westover tony
i grew up on the streets, my choice, i just gravitated to it it has taken some time to sift the hustle out of me most of it’s gone but i still remember and sometimes still act out …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. westover tony, God sent me by your house today and that…
Read Morepractice doing nothing
seems odd to phrase it that way, but such is the nature of the world today we have become so used to being turned on, tuned in, plugged up that one must make a concerted effort at times ”just to be” and not be ”doing” the rest afforded reminds me…
Read Moregetting back to me
i’m finally getting back to me after most of my demons are free they decided to run away when they knew i wouldn’t play their crazy hurtful games any more i was the one who invited them in because i was scared of who i am not the best…
Read Morethe bottom took me to the top
i don’t always know how to explain things and i’ve learned that sometimes it a waste of time to try but some will know what i’m talking about and some won’t go through that in their life some of us look for shortcuts and we miss learning how to play…
Read Moreone drink away
sometimes it seem so long ago, but i must remember what it took from me break it down to the bare essentials, i’m still just one drink away one drink away from a life that consumed me, one drink that will lead to the candy store and the man standing…
Read Morei stop to look
everyday i try to stop and look at the things You have made and marvel at the details of every flower and tree it is beyond my imagination to try and conceive the mind of someone life You to create the things You have made so i leave those thoughts…
Read Moretomorrow’s a brand new day
that guitar sits over in the corner sometimes at night it calls to me ”i could help you with your problems , if you would sit sit down and talk to me” ”i know things didn’t turn out like you wanted…… i know your mad and your peeved” ” but…
Read Morenobody died/it will be okay
when i awoke this morning i was greeted by several piles of dog sh………………t that could have determined the beginning of my day, but it didn’t nobody died /it will be okay a family member needed a loan and irritated me because of their spending habits nobody died /it will…
Read Morenever know unless you try
you will never know the possibilities that are there for you and me unless you venture forth to see, you’ll never know unless you try sometimes things seem so far away, but they can come closer day by day with the slightest effort and change of mind, you’ll never know…
Read Morereally? better rethink that
how many times have you heard a professed Christian: say a racist remark make fun of someone mentally challenged put down alternative lifestyles say one thing and do another use fowl and abusive language judge others without the slightest knowledge about them place themselves above others the list could go…
Read Moremo-men-tous
the momentous occasion i have been waiting for is probably not going to happen today or tomorrow or next week, next year or in the forseeable future the day that i stop letting people control me by stirring up my latent anger…. waiting by the door ready to pounce like…
Read Morenever saw you crying, but you were/ for anthony b
funny a man can travel to the remotest places on earth and yet the greatest distance he will ever face is from his heart to his head i know you used heroin and kicked that habit, and substituted alcohol in its place there are many things that can take your…
Read Morealmost
”almost” is like talking to a ghost not quite, close but not enough………………………………………almost is a fulcrum that teeters between your best attempt or a half-hearted effort that you decide ”is good enough”, which is short for ”i’m lazy and i don’t want to do it” the predicament is resolved only…
Read Morecome home/ or farewell
come home from your fog and sit on the porch, sleep if your eyes need to close i won’t tell anyone you are here, just the two of us will know, give yourself a few days off the wheel and see which way you want to go we both know…
Read Morefly away
someone who i watched regularly on t.v., decided he had enough and wanted to be free so he ended his tour and that’s that, except for all the people he left scratching their heads he went everywhere talking about people and their food, enjoying perhaps their libations a little too…
Read Morethe gardener and the mule
my wife is a good gardener and i’m a pretty good mule she shows me where to put the dirt and calls me when she needs a tool i did not always like my role until one morning i sat on the deck the morning sun was coming up and…
Read Moreno diplomas
there are no diplomas for this test call ”life” you pick up pieces and try to connect the dots you ask questions and try to remain green, just when you think you have learned something, you get stumped on that very thing but the learning turns out to be the…
Read Moreparodoxical
you will never know how far this can go, until you let go we have been schooled to hold on, hang in there, tighten up when in reality we need to learn to let go, let life flow, let go of our grip and loosen up we are taught that…
Read Morefeelings vs. facts
my lenses are not clear, perhaps i need to step away from here to a different vantage point where i can separate ” what is ” from what ” i want ” ”what is” needs to be seen in a different light whereas now there is hurt and strife, i…
Read Morewait
waiting has always been a problem for me impatient, demanding, for which i have paid dearly hard for me to reconstruct events where i have lost, by waiting but not hard at all to recall calamities as a direct result of running in front of the horses ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… measured steps,…
Read Morewant vs. need
”need” had a conversation with ”want” need: ” man you are cluttering up this joint, the slightest whim and you are off again in search of the missing part” want spoke up and said: ” it’s not just stuff, i earned these things and it gives me a little joy…
Read Morepeace treaty
i will never be everything i would like to be……………………………………….. i have many interests and to pursue one would leave much of what makes me……………………me this kaleidoscope has many colors and when the wheel turns so does the colors and the path to be great one must be totally focused…
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