there where things i could do without opened up some avenues and a chance to sort things out letting go of people, places and things that no longer met my needs seems like all of a sudden it’s easier to breathe sometimes one just has to stop and look…
Read Moreright action regardless
when how others respond and react to you has no effect on how you treat and interact with them……………………………………………you are well on your way to a place where the sharpest jabs have no power over you…………………………..and that is a place worthy of finding it is there, if you want to…
Read Moregood morning
my toilet overflowed a situation we all know no need to retaliate must have been something that i ate good morning………………………it’s whatever you want to make it p.s. always could be worse
Read Moreold friend
you never left though i was in outer space you said you still saw something that bad choices couldn’t erase when i was trying to find my way, you never gave advice and you didn’t stay away you where there a pillar i could hold on to you never…
Read Morekeep your dreams
you are the caretaker of your dreams careful to whom you share them with, to most they won’t mean a thing if you are seeking approval, no one can truly understand them because they are your dreams continually bring them out and let them exercise, each time you play with…
Read Moreother side of the street
i crossed over and i never looked back disgusted with myself and the filth i would attract so a very long winter was replaced by spring never going back to that side of the street again ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. it’s a gradual slide not all at once you start making excuses…
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