walk slower and save yourself some steps

i am trying to recall things i have missed out on because i didn’t move on them fast enough and there are a few and they seem to all have women’s names attached to them, hmnnn however the issues that have resulted in my hurry to reap before investigating are…

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shamrocks won’t do it

shamrocks won’t do it, you can bet your lucky stars that car will run over you, so don’t think you’re in charge and just because you made it and the bullet only grazed your arm they are still looking for you and your lucky charms we played as long as we…

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the signs that we send speak long before we open our mouths if you notice the hands, the eyes, the legs they are talking to you and they may not tell the whole truth but they don’t lie ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. i watch you as you try to convince yourself and me…

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it’s God to be grateful

yep, its God to be grateful fully aware that all that you have you didn’t put it there that respect and understanding colors your day when you start it with gratitude small things don’t get in your way i am the receiver of many wonderful things and know more would…

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the biggest lie i was ever told

the biggest lie i was ever told was”you can have anything you want if you are willing to work for it” what was omitted is if you are willing to always place yourself first, have no conscious, and don’t  mind breaking rules and are able to totally disregard any commitments…

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that very short minute can become very long

that very short minute, as you watch the clock can linger forever that action you are about to take may seem harmless and then bite you like a snake just a few seconds that pass in the blink of an eye, can stare you in the face for the rest…

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been around the parking lot

growing old isn’t so bad, you don’t remember everything you said, and after people realized you forgot you just go on and there isn’t any stain on the spot i have been around this parking lot before and i see things others have dropped from their doors and it reminds…

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all filled up

that hole in my soul that kept me distraught in search of excuses for what i was not tangled up and ready to give up, is healing nicely and all filled up see when i stopped pretending on what i wanted to be and in quiet reflection the veil was…

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everything is like it is supposed to be

things change and my  perspective is always evolving my opinion now is if you take substances whether it be alcohol or drugs because you don’t like the way you feel, you have a problem amount or frequency has nothing to do with it i believe everything is as it should…

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the guy in my corner

the guy in my corner is always there watching me bob and weave points out when i am leaving myself open and reminds me to move my feet i don’t get hit as often as i used to because i listen to the guy in the corner and i mix…

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You said so

You said if i would believe i could spend my time enjoying what You made leave the details up to You You would let me know if there was anything i needed to do i could teach others to live this way, not with words but by watching how i…

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good to know you are there

makes life a little easier when you can count on certain things that continuum of order assures and comforts this average man also to make that admission that i am more alike then not, makes me part of a community and a part of a greater lot the blessings of this…

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walk away

when there is no use talking, too much fear in the way take the high road and simply walk away doesn’t need to be an audition for a one act play give it some time and quietly walk away the wires are crossed and the nerves are frayed, sometimes there…

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the mango queen

long live the mango queen she brings me mangoes in my dreams, i sit beneath her limbs to my heart’s content, enjoying her gifts, in sweet silence perfect moments every time, she rouses me from my sleep her gifts to find, and oh how she loves to see that smile on…

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i admire the humble turtle, everything it needs is on its back not a bad position to be in, cuts down on a lot of crap strange how we fill our lives with things that end up being stored some never leave their boxes and end up being tossed a…

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slowly down, moving faster

i’m slowing down as i grow older but i’m moving faster to the truth so much time was spent searching and the lessons that needed learning were right in front of me tried to share what life has taught me about being present wherever you are but so much of…

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rah, rah,rah

you better be able to get up and scream, show your appreciation for your home town team because there will be days when there is no one in the stands and you better be your best cheer-leader or you don’t stand a chance this world doesn’t owe you nothing, just…

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missile toes

my wife has missile toes………………………..when she goes to sleep they go where they want to go up my crouch or into my shin, i wake up bleeding from toes that kill she says she doesn’t know what happens and i show her the results my legs look like they have…

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grandma knew

there comes a time in everyone’s life where you question what you know a few moments to reflect on what to keep and where to let go ”a culling of the mind she would say, to round those buggers up, brand the ones that make life sweet and send the…

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miss you

my Father was from a different lot, he made His way from the ghetto to a better spot in the climb he took his lumps, such is the nature of escape his role models drank a lot, fought and scraped their way through life and he wanted a better way…

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it is a spiritual axiom: those who are quick to judge are also slow to forgive……..ttucro so once the judge has made up his mind, the door is closed on what is left behind He may have all the info he needs to make his final decree, but if he…

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the hands and feet speak

the language of the hands and feet speak clearly and quite distinct they aren’t confusing and people easily see, what they wish to say they never struggle with choice of words, their message is clear and need not be loud they quietly effect the haughty and proud and rarely cause…

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feeling down>compare

when i compare my issues with the trials of others my perspective changes i am relatively healthy, many are not i have enough to share, so many don’t i have a place i call home, many crawl into a cardboard box to sleep my cupboards are stocked with food, a dumpster…

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get out of the way

i would love to help you, i can hear the angels sing if you would only get your big ass out of the way sometimes they keep getting louder as if to say just pay attention and get out of the way the reason you were put here is you…

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as they are

funny how one ascertains how things are supposed to be,coupled with our fears and wants when end up with a distorted reality looking from the outside is the only place we can start but if your don’t turn the corner you will never see their heart if you go by…

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get past the surface

you have to get past the surface if you want to have a clue want to get to know someone and you have to be willing to lose all your preconceived perceptions based on our prejudices and fears be ever willing to accept he fact that you could be way…

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no more lumpy rugs

no more lumpy rugs nothing to sweep under them anymore nothing to hide and no lingering parasites eating away at my serenity finding a spot to call my own and inviting people to share it with me not trying to possess, the emphasis has changed to being pert of and…

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return on investment

dear God, what a glorious day indeed, when i get to give back part of the blessings You have given me strengthen and guide my words and let them give Glory to my Savior and Lord Thanks Pop

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i’ll try it

i’ll try giving to you what i would like you to give to me compassion for the mess we are and trying to break free so in the interim we throw daggers and step on toes oblivious to the damage we cause others because the focus is on ”me” so perhaps…

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wouldn’t mean anything

i sometimes think i would like to be able to bless people with sobriety but i’m definitely not God, and they wouldn’t appreciate it anyway, because they didn’t work for it you must have skin, vomit, blood, snot and spit in the mix or you won’t know what it’s like…

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