
got off the trampoline, took a while for me to calm down after bouncing up and down for years i still have days that are filled with craze, but i’m not jumping off cliffs or diving in submarines life is more like rolling hills……………………………… some days i have to pedal…

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test for a mature adult

ability to admit mistakes and say they were wrong very simple test, very accurate

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eager for anger

eager for anger, it hides so many things you wrap all sorts of crap in it shove it in your brain so anyone comes near enough they will feel it to, you need not open your mouth, they can see what it’s doing to you you see it’s so much…

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the right time to go

it’s the right time it’s the right place stop making excuses and get back in the race matters not how fast you go it only matters that you go the world has so much to give but you will never see it unless you live a life that welcomes change…

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it’s good to be here……………………right here not over there, with yesterday’s problems and tomorrow’s cares tempting at times to look back and stare or think of tomorrow and what might be lurking there but as i stand here on this spot, can’t think of anything i forgot so i think…

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skeletons falling from trees

the leaves are falling from the trees reminding me as i rake them that the season has changed inside and outside of me for as the pendulum swings, another day older and one closer to the grave …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… would do us well to compromise, with this watcher of the time…

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let go/for l.p.

everyone knows when it’s time to let go but we fight reality and pray it’s not so until the obvious won’t go away and we start to defend actions and behavior that never should begin so we muddle along and cover as best we can hard to make an elephant…

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60 second fix

it only takes a minute to change your day to make sure you get started the right way to put God first and ask for His plan that;s how you get to the ”promise land” strip away your aches and pains ask for healing so you can do His work…

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what i look for

your have kind eyes, an honest face…………………….you dress very nice, you have good taste but before I am ready to know more about you i need to check your attitude because in the end it matters least, that your outer look is very chic what will endure me to you……………………………..…

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came from behind

i came from behind and crossing the finish line was informed that i had won didn’t realize i was in a race, hadn’t changed my pace and was amazed that an event was going on a slight young man had a check in his hand, gave me the check and …

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learn how to love

one fine morning when I woke up, I knew it was time for a change, what I was doing wasn’t working, knew had to find a better way so I prayed to the God of my understanding, and I asked Him if I could cop a plea, what He said sounded…

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lucky guy

I got up this morning from a warm, soft bed, my head wasn’t aching and I remember what I said there was a time when I was almost dead, man oh man, I’m a lucky guy I have 2 arms and 2 good legs, don’t walk with crutches and my…

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a different bird/ for Jar

a different bird flew into our life several years ago it was easy to see he was a different bird………………………….but i liked him anyway he sees things I cannot see and he processes things different from me he is smart in His own way,………………………He hasn’t conformed to this world, he…

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life is a paradox

it’s funny to me how things that seem turned around are actually how things should be…………………..paradox the best way for me to be good to me, is to be good to you the best way for me to get my point across, is to totally listen to you the best…

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the triangle of love

the only love ” triangle ” that works is where husband and wife are at the corners and God is at the top probably the ultimate challenge in a human’s life is being able to thrive and grow in a personal relationship, whatever that combination  may be the ability to…

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keep it simple

every day we make a choice to be an asset or an ass are you helping or hindering………………………sometimes we all need a little push are you willing to be that helping nudge start thinking small, like where am i , what am i doing, how am i doing it, and…

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talkit,talkit,talkit…………………………now walkit, walkit,walkit everything is fine when the fruit on the vine but when the rain comes what then your real colors show when things happen and you don’t know how they will end the deal is, throw ” like ” out the door………………… isn’t about ” like ” it’s…

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grateful for all things

approaching a place where i can be grateful for all things, with the confidence that there is a reason for them that i may not initially understand i operate under the premise that there is a God, i am not Him, HE loves me and wants the best for me,…

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there is a way

there is a way but i cant always see it but I know someone who know’s the way and He know’s the lay of the land and the ways of men this world can be a jungle to me………………………………., was a time when I was afraid of what was in…

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loan you one of mine

if you can’t come up with a reason why you are stubborn, self-centered and unkind come a little closer and I’ll lend you one of mine if you can’t justify why you did the crime, step over here and I’ll loan you one of mine if your speech is abhorrent , you…

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two lives……….one before, one after

if you are on a spiritual journey, you are trying to understand and do Gods’ will………………which i believe is to be the best example of love, compassion and concern for your fellows, then you have lived two lives, one before awareness and one after the second isn’t about rainbows and puppy…

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when want passes need

when want passes need………………………….be ready to hit your knees cause you are headed for trouble when want passes need starts out slow till it picks up speed then it’s hellbent on having whatever it seeks logic gets pushed aside, thrown out the door and the wisest friends are often ignored…

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worst mistake I can make

I woke up this morning, not came to, thank God, and a thought came across my noggin, ” what is the worst mistake I can make” well the initial thought that came in my mind, probably because I am a control freak is that I should think that i am…

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change can play these strange games comes like summer, sometimes like spring,cold as winter, soft as rain………………… never know what change will bring sometimes its sneaky, but most times it’s abrupt, like someone bumping into your hot coffee cup often we don’t like it, but that’s just tough, cause you…

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blame is an ugly game and it does little to make things right better to say didn’t work out the best way,  maybe we should do things different next time when someone is put on the spot, it becomes a blot and sometimes it never goes away so try to…

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look under the rock

if something has you blocked, probably a reason you needed to stop before you start to fret, look under the rock rarely are things just like they seem, it’s an opportunity to look before you scream what started as a block, turns out to be something you dropped, an opportunity…

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gag order/ shut up

well it is a bit easier coming from myself than it would be coming from you so before we cross that bridge, I am placing myself under a ”gag” order self-imposed, probably before it is suggested from someone else generally we can tell if we are getting to close to…

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my greatest victory: admitting defeat

seems odd to admit this at first………………………my ego wants to get in there and say” so sad, that’s it ” but i have to drop the ”poor me ” and think about what has happened in the last 13 years and 318 days………………straight up ”miracles” i have had the same…

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prisoner of your mind

i was troubled and i was wondering if i had lost my way and a voice said” look inside today, and i think what you will find, you have become a prisoner of your mind” that message wasn’t loud but it was clear, so i finished my coffee and got…

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as i grow older, isn’t it crazy when people say that, if you are breathing you are getting older duhhhh… but anyway…………………..I am constantly amazed at the power and skill involved in being a good listener finding out, if i am thinking how to respond i am not listening, i…

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