never saw you crying, but you were/ for anthony b

funny a man can travel to the remotest places on earth and yet the greatest distance he will ever face is from his heart to his head i know you used heroin and kicked that habit, and substituted alcohol in its place there are many things that can take your…

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Why God?

i wonder how many times a day You are plied with that question, ”Why God Why” at least a hundred of those inquires are from me i am constantly reminding myself that i don’t understand Your Ways, and why You  do certain things and other times it seems You choose…

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”almost” is like talking to a ghost not quite, close but not enough………………………………………almost is a fulcrum that teeters between your best attempt or a half-hearted effort that you decide ”is good enough”, which is short for ”i’m lazy and i don’t want to do it” the predicament is resolved only…

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come home/ or farewell

come home from your fog and sit on the porch, sleep if your eyes need to close i won’t tell anyone you are here, just the two of us will know, give yourself a few days off the wheel and see which way you want to go we both know…

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fly away

someone who i watched regularly on t.v., decided he had enough and wanted to be free so he ended his tour and that’s that, except for all the people he left scratching their heads he went everywhere talking about people and their food, enjoying perhaps their libations a little too…

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the gardener and the mule

my wife is a good gardener and i’m a pretty good mule she shows me where to put the dirt and calls me when she needs a tool i did not always like my role until one morning i sat on the deck the morning sun was coming up and…

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no diplomas

there are no diplomas for this test call ”life” you pick up pieces and try to connect the dots you ask questions and try to remain green, just when you think you have learned something, you get stumped on that very thing but the learning turns out to be the…

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i wasn’t aware that i was joining the weaving club but that’s basically what it is all of us are on a spiritual journey whether we acknowledge it or not those of us who actively seek the journey are part of the ”universal weaving club” we take bits and pieces…

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you will never know how far this can go, until you let go we have been schooled to hold on, hang in there, tighten up when in reality we need to learn to let go, let life flow, let go of our grip and loosen up we are taught that…

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feelings vs. facts

my lenses are not clear, perhaps i need to step away from here to a different vantage point where i can separate ” what is ” from what ” i want ” ”what is” needs to be seen in a different light whereas now there is hurt and strife,  i…

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waiting has always been a problem for me impatient, demanding, for which i have paid dearly hard for me to reconstruct events where i have lost, by waiting but not hard at all to recall calamities as a direct result of running in front of the horses ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… measured steps,…

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the trap

my big mouth is the worlds most efficient trap, catches me all the time i wish i could say that it amazes me the little restraint i offer when the bull is about to leave the pen but it doesn’t, i have said this before, if i ever have the attention,…

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sometimes He leads the way, sometimes He follows me sometimes i feel His hand on my shoulder and hear Him when He breathes sometimes it’s just footsteps that remind me He is by my side i feel it very comforting to know He cares that much it never feels imposing,…

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want vs. need

”need” had a conversation with ”want” need: ” man you are cluttering up this joint, the slightest whim and you are off again in search of the missing part” want spoke up and said: ” it’s not just stuff, i earned these things and it gives me a little joy…

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peace treaty

i will never be everything i would like to be……………………………………….. i have many interests and to pursue one would leave much of what makes me……………………me this kaleidoscope has many colors and when the wheel turns so does the colors and the path to be great one must be totally focused…

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”i could be wrong” and interesting thought one that isn’t a popular note but i must say that my back is in better shape now that i am not carrying all the answers to the problems of this world the willingness to reconsider hasn’t turned me into a vacillating blob, just…

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never dull / for vickie H.

i have a friend who takes a spin every morning she gets out of bed and it is easy to get caught up in that spin because it’s about love and good will and the joy from life spills over on everyone she is around and her boundless energy is…

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now do it again/practicing life

taking the time to read between the lines has allowed me to see the story i didn’t tell about being afraid of what people would do or say if i traveled the road to myself you see we were born with a dream and through time and conditioning we let…

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under new management

this business was failing, the future looked grim, then i got out of the way and had new management come in i’m still the owner but i stay out of the way and do what i’m told and listen to what they say the big decisions are still left up…

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me first / for o.j.

”me first” the children say but as we grow that should fade away for if i am always at the head of the line, everything from that vantage point always looks fine and that isn’t reality when we get upset because others won’t follow our lead, or fulfill our needs,…

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write them in my heart

i read these words in the Bible before i start the day and i ask You to send the Holy Spirit to help me understand what i have read that helps me with understanding what it is You would have me do but as i go about my travels, Your…

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i’ll send it to you

if you need a reason to continue down this road of recovery take a moment and think back about how your life used to be i know the unknown is a scary place to go, but remember others have gone before you and they will help you along the way…

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so you have appointed yourself to the bench the power to help or the power to lynch and sometimes we all could use a ”time out” but brother we all need compassion from time to time it took awhile for me to understand that the gift of love can only…

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i know they are there/one

i am not the little boy in the street that doesn’t have a crumb of bread to eat, that fights off the cold with cardboard and leaves, but i know he is out there i am not the woman who sells her flesh to buy a drug that she injects,…

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few have the courage to be the real person they are supposed to be between pressure from the world around and the confidence to sometimes go it alone, we give in the hippest of the hip are on their own trip and they refuse to be defined or corralled into…

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there is an umbrella that goes with me and protects me from the rain sometimes it rains from the heavens and sometimes it rains from men but it really doesn’t matter where the storm comes from, for I am protected by the umbrella and God surrounds me with His Love…

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kindness / it pays well

doing for others does more for me gives me purpose and sets my heart free to do what it was intended to do be a beacon for hope and hand to help someone up shallow life indeed when i am consumed with me but to get my life back on…

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you should call more often

you only call Me when you arse is in a jam and that’s too bad for I AM THE GREAT I AM I saw you in and I’ll see you out, it’s the in between that I could help you out but you have a plan and what do I…

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wherever i go/there i am

run,run,run as fast as i can but wherever i go there i am so it makes no difference where i stand, i stand arm in arm with the same old man wasn’t expecting a miracles just a few days in a row when i didn’t regret being me or the…

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chosen to bear the burden of addiction because i was going to do it my way God didn’t curse me with addiction, rather blessed me i was going to have to make a choice, my way or His way it was going to be like that, a constant battle of…

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