a voice i can hear/ FOR Bill K.

a voice i can hear, came soft and clear i know it was arranged by God in a non-threatening way he is able to say ” you are whacked and you are forgetting who is in charge” in the past i would bristle up and feel my pride had been…

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looking at me

things are changing, i hope you can see   i took the microscope off you and put it on me   by so doing i was able to see   many of the problems i thought were yours   actually belong to me   nothing changes till something changes

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can’t do the same old thing/ for amy w.

can’t sang the same old songs with the same melodies people feel different they can’t all sound the same strange how you lull yourself into seeing things as you are taught they should be all the while denying what it is you actually see the friend who used to move…

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above, below and right where we are

there will always be some above, some below and where we are sometimes it’s challenging to accept that we are where we are supposed to be but what a difference it makes in us and our perception of the world around us i see this tree everyday in my yard…

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loosen your grip

holding on tight could mean your fear is dominant and a life ruled by fear is akin to a constant game of ”dodge-ball” perhaps you might entertain the notion that you are the one throwing the ball a rigid life is stiff and breakable and flexibility is a good place…

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commitment: commitment is a scary word,makes me think of fences and doors but what i want i cannot get if i’m not willing to commit i want to trust you and i want you to trust me, i want to be respected and feel like i’m free the truth shouldn’t…

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leave a little skin

no matter where i have been i leave a little skin that’s the way it’s supposed to be i give to you and you give to me so as you remember me passing through you will know part of you is me and part of me is you leave a…

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denying the obvious

seems strange when we look back at the things we change in our lives why we took so long to accept the obvious a child will learn that a square peg won’t fit in a round hole and yet as adults we obviously forget and try to do so over…

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a place for you

sometimes we feel like we are lost and that is often after we have been tossed by this world or people in it, but this is just a test and when we look at it like this we see there is something to be learned and people where just playing…

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don’t look around and wonder what went down we arrange our world and if it’s upside down ………………..it’s not that hard to turn it around so without, so within i see myself in others and i stop and shake my head some get it quickly and some ignore the signs…

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the most important thing i ever said

the most important thing i ever said that opened my heart and un-clogged my head were three simple words that have kept me fed…………………………….”i don’t know” doesn’t make me a fool, rather makes me smart that i can be honest and listen to others impart knowledge they have learned along the…

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hope that is enough/for paul J

you come and we sit and you share with me things going on in your life i try to listen and bridle my mouth because you pay no attention to suggestions i make retracting and saying it isn’t that bad after you say you are living in hell i suppose you…

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A Friend I Call God

i have a fiend that i call God and He continues to amaze me often i feel his companionship as i go about my day and sometimes He just tags along and sometimes He leads the way i appreciate how He operates, and to my demise I often get my…

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without blame, without shame/we label ourselves

the great pastime not only in our country but in all countries, is assigning blame and shame there are those who commit acts over and over and there is no resolution nor rehabilitation for them……………………..just a fact but others, who for whatever reasons we deem their justifications adequate or not,…

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what i can do / what i can’t do

what i can do is walk with you down this path what i cannot do is carry you down this path defiance helps you dig your own grave i can’t take the shovel from you, you have to set it down yourself this is the game we play until we…

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three legged stool

  i sit upon a three-legged stool and each leg represents something special to me one for sobriety, one to help others in need and one to remind me that left unchecked my emotions can cause me havoc and stress i made it sturdy and it has served me well…

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kite with no tail

like a kite with no tail you flounder about the blows you at will meanwhile you think you are going somewhere you are totally out of control i suggested you make the adjustment but it fell on deaf ears because you are moving you are under the illusion you are…

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may i borrow your umbrella

Lord may i borrow your umbrella, the storm is approaching fast i know You will help me, if i remember to do my tasks trust in You and follow, hesitate to ask questions along the way for the path that we will travel often looks strange to me i must…

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wrinkles on my face

time please grace me with wrinkles on my face so i can remember the things that took place those that made me smile and those that seemed like trials until reaching the other side, i learned what they tried to hide the lines on this face are witness that i…

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find a new hobby

you have made lying a fine art i recognized it after a few attempts to use my benevolence against me i didn’t want to admit that your words got tangled in your mouth when you tried to say them i know,……………………………….i remember those days when the truth was too hard…

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had to let you go/for t.h.

had to let you go because there are so many things you don’t know and try as i could i couldn’t get you to raise the hood i was hoping you would see that you are running…………on empty anyone passing by is blamed for why you can’t get sober you…

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goodbye westover tony

your way will take you the rest of the way to a grave you’ve been digging for years your head and your ego was just to thick to let common sense get in the way i guess i thought i could do the job about turning you around, but when…

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song of the wake

the word makes me think of waves and life rolls in that way, you take the good with the bad, the happy with the sad pick the pieces up and keep on walking down the road i wouldn’t want it to be all polished a new, trouble gives everything a…

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the sale didn’t go through/for T.H.

the sales pitch you practiced may have been convincing for you but you need to remember, i have been in your shoes and although you had it down and it rolled right off your tongue the owls where in the background hooting, because your feet weren’t on solid ground you…

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walks before me

may my gratitude walk before me so that it is obvious to see that what has been accomplished in my life has little to do with me that what has been done is a wayward man was led to freedom from captivity the prison i escaped from had no bars…

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not God

i am not your God, don’t want to be the things you need can’t come from me in your darkest hour when you need a friend i can’t guarantee, i will always be around the connection you need is not hard to find you can asked to be plugged in…

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time away

time away doesn’t change things, it changes you when it’s time for a break, you know it and don’t ignore it my perspective is like the windshield of my car after a while i need to clean it just like my perspective i do the day to day, lightly clear…

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one starting/one on his way/ for tony and david e.

God put 2 people in my life to keep me on the path both are facing the consequences of life run by themselves funny the one who is in prison is actually breaking free and the one who is in treatment is still in the prison of his mind both…

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standing on the rock

you are frail like me, storms knock you down, so i am standing on the rock the words of evil men try to confound me, so i am standing on the rock i cannot see my way at times, so i am standing on the rock i am connected to…

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she just knew/full circle

i saw a little girl do a beautiful thing and it was something that she knew it wasn’t something she was taught, it was her soul shining through and perhaps that’s when we are at our best when we aren’t tainted or confused by all the crap this world throws…

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