missile toes
my wife has missile toes………………………..when she goes to sleep they go where they want to go up my crouch or into my shin, i wake up bleeding from toes that kill she says she doesn’t know what happens and i show her the results my legs look like they have…
Read Moregrandma knew
there comes a time in everyone’s life where you question what you know a few moments to reflect on what to keep and where to let go ”a culling of the mind she would say, to round those buggers up, brand the ones that make life sweet and send the…
Read Morethe hands and feet speak
the language of the hands and feet speak clearly and quite distinct they aren’t confusing and people easily see, what they wish to say they never struggle with choice of words, their message is clear and need not be loud they quietly effect the haughty and proud and rarely cause…
Read Morefeeling down>compare
when i compare my issues with the trials of others my perspective changes i am relatively healthy, many are not i have enough to share, so many don’t i have a place i call home, many crawl into a cardboard box to sleep my cupboards are stocked with food, a dumpster…
Read Moreget out of the way
i would love to help you, i can hear the angels sing if you would only get your big ass out of the way sometimes they keep getting louder as if to say just pay attention and get out of the way the reason you were put here is you…
Read Moreas they are
funny how one ascertains how things are supposed to be,coupled with our fears and wants when end up with a distorted reality looking from the outside is the only place we can start but if your don’t turn the corner you will never see their heart if you go by…
Read Moreget past the surface
you have to get past the surface if you want to have a clue want to get to know someone and you have to be willing to lose all your preconceived perceptions based on our prejudices and fears be ever willing to accept he fact that you could be way…
Read Moreno more lumpy rugs
no more lumpy rugs nothing to sweep under them anymore nothing to hide and no lingering parasites eating away at my serenity finding a spot to call my own and inviting people to share it with me not trying to possess, the emphasis has changed to being pert of and…
Read Morereturn on investment
dear God, what a glorious day indeed, when i get to give back part of the blessings You have given me strengthen and guide my words and let them give Glory to my Savior and Lord Thanks Pop
Read Morei’ll try it
i’ll try giving to you what i would like you to give to me compassion for the mess we are and trying to break free so in the interim we throw daggers and step on toes oblivious to the damage we cause others because the focus is on ”me” so perhaps…
Read Morewouldn’t mean anything
i sometimes think i would like to be able to bless people with sobriety but i’m definitely not God, and they wouldn’t appreciate it anyway, because they didn’t work for it you must have skin, vomit, blood, snot and spit in the mix or you won’t know what it’s like…
Read Morethe longest journey
the longest journey sometimes turns out to be from what’s in my head to what’s inside of me so it’s not surprising that it takes me time to sort out what inside my heart and what’s inside my mind they both need to intersect and keep the other in check…
Read Moreif you want
i could be your friend, if you let me in and this is what i have to share i have a passion for clear communication, ideas and thoughts and i am old enough and seasoned to accept your beliefs as i expect you to do with mine we start off…
Read Morethe only one to blame
seems a tab bit strange that it has taken this long to admit there is no one else to blame there have been occasions that others have made things more complicated and difficult but i provoked and fostered those emotions………………it was still me the freedom associated from taking people off…
Read Morein times of trouble
in times of trouble people want answers and compassion, unfortunately they are ready for neither time takes time things do not make our problems, it is what we do with those things and who is the doer
Read Moreit’s better when you share
it doesn’t really matter what are how much you have it’s just better when you share doesn’t matter about value or worth it let’s someone know you care things don’t seem the same when they are spread around they take on different hues and tones , changes sight and sound…
Read Morepay ayttention
funny little creatures as we approach faith and spiritual stuff we get all inspired when we feel like we are on a roll and our feet are barely touching the ground but let a little pebble trip us up and we look around for sirens and fire trucks while i’m…
Read Morei guess i will pray
i know something that was shared with me about someone who is a ”junkie” now everyone has a right to live or die their own life, where is my culpability do i question a prescription, for a 180 pills a month, i’m not a doctor but that seems like a…
Read Moremaybe it will mean something to you
i was just taking this opportunity to share with you a few things that i see and to be perfectly honest the only reason i know is because the same thing has happened to me something happens and it gets us off-balance and we struggle to regain it, then it…
Read Morefun being nice
i enjoy being nice……………probably be good to make it a larger part of my life but little by little i’m giving in and can admit i’m still learning how to give naw, it’s not the big things that make people think, it’s the small reminders that make people blink and…
Read Moretripping over yestrerday
kept tripping over yesterdays just wasn’t ready to let go you know all those people who had done me wrong, had to let them know then a voice whispered to me ” they have forgotten that a long time ago, you are the only one holding on to it, get…
Read Moretoday would be a good time
today would be a good time to unlock the box you know the place where you keep all your treasure and stuff i’m pretty sure that if it’s been some time the value of some,has changed in your mind i refer to it as a culling, separating the silver from…
Read Moreonly some will get it…………………..that’s the way it is
only some will get it………………………………where you are coming from and if you worry about who gets it…………………….you are ruining half the fun people are on different wavelengths………………..doesn’t make them right or wrong just allows for some to get you, and others won’t know where your coming from spend your time…
Read Morec g w y c g
can’t get what you can’t give that’s what you learn bit by bit same with forgiveness, if you want forgiveness you have to be able to give it that helps level the playing field, we all have to conform to something if we want to fit in no one is…
Read Morethe ”God” thing
long since ceased trying to sell my beliefs you have a right to believe what you believe i can only recant what happened to me and i asked this ” God ” thing to come and help and He did knowing about something gives one the opportunity to experience i…
Read Morethe rubber band and red dot
when i realized my life no longer belonged to me because i was under the bondage of addiction, i renewed my desire to have a personal relationship with God………………there was no other way for me the trade i made was to give my will and direction over to God who…
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