wherever i go
wherever i go, i take a friend He has no beginning ,He has no end so i can always count on Him sometimes He speaks, through the wind in the trees sometimes He shouts if danger is in front of me He sees so much more than i can see…
Read Moreyou can go a different way/for Leo
you can go a different way although perhaps a path you cannot see probably won’t be the way you thought i know it wasn’t that way for me but it had been so long since i saw a ray of hope then someone said they weren’t there to judge they…
Read Moremeet you in the garden
i’ll meet you in the garden, a tranquil state of mind we can talk in length, about things that are on your mind i will give you my attention and my time, the most important things i have and God will come between us and lead us down the correct…
Read Morewatch you fall/for tony
hard to watch you fall but i can’t catch them all and even if i could it would just be the same thing over again i can’t make you change it’s and inside job and it requires admission of defeat the the king of a wasteland is not that impressive…
Read More“G” can do anything
i just had this feeling and i followed it and this is what happened i saw a kite in my closet that had been stored and forgotten, like so many things i smiled as i retrieved it and my grandchildren got excited at the idea of watching it soar to…
Read Morewe call you friends/for jeff and sulu
we call you friends because you don’t pretend you share your life the ups and downs and you weather the storms we never see frowns that’s the kind of friends we need we don’t compete, we enjoy each other for what we are also for what we aren’t we aren’t…
Read Morethe mixing bowl
think of your mind as the mixing bowl what you put in under your control we all must deal with certain things in life but where you place your focus is governed by your mind so choose very carefully the ingredients you put in they will determine your focus my…
Read Morewater lilly
i watch from the shore as a frog is perched on the leaf of lily pad interesting that it would hold his weight the world is full of mystery and wonder but you have to look for it and be aware there are things the earth will guide your way…
Read Morebecause i believe it
i read it because i believe it these words from long ago still ring true today i don’t always understand what they are trying to say but my guardian angel will help me out and explain when i get stuck and it just reinforces the fact it i seek, He…
Read Morea letter to myself
you’re not going to make saint in case you didn’t hear but you have come a long way from the creep i use to fear i can look you in the eye and feel better about him then the guy who was always looking for somewhere to hang the blame…
Read Moredon’t pee in your pool
respect who you are, where you are , why you are don’t pee in your pool don’t guess, find out and if you can’t, wait, the truth always happens don’t pee in your pool be a blessing not a burden, everyone is carrying a full load because they won’t let…
Read Morehave the courage to be yourself
sounds strange to make such a statement but it is the truth you will join a very elite group of people if you can make the transition to stop being what others want you to be and to be who you really are to have the courage to stop doing…
Read Morefinding me
i almost missed the great opportunity to set aside my illusions and find the real me to have the courage to be who i am stop living a life determine by others whims i am not all that nor less than they i see no reason to try and live…
Read Morethe arms of God
i have a place i go to, each morning when i rise isn’t a very long trip, i simply close my eyes try to free my mind from concerns of the day ask the Lord to show me, where His Path will lead today i once thought it mysterious, something…
Read Moreanniversary
sometimes it was like wading through quicksand sometimes like a walking on the beach sometimes we couldn’t find the right words and we wouldn’t talk for days you came with your issues and i came with mine sometimes we helped each other, often we were blind underneath the smoke there…
Read Morethe eyes of a child
may i never grow to old or smart to see the world anew to be aware of the magic that this earth offers me and you when i cannot recall the joy that this world brings or remember looking through the eyes of a child perhaps my time should come…
Read Morestill giving/ eddie loc
you are sick but i couldn’t tell your spirit soared and it cast a spell and i was on the receiving end you made me feel welcome, i would call you a friend you said you were scared about what you had to face you words carried the message but…
Read Morethe most precious gift
the most precious gift i can give the sacrifice that says it all is to offer time to you, is the greatest gift of all i cannot add one single day to this life that has been given to me i have little say when it may be taken away…
Read Morecriticism
not the best at accepting shortcomings addressed by others the hardness in attack mode send the suggestion or info falling to the ground as water against a rock perhaps if it were presented wrapped in soft fluffy material i would respond differently but alas it never is and i doubt…
Read Moretornado/outside
the tornado warning was issued and the emergency alerts where on the tube and cell phones but i can reflect and appreciate the fact the tornado is outside and not inside no longer a whirling dervish ready to fly off the handle at any given moment ready to create turmoil…
Read Moreget it straight
what you think is far less important than what you do listen to your gut it keeps it straight doesn’t have all distractions to complicate so when you are hesitant on what to do forget what thoughts are running through your mind and listen to your gut like to get…
Read Moreteachers are everywhere
drop all notions of where good information will come from and you will be amazed how many people, places and things are placed in your life to everyday to teach you things you will need i laugh at ideas i have tucked away in the recesses of my mind only…
the further i go the less i know that’s how it’s supposed to be we experience so many things in life’s ebb and flow take some time for us to find there is much we just don’t see paying more attention as the pendulum swings we try to take in…
Read Morethe storm within
they say a major storm is headed our way high winds and rain, flooding and fallen trees but it doesn’t give me great distress i do the necessary precautions and hope for the best that kind of storm is out of my hands it was the ones within, that i…
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