the passion matured is peace

the passion of youth now ebbs and flows where it goes i don’t exactly know the energy to go,go,go…………………….is gone and not for a moment think i lament, for most of that energy was ill-spent in involving myself in activities that required sacrifices i wasn’t willing to make the terminology…

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a simple path to sobriety, that you will complicate

1 want something better than you have 2 get involved with a recovery group/ sincerity is more important than which group 3 do what is recommended, remember you don’t know jack about recovery{this is where you either resist or comply} 4 establish a network of people serious about recovery and…

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the family tree just fell on me and it didn’t feel very good anger doesn’t look good on me and not much better on you no one responded well and they never do so the brother who was always passive and tried to get along has passed away and in…

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stop looking

an old man once said as he wiped the sweat from his brow ” son i reckon you are about chasing the girls, so i thought you ought to know, there ain’t no perfect ones, never will be” ”so when you are ready and you look for a mate, find…

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when you least expect it s..t happens,
when you least expect it… happens……such is life

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your light

i saw your light when you where listening to someone struggling to stay sober volumes of wisdom and concern surrounded you and your acquaintance with comfort and understanding you asked questions that moved the conversation to discovery you could see it in their eyes, like finding something that had been…

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you were across the room, but i heard you when you shared i heard you with my ears and then i heard you with my heart your eyes locked on mine when you could see i was trying to listen watching someone start a new way of life is invigorating…

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not just a sunset-Godset/for t.l.

we were describing a sunset, you had been there before and i was saddened by your response, you remarked” what were the people clapping for” i suppose it could be age but it also could be something more because God isn’t part of your life the majestic beauty nothing else…

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what to leave out

in an effort to be more concise whether i am drawing or writing a piece time has not so gently reminded me that what i leave out can be more important then what i put in most good dishes start with recipes, an a little variance is okay by me…

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the message is everywhere/ for David

walking down the beach in St. Petersburg , we came upon a man sitting by a message written in the sand, and he shared his story with us if you are open you will hear the message, it’s everywhere have a great New Year, it is a new page in…

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a look back

15 years since i last had a drink, take a quick look back and remember what it was like -like living in a nightmare and couldn’t wake up -boarding a train that had no engine -pretending you are someone else, only to find you had become that person -relationships as…

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special occasion

Christmas Day is closing, and it was a fine day indeed not too much excitement and i didn’t hear a harsh word said one would like to keep the enthusiasm going to each and everyday and although this was a special occasion, everyday can be as well for each rising…

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The Present

as you open up your presents, may I open up some too I am interested in your heart and mind and sometimes they are wrapped so well they are difficult to get into but if you will bear with Me I’m sure you will find the gifts I have to…

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your heart song


slower is not a word everyone admires i suppose age and time unearth it’s beauty and desire but a walk through the woods with a deliberate and hasty stride reveals rather quickly how much is missed along the way to be governed by a spectacle one has taken the time…

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the chain can stand the strain/ for cullen

from the mouth of babes

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i see you have a brickhead, i know what’s that’s like no one can tell you anything, even if you know they are right so you constantly run into things that others avoid on sight but then again you got that brickhead and you always know what is right so…

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real love

Of real love i know little, because real love has no agenda, time table or requirements Real love isn’t contingent upon what others do or don’t do it stands alone ridiculed when others cannot fathom the attachment under conditions they would never consider real love cannot be explained only practiced…

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never out of style

i have a friend, i think he’s sorta hip he dresses well without wearing things that don’t fit he shared with me something i never thought to much about he said you can open avenues you never dreamed not with slick words  but with a smile said it must come…

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face to face/ the great disconnect

make no mistake it’s your face and try as we will it’s not hard to trace the obvious effects of having our way only to find it’s not what we wanted everyday i play this game what i am hoping to find versus reality only to find everything i need…

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hard to forget how many times you have slipped and resorted to your old friend alcohol the only problem is he stopped being your friend long ago  now he just wants to rule your life i know how the process worked in me until i was ready to get honest…

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i give you today what was taken away by fear and a desire to please because to get your way you were willing to pay with your integrity and your word but if you listen you will hear a path away from fear and a change of whom you are…

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take a few steps down from your pedestal it won’t be so high when you fall oh no, you can keep your crown we are betting how far it will roll don’t worry about hair, your make-up or your stole your entourage of what to be’s will help you manage…

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let it go

this world would like to reel you in  so you can share it’s confusion and woes but there are some who have recognized  there are but two ways to go  one, you can walk with the spin looking out for holes or two, stand against the flow of things and…

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a simple wish

a simple wish to all i know that they may be open to Gods’ Love and those that doubt that count me as a friend to open their hearts and minds and ask Him to come in i care not to enter a discussion or debate i ask you to…

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it was me

it was me who threw the first punch and caused things to spiral out of control  then blame everyone else for not cleaning up after me the mess i’ve made was the direct result of moving to fast, with limited information and not being mature enough to wait for clarity…

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a time ago

the candle  sheds but a soft dull light as it flickers shapes dance around the walls was but a short time ago that it would have perplexed my soul but now it soothes and doesn’t trouble me at all for my mind was constantly sorting the truth from my internal…

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the key

i was surprised to see a key inside the book carefully placed inside the binding  were i suppose many people wouldn’t look and i set it aside and over a few days i read the work and next to the last page, i found a simple note time had almost…

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You Gave Me the Canvas

You gave me the canvas, but it’s up to me to paint i don’t have to do anything, just accept what comes my way some days i like that and i deal with what i’ve got some days i exert myself and draw the lines between the dots there is…

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your smile was the payoff

you didn’t think i would venture to make the trip in the snow and given a different circumstance, i probably would have stayed at home but it had been a while since i had come and the smile when they brought you in make the trip worthwhile it was part…

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the toughest man i ever met

the toughest man i ever met was slight of build and meek he rarely spoke and when he did his tone was soft and sweet always seemed to find a way to help someone in need and on this special day…………………………………….. i saw a man complete i happened to be…

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