time is talking

they say time will tell, well she’s talking so i thought i would sit a spell and let her have her say said i had some things i need to work on, but she was glad to see a change from always thinking someone is out to get me, to…

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limited supply / for Bill K.

when someone is kind enough to offer you their time be very appreciative because they only have a limited supply the fact they think you are worthy of this rare commodity speaks loud and clear that they think you are a person who will treasure what they share a sounding…

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just the way it is

just about when i feel spiritually fit i can count on it coming, something that could cause me to trip i try to watch out for it and sometimes i succeed and sometimes i end up with bruised and bloody knees that is just the nature of life, we are…

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right place, right time……………almost right size

finally feels like i’m in the right place and it’s taken a long time but it feels good not to be fretting about what tomorrow will bring or whats been left behind so i will just be grateful that it worked out better than i could have planned and try…

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common ground

a picture in my mind of what i hope to be the kind of person people respect by act, word and deed helps me to project my intentions to succeed in the very short walk of life and keeps me somewhat focused on what i know to be right the…

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no wasted time

collecting samples as i go to keep a record of where i have been so if i need to go back i know where to begin i can now see how everything has worked to turn the wheel of time landing me at this place in my life and i…

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it could be me

one of my dogs is dying, slowly slipping away and sometimes it aggrevates me that ishould have to clean up her pee but when i stop complaining a thought comes back to me ” you are privileged to help something else, the pee isn’t coming from thee” she has been…

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lets talk the walk

i met these guys along this road who were looking for things just like me to feel comfortable in my skin and not afraid for others to see the real me to get honest with myself and realize there is much that needs to be done and recognizing we can…

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a little peace

a little peace is greater than all the riches of the world it cannot be bought nor taken has it’s ownership bestowed for oh so many seek it but one thing they must know a distraught entangled spirit cannot reap this hallowed soil no, it is yet a combination of…

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it’s like that

the God in me recognizes the God in you it’s like that…………………….and it is feels pretty cool it’s not necessary to vocalize it, it is acknowledged by the soul a look into your face confirms what i have been told the power is like a current, a steady stream of light,…

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i hope you are amused with these simple lines i choose i have neither the skill nor aptitude to duplicate what you do your palette is endless and mine is confined by my mind you have no beginning nor end and i am restricted by time but i can appreciate…

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don’t need it anymore

that anger that i kept for you slowly slipped away i stopped feeding it so it didn’t want to stay it just didn’t work for me and was always in the way that anger that i kept for you slowly slipped away   first i suppose the blame had to…

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close enough for me

i got close enough to the volcano that roared inside of me, to see it rained down havoc on everyone i would meet as the lava came flowing, in their eyes i could see what their lips wanted to say ”please go away from me” you bring something everywhere you…

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i know u

i don’t know about you, or have heard about you i know you i know your short comings and your long-comings i know you i know your big head and your twinkling eyes, your turn on a dime spirit i know you i was with you when you lost people,…

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goodbye spiderman

ecclesiastes  1v18   in much wisdom is much sorrow, he that increases wisdom increaseth sorrow there is a price for everything………………………good to know, better to accept spiderman had long since stopped trying to venture into every crevice that interests him, but that interest was there for a long time those secrets…

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it’s not just a flower…………….for C

it’s not just a flower it’s part of me to you a bit of Gods’ universe, beyond words or muse a simple thing in its majesty, just to let you know i care may you look at it from time to time as it gives its life to you and…

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i’ll help you if i can

i’ll help if i can tell me where you stand what has you condemned, that’s where we will begin the answers may come as you share your concerns and even if they don’t maybe a bit of tension will escape we are here to let God come between and give…

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it’s not his fault…………………….for my superhero, Grambo

not many times we can honestly say, it’s not his fault and mean what we say but there is a little man fighting for his life and it’s not his fault it’s not his fault, his mother’s fault, his dad’s fault or anybody’s fault……………………it was God it was God who…

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she was a great woman, who drank herself to death

i know some will smirk and some will sweat, the fact remains: she was a great woman who drank herself to death now many would prefer that the latter be left out, but perhaps her greatest gift may yet to be dealt for all the good and service that she…

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hope you get it

not trying to write something mysterious, i want you to get it like when a ball hits the catchers mitt dead center, it’s in there a putt in the cup, that sound when it drops, i want you to hear that when you read me metaphors and adjectives have their…

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the word ”like” is not a necessary component of acceptance you needn’t like the reality of a situation to accept it……..and you are damned if you don’t i am not a stellar example of forgiveness and i admit it my infractions aren’t nearly as bad as yours…………………….right i know it’s…

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the better half

part of me wants to see you bleed hang your ass up in a tree throw all the shit back that you throw at me yep that what’s inside part of me part of me thinks you’re a brat trying to get back at the people who gave you crap…

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you can’t make me………………………………..unless i want to

you can’t make me accountable, responsible, considerate………………………..i have to want to you can’t make me deceptive,evasive, or secretive…………………………………………..i have to want to you can’t make me good, bad, indifferent, callous or caring………………………….i have to want to you can’t make me do anything and that excuse doesn’t work and isn’t offered…

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set up

set up like a bowling pin no warning, no sign perfect example of the blind leading the blind if this is your idea of learning, i’ll let you in on a little clue the teacher won’t do a lot of teaching when the student feels he is being screwed you…

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it’s really not a secret…………….we can stop pretending

it’s not a secret we both know the score each of us has been around the block to know what we are looking for so we can go about our day and do our pleasantries, but inside we both know that something is missing we can talk around it, get…

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walk with me

walk with me down this road, tell me what you see i know you been here before and some of this is new to me you told me that you had lost your way, where was it you got confused maybe you could help me avoid the detour that you…

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that’s what freedom sounds like………………..hmmmmmmmm

my wife had a comedian on the boob tube the other night and i was amazed at his routine it was totally centered around the timing and punctuation of the most offensive four letter words the audience was enthralled and i decided to read this is us anything goes, and…

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i’ll believe it when i see it……………………maybe

i don’t trust me…………………let alone you remember i’m human and i know what they can do so if you find me a wee bit leery……………………you right on the spot i’ll believe what you’re saying, when i see it,………………………………………. or maybe not you see i often see what inside my head…

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better pack a bag

i got excused from the boy scouts for being over stimulated, but i was around long enough to remember one thing……………..you gotta be ready…………………….for anything as best you can now don’t get me wrong, God will help you……………………..but He may see how you handle yourself along the way……………until the flood…

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tomorrow they may be gone

i caution you not to wait, if it is something you feel you must do tomorrow isn’t that far away, but it may be too late for you the experience has happened one to many times where i wanted to share something from my heart with someone, but tomorrow they…

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