the longest journey

the longest journey sometimes turns out to be from what’s in my head to what’s inside of me so it’s not surprising that it takes me time to sort out what inside my heart and what’s inside my mind they both need to intersect and keep the other in check…

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if you want

i could be your friend, if you let me in and this is what i have to share i have a passion for clear communication, ideas and thoughts and i am old enough and seasoned to accept your beliefs as i expect you to do with mine we start off…

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the only one to blame

seems a tab bit strange that it has taken this long to admit there is no one else to blame there have been occasions that others have made things more complicated and difficult but i provoked and fostered those emotions………………it was still me the freedom associated from taking people off…

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in times of trouble

in times of trouble people want answers  and compassion, unfortunately they are ready for neither time takes time things do not make our problems, it is what we do with those things and who is the doer

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it’s better when you share

it doesn’t really matter what are how much you have it’s just better when you share doesn’t matter about value or worth it let’s  someone know you care things don’t seem the same when they are spread around they take on different hues and tones , changes sight and sound…

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pay ayttention

funny little creatures as we approach faith and spiritual stuff we get all inspired when we feel like we are on a roll and our feet are barely touching the ground but let a little pebble trip us up and we look around for sirens and fire trucks while i’m…

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i guess i will pray

i know something that was shared with me about someone who is a ”junkie” now everyone has a right to live or die their own life, where is my culpability do i question a prescription, for a 180 pills a month, i’m not a doctor but that seems like a…

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maybe it will mean something to you

i was just taking this opportunity to share with you a few things that i see and to be perfectly honest the only reason i know is because the same thing has happened to me something happens and it gets us off-balance and we struggle to regain it, then it…

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fun being nice

i enjoy being nice……………probably be good to make it a larger part of my life but little by little i’m giving in and can admit i’m still learning how to give naw, it’s not the big things that make people think, it’s the small reminders that make people blink and…

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tripping over yestrerday

kept tripping over yesterdays just wasn’t ready to let go you know all those people who had done me wrong, had to let them know then a voice whispered to me ” they have forgotten that a long time ago, you are the only one holding on to it, get…

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today doesn’t have to be a special day for me but it will be you see everyday is a special day for me because i want it to be that involves nothing more than the awareness of what a gift it is to have this life and to be given…

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today would be a good time

today would be a good time to unlock the box you know the place where you keep all your treasure and stuff i’m pretty sure that if it’s been some time the value of some,has changed in your mind i refer to it as a culling, separating the silver from…

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only some will get it…………………..that’s the way it is

only some will get it………………………………where you are coming from and if you worry about who gets it…………………….you are ruining half the fun people are on different wavelengths………………..doesn’t make them right or wrong just allows for some to get you, and others won’t know where your coming from spend your time…

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but i can

you can’t fool me, but i can i won’t believe your lies but i believe mine you can’t play me for a fool, but i can so you can plainly see, by far i am my worst enemy and it doesn’t matter how bad you treat me, because nobody abuses…

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c g w y c g

can’t get what you can’t give that’s what you learn bit by bit same with forgiveness, if you want forgiveness you have to be able to give it that helps level the playing field, we all have to conform to something if we want to fit in no one is…

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the ”God” thing

long since ceased trying to sell my beliefs you have a right to believe what you believe i can only recant what happened to me and i asked this ” God ” thing to come and help and He did knowing about something gives one the opportunity to experience i…

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the rubber band and red dot

when i realized my life no longer belonged to me because i was under the bondage of addiction, i renewed my desire to have a personal relationship with God………………there was no other way for me the trade i made was to give my will and direction over to God who…

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pilgrim to pilgrim for Pete

i met a man who was suffering, he had lost his way   i had traveled a similar path and knew the price he paid   i offered to share what i had learned, from those who had gone before now we walk side by side , not afraid anymore…

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A good walk need not be complicated, we humans are obsessed with details………………………………………………………………………………………….. Simple: WHAT I AM ABOUT TO DO OR SAY, DOES IT BRING ME CLOSER OR TAKE ME AWAY FROM MY FATHER WHO WANTS ME TO GIVE HIS LOVE, AWAY IF I’M NOT SURE, MAY I STOP TO…

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the power of restraint

the greatest challenge one will ever face is the conquest and control of self………ttucro the power that lies within can master any power that lies without provided it is under control the ability to monitor and modify behavior is a goal that essentially decides success or failure in life our…

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i am going to have a hose stuck up my butt, to look for lost treasure and such not something i would routinely do but whatever rocks your socks there is some some concern a family has decided to move in, so before the grandparents arrive they thought it would…

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almost missed it

almost missed discovering myself you know the part that you save for a few and yourself where you are totally honest and you can accept where you are and i recognize that i have much to learn and have a long way to go, but i give myself credit for…

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get on the magic carpet

funny how things we read as children seem so outlandish and obscure and later as adults we find they really weren’t absurd and lo and behold i found it, my magic carpet and it was waiting for me to board, i just wasn’t ready to believe life could be this…

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kelsey and hammer

this is going to be a short story about an endless adventure i am a school teacher and my name is Kelsey i’ll get this out-of-the-way up front, i am an amputee the result of a skiing accident………………..and that is all you need to know about that i have had…

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i would like to say i take everything you speak and never question it’s validity but the human i am questions almost everything, except one God is real and He has played a major part in my destruction and my construction when i say destruction He was willing to let…

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ECC. C 10  V 12 “THE WORDS OF A WISE MAN ARE GRACIOUS BUT THE LIPS OF MA FOOL WILL SWALLOW HIM” this gift of speech can lift and teach and comfort those in need or these words can harm and disturb and stir of feelings of despair so this…

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wisdom is better than weapons Eccs. C9 V18

as you stop to reload, i ask if the load you’re trying to carry is too much compassion is such a thing it can disarm the strongest man, and you stop and the weight shuts you done inside we sit and talk, and you share with me your walk, how…

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there are two kinds  of freedom freedom of our physical, and freedom of our mind ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. talking to an inmate i visit, he tells me he has adapted to his physical constraints but he has had to work hard to maintain the freedom of his mind do this experiment: think…

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God Save from the Queen, for C.O./w Love

God save us from the Queen, the grand-kids jump on the bed and scream, as she is trying to fold clothes the dishwasher overflowed, think a little one opened the door and we are racing through the house to gather towels everyone is in time-out and her teeth are clasped…

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even a good life is bittersweet………………………ttucro so the goal is to live a long and productive life the wanting has long since passed and one is happy to be alive and has no issues with the past but some are leaving……………………dying to this plane and you are still here so…

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