climbing out/ for Yogi aka L.F.

i saw an old friend today and he was away from his demon alcohol he seemed like the same old guy i used to know before the bottle cut him down it was back and forth like myself for years, and each time it was worse but he said he…

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death came by

death can by and took one away and it was time to let her go beyond my power to fix and heal death had its way so to stop and look back and see the tracks and this is where they stop death can by and put her on the…

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it just is

sometimes i have to resist for when things happen in my life i want to label them and that can denote good or bad sometimes ”it just is” no one goes through this life not having to do things they don’t like and if i can just accept this it…

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better off being me

don’t know about you, so i’ll talk about me so often i see what i want to see, as opposed to reality i see someone and think i see signs of a life that’s together all the words rythme i get these notions and pick out the parts that reinforce…

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important to know who you are

i would like to know you, but first i have to know me who i actually am or who i am pretending to be am i willing to let you see me or am i pretending to be what i think you what me to be this can get pretty…

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treat me like my dogs do

i don’t want anything special, fanfare or the like just treat me like my dogs do when i come home at night just come up and greet me like i am someone important in your life act enthused to see me and you’re glad i made it back alive this…

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i am a man who is seeking the inside of me the things that make me tick and twitch, what shuts me down and what sets me free i try my best not to label and cast a shadow or a doubt for there are things that are neither good…

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God will make a way

last night i got a phone call from a guy i was worried about i had gone by his house to check on him he managed to stumble out what i saw was a man who was headed for the grave made me think of the time when i was…

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i made this road

i made this road that i’m traveling on cleared the trees and laid the stone and when i get miffed, on where i have gone i remember, i made this road i’m traveling on i finally understood although it took some time no one to blame, i put out the…

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ride it out

bills and the money just don’t add up ride it out you want to blame somebody, but you shut your mouth ride it out you remind yourself it isn’t as bad as you think ride it out on the scale of what you have been through, this ain’t no big…

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prisoner of your mind

today i got see a friend who got tangled up in the the prison of his mind trouble came and he let his thoughts, tell him a bad path would be fine sad thing is like many of us, he had been down that path before he said in his…

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old friend

old friend it’s good to see your face amazes me you always look the same a few more lines here and there but so help me, i swear still the same old guy you ever was the more things change it’s good to have a few of you around kind…

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untouchable and protected

i could be untouchable unaffected by you or anyone else the protection i seek has a requirement with total commitment, i must believe i know You are here, i have seen and benefitted by your grace but so often my humanity sabotages me and Your Grace gets pushed away i…

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can’t do it for you

i would if i could but i can’t and if i did it wouldn’t have the same effect until you have had enough, surrender to your cup nothing i can do or say will mean a thing i know when we have talked you were listening……………..but you didn’t hear a…

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one at a time

it’s easier to deal with one mistake at a time as opposed to several the premise here is simple: just because you have put your head in the noose doesn’t mean you have to jump

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don’t touch that, your going to get burned why did you do that ”because at least i can feel it, it hurts but nothing else gives me a feeling” ”now that it owns me, it’s the only time i’m alive……, when i’m not hooked up, i am like an inflatable…

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westover tony

i grew up on the streets, my choice, i just gravitated to it it has taken some time to sift the hustle out of me most of it’s gone but i still remember and sometimes still act out …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. westover tony, God sent me by your house today and that…

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practice doing nothing

seems odd to phrase  it that way, but such is the nature of the world today we have become so used to being turned on, tuned in, plugged up that one must make a concerted effort at times ”just to be” and not be ”doing” the rest afforded reminds me…

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getting back to me

i’m finally getting back to me after most of my demons are free they decided to run away when they knew i wouldn’t play their crazy hurtful games any more   i was the one who invited them in because i was scared of who i am not the best…

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the bottom took me to the top

i don’t always know how to explain things and i’ve learned that sometimes it a waste of time to try but some will know what i’m talking about and some won’t go through that in their life some of us look for shortcuts and we miss learning how to play…

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one drink away

sometimes it seem so long ago, but i must remember what it took from me break it down to the bare essentials, i’m still just one drink away one drink away from a life that consumed me, one drink that will lead to the candy store and the man standing…

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i stop to look

everyday i try to stop and look at the things You have made and marvel at the details of every flower and tree it is beyond my imagination to try and conceive the mind of someone life You to create the things You have made so i leave those thoughts…

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tomorrow’s a brand new day

that guitar sits over in the corner sometimes at night it calls to me ”i could help you with your problems , if you would sit  sit down and talk to me” ”i know things didn’t turn out like you wanted…… i know your mad and your peeved” ” but…

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nobody died/it will be okay

when i awoke this morning i was greeted by several piles of dog sh………………t that could have determined the beginning of my day, but it didn’t nobody died /it will be okay a family member needed a loan and irritated me because of their spending habits nobody died /it will…

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never know unless you try

you will never know the possibilities that are there for you and me unless you venture forth to see, you’ll never know unless you try sometimes things seem so far away, but they can come closer day by day with the slightest effort and change of mind, you’ll never know…

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really? better rethink that

how many times have you heard a professed Christian: say a racist remark make fun of someone mentally challenged put down alternative lifestyles say one thing and do another use fowl and abusive language judge others without the slightest knowledge about them place themselves above others the list could go…

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since you ”noitall” i guess you are finished, so go have a seat in the corner and we’ll come get you if we need answers what’s that you have been sitting there for three days and no one has come to inquire of you perhaps most people would rather muddle…

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set your mind and your heart to the person you want to be, and head in that direction there will be trials and challenges but stay the course and watch for signs and messages it will not be easy, but the rewards will be plain to see a life based…

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the momentous occasion i have been waiting for is probably not going to happen today or tomorrow or next week, next  year or in the forseeable future the day that i stop letting people control me by stirring up my latent anger…. waiting by the door ready to pounce like…

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i ply this prayer to the ”Great Unkown”, that You would watch over me and protect my home use me as You see fit to be an example to those who are quick to dismiss, You as ”make believe” i have seen Your power and grace, in other lives and…

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