three legged stool
i sit upon a three-legged stool and each leg represents something special to me one for sobriety, one to help others in need and one to remind me that left unchecked my emotions can cause me havoc and stress i made it sturdy and it has served me well…
Read Morekite with no tail
like a kite with no tail you flounder about the blows you at will meanwhile you think you are going somewhere you are totally out of control i suggested you make the adjustment but it fell on deaf ears because you are moving you are under the illusion you are…
Read Moremay i borrow your umbrella
Lord may i borrow your umbrella, the storm is approaching fast i know You will help me, if i remember to do my tasks trust in You and follow, hesitate to ask questions along the way for the path that we will travel often looks strange to me i must…
Read Morewrinkles on my face
time please grace me with wrinkles on my face so i can remember the things that took place those that made me smile and those that seemed like trials until reaching the other side, i learned what they tried to hide the lines on this face are witness that i…
Read Morefind a new hobby
you have made lying a fine art i recognized it after a few attempts to use my benevolence against me i didn’t want to admit that your words got tangled in your mouth when you tried to say them i know,……………………………….i remember those days when the truth was too hard…
Read Morehad to let you go/for t.h.
had to let you go because there are so many things you don’t know and try as i could i couldn’t get you to raise the hood i was hoping you would see that you are running…………on empty anyone passing by is blamed for why you can’t get sober you…
Read Moregoodbye westover tony
your way will take you the rest of the way to a grave you’ve been digging for years your head and your ego was just to thick to let common sense get in the way i guess i thought i could do the job about turning you around, but when…
Read Moresong of the wake
the word makes me think of waves and life rolls in that way, you take the good with the bad, the happy with the sad pick the pieces up and keep on walking down the road i wouldn’t want it to be all polished a new, trouble gives everything a…
Read Morethe sale didn’t go through/for T.H.
the sales pitch you practiced may have been convincing for you but you need to remember, i have been in your shoes and although you had it down and it rolled right off your tongue the owls where in the background hooting, because your feet weren’t on solid ground you…
Read Morewalks before me
may my gratitude walk before me so that it is obvious to see that what has been accomplished in my life has little to do with me that what has been done is a wayward man was led to freedom from captivity the prison i escaped from had no bars…
Read Moreone starting/one on his way/ for tony and david e.
God put 2 people in my life to keep me on the path both are facing the consequences of life run by themselves funny the one who is in prison is actually breaking free and the one who is in treatment is still in the prison of his mind both…
Read Morestanding on the rock
you are frail like me, storms knock you down, so i am standing on the rock the words of evil men try to confound me, so i am standing on the rock i cannot see my way at times, so i am standing on the rock i am connected to…
Read Moreshe just knew/full circle
i saw a little girl do a beautiful thing and it was something that she knew it wasn’t something she was taught, it was her soul shining through and perhaps that’s when we are at our best when we aren’t tainted or confused by all the crap this world throws…
Read Moreclimbing out/ for Yogi aka L.F.
i saw an old friend today and he was away from his demon alcohol he seemed like the same old guy i used to know before the bottle cut him down it was back and forth like myself for years, and each time it was worse but he said he…
Read Moredeath came by
death can by and took one away and it was time to let her go beyond my power to fix and heal death had its way so to stop and look back and see the tracks and this is where they stop death can by and put her on the…
Read Moreit just is
sometimes i have to resist for when things happen in my life i want to label them and that can denote good or bad sometimes ”it just is” no one goes through this life not having to do things they don’t like and if i can just accept this it…
Read Morebetter off being me
don’t know about you, so i’ll talk about me so often i see what i want to see, as opposed to reality i see someone and think i see signs of a life that’s together all the words rythme i get these notions and pick out the parts that reinforce…
Read Moreimportant to know who you are
i would like to know you, but first i have to know me who i actually am or who i am pretending to be am i willing to let you see me or am i pretending to be what i think you what me to be this can get pretty…
Read Moretreat me like my dogs do
i don’t want anything special, fanfare or the like just treat me like my dogs do when i come home at night just come up and greet me like i am someone important in your life act enthused to see me and you’re glad i made it back alive this…
Read MoreGod will make a way
last night i got a phone call from a guy i was worried about i had gone by his house to check on him he managed to stumble out what i saw was a man who was headed for the grave made me think of the time when i was…
Read Morei made this road
i made this road that i’m traveling on cleared the trees and laid the stone and when i get miffed, on where i have gone i remember, i made this road i’m traveling on i finally understood although it took some time no one to blame, i put out the…
Read Moreride it out
bills and the money just don’t add up ride it out you want to blame somebody, but you shut your mouth ride it out you remind yourself it isn’t as bad as you think ride it out on the scale of what you have been through, this ain’t no big…
Read Moreprisoner of your mind
today i got see a friend who got tangled up in the the prison of his mind trouble came and he let his thoughts, tell him a bad path would be fine sad thing is like many of us, he had been down that path before he said in his…
Read Moreold friend
old friend it’s good to see your face amazes me you always look the same a few more lines here and there but so help me, i swear still the same old guy you ever was the more things change it’s good to have a few of you around kind…
Read Moreuntouchable and protected
i could be untouchable unaffected by you or anyone else the protection i seek has a requirement with total commitment, i must believe i know You are here, i have seen and benefitted by your grace but so often my humanity sabotages me and Your Grace gets pushed away i…
Read Morecan’t do it for you
i would if i could but i can’t and if i did it wouldn’t have the same effect until you have had enough, surrender to your cup nothing i can do or say will mean a thing i know when we have talked you were listening……………..but you didn’t hear a…
Read Moreone at a time
it’s easier to deal with one mistake at a time as opposed to several the premise here is simple: just because you have put your head in the noose doesn’t mean you have to jump
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