closer to me

i cannot get closer to you, without getting closer to me i can’t fulfill my part if i’m not sure what you need so i have to hear what makes your heart skip and what makes you bleed getting closer to you gets me closer to me making a commitment…

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for everyone

may you find comfort in the trails of this world, from God who loves everyone may you put away your fears and face a source of unwavering love, He is the God of everyone when the doubts of ones’ own heart takes the peace from the day, turn to Him…

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2 of you / 2 of me

there are are two of me and two of you, depending which of us are present will determine what we do the good one of us will do the best we can to give each other the benefit of a doubt and lend a helping hand the obstinate ones will…

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tomorrow is overrated

in typical human fashion we say tomorrow will be a better day meanwhile we don’t do what we could to make the day we are in to be the best it could be the problem with projecting it totally involves our plans,  and life is rarely considerate in regards to…

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going down

this boat is taking on water, but it doesn’t have me in a fix i’ve tried to bale it out before but it just springs more leaks i know i shouldn’t take it out but so often i forget, and find myself once again in the middle of the lake…

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it was courage

i spoke to a friend and she shared a test, and i was amazed at how she presented it she passed the information and she never flinched, her tone remained steady, calm and strong you see that’s how i gather my hope and strength, by watching others face life without…

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the land of tormented hearts

welcome to the land of broken hearts\ i mean tormented hearts we are running a special on the spring tour as you will witness the joy and exuberance of promises being made some with the honest intent of fulfillment, and most with the smallest thought given to what has been promised…

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grow up

singing or crying that’s how you roll God asked me to tell you its gotten pretty old you have all the proof you need that He’s in control before you start squawking remember to say a prayer get out-of-the-way and the path will be clear the sky isn’t falling and…

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i am crossing over the great divide that has kept me from serenity the fear of letting go has had me under its spell my hands are tired and as i ease my grip something is happening in my mind the notion that i knew the way is drifting away…

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pretty obvious to me

to God be the glory great things He has done over and over and over, every day, every hour and every minute not trying to convince anyone don’t believe, no problem………………………pray to something you don’t understand, don’t believe in, any way you want for 30 days, see what happens because…

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sum of many things

i walk by the river and listen to it sing ”you are the sum of many things” the trees and the breeze and the birds on the wing ”you are the sum of many things” grateful to feel a part of everything i see ”you are the sum of many…

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see the man on the wire walking between the trees wonder how long he’s been doing it sorta reminds me of me i suppose that’s the challenge to try to get in between the undertow of life or the volcano that’s due to erupt any day finding a sense of…

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i love to impose rules and laws as long as they don’t apply to me i see right through your jaded attempt to get me to believe but actually the problem is that i attempt to circumvent the true meaning of the text by pointing out the pebbles and oblivious…

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nothing to say

funny how nothing to say said it all was no use searching for words that would fit so i offered no verbiage and just bit my lip to offer my opinion would have been a waste of time no use talking to a made up mind but instead of helping…

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journey: learn and turn

the stages in one’s life are a direct result of what we experience, understand, what we learn and what direction our mind is headed in fact: YOU WILL FIND WHATEVER YOU ARE LOOKING FOR your focus determines the direction life is a continual process of learning and turning we learn…

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i happen to meet a brute of a man and his swagger made people move off the sidewalk and walk in the street a jaw like an anvil that looked like it was forged from steel eyes that pierced and always looked past and not at i am a bit…

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doing the right thing doesn’t always feel good

i had a tough decision i didn’t want to make, but something had to be done so i stepped up to the plate when life comes barreling at you, you don’t want to make a mistake so you size up all your options and swing when it comes across the…

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see what you got

when the ball has dropped and your butt is on the spot c’mon bro lets see what you got you talk about your faith how it has helped you a lot proof is in the pudding, c’mon bro lets see what you got it ain’t looking good, the boat is starting…

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the path is marked

it is easy when i let you lead, the path is laid out in front of me there are things that come my way, but they don’t bother me they are there to teach and reach areas that need a another look so the goal for me is always to…

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come down ”candy man”

the past can’t be new, even if it’s retold to you………………………… you might have missed some spots and surely there are things you forgot but it didn’t go down yesterday……………it was years so what is it you are trying to recreate a reason why you made your mistakes, something that…

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can’t get what you can’t give

struggling in relationships, turmoil stirring from within a friend was kind enough to stop me and in His own way intervened his simple explanation has played an important part of my life ‘‘the reason you are unsettled and your life is in a spin, you are asking something from others…

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what the mirror says

the eyes see what’s inside of me and the mirror echoes whats in my head it may or may not be true, depending on how i accept the truth and how honest i am willing to be if i seek a change, i have to embrace where i am or…

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things are starting to add up and the arithmetic of life has compounded a shift of the sail headed this boat in a different direction and the results are plain to see everything is better: relationships self esteem mind set perspective character spirituality peace and serenity it has taken a…

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hand in hand

a drop of rain, a ray of sun got to have both to make things grow so when i complain as the raindrops fall, i try to remember they go hand and hand a blessing that lands at my feet, and a hardship that surprises me, both are part of…

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a little voice called my name because they were afraid because i was listening i took that fear away by offering my hand they felt protected and secure because i was listening a child felt they were loved the things i remember most, from my childhood days are almost all…

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sticky notes

it still amazes me how often i neglect to see all the ways God orchestrates, the things in life that makes me think i am not in charge and the God i serve is very large He will do whatever it takes to make me see that the best course…

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my back pages

looking back through my back pages, i can see i lived my life in stages from beginner to dissenter, dissenter to disruptor, disruptor to repented, repented to believer not the easiest mode of travel, but eventually all previous attempts to thwart my downward spiral were presented enough times to allow…

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when you can’t say ”I was wrong”

when you can’t say,” i was wrong” it doesn’t take very long before you find yourself running out of ears because nobody cares to hear what someone has to say when they are never wrong when you are never wrong that would mean one thinks they are always right and…

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the big picture

you have to live everyday, but you can’t get to caught up in it do the best you can, help where you can, avoid hurting when you can and that’s about it a day is like a thread in a tapestry just one small part of a piece, one small…

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a little bit…………….can be a lot

a little bit of sunshine that interrupts the rain a little bit of peace after  days of pain a little bit of passion when you thought the well was dry a little bit of emotion and a tear in the eye a little bit of wisdom that turned you away…

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