it adds up or it doesn’t

it’s important that who you think you are matches up to who you are the disconnect comes from an inability or a lack of desire to be honest with yourself i like to think i am kind…………………….do i do kind and considerate things i think i am a good friend……………….when…

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talking with McQuack

i went to the park to take a walk and ponder why i have such a hard time letting go i had taken an old loaf of bread to throw to the ducks in the pond i sat on a bench and opened the bag and soon a hundred ducks…

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i walk this maze, no longer afraid no matter where it leads i look for signs that remind of what my destination is that would be to help others see the beauty of a life run by God and by doing so my life explodes with wonders beyond belief best…

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on me/for ts and i

damn, what a shame look around and there’s no one to blame i won’t waste your time trying to explain bad news is i will probably do it again i want so bad to learn to let go but it’s hard to control things if you don’t have a hold…

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it’s me

it’s me, but i thought it was you i have changed and you’re the same it is what it is, so there is no one to blame that’s what happens when life changes speeds so there is nothing to be mad about because it is me who didn’t want to…

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ok so now i know

ok so now i see why things turned out this way but the issue still remains, i don’t like what i see now i can try and pretend that it’s all in my head and the fact is some of that would be true but if i deny what i…

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works better this way

i stopped doing the things i do hoping for others to acknowledge them often ignored, or expected it always left me with feelings of disregard or servitude then i would remember whom i was really working for, You God so i now try to start each task with the understanding…

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headphones on and talking on the phone hands are busy flying your drone so connected you don’t have a clue what’s going on………………unplug so involved in the latest tech, you have a machine that makes noises so you can sleep your not a big fan of conversation you would rather…

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nobody likes dogcatchers but what if we didn’t have them? what about all the jobs people do that nobody else wants to do? perhaps when you see a sanitation worker maybe a thank-you is in order someone does the things that i don’t want to do and the same is…

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i fought so long and could not win the battle ended and i threw up my hands the possibility that i could be a free man begin to cross my mind when you live a certain way for a very long time you get use to things that later boggle…

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flat line

when i judge you, i judge me took a while for me to see but when i draw conclusions they are often wrong and everything goes downhill from there so if i accept you as you are maybe over time, what i thought at first could have been curse if…

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learning to listen to God

i’m learning to listen to God you wouldn’t think it would be that hard but it takes a little time to chase these thoughts from my mind that interfere with what He is trying to say if His voice was loud and booming then it would be easier to hear…

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u b u and i’ll bme

u b u and i’ll bme that’s the way it’s supposed to b i don’t need a carbon copy of me, that won’t teach me anything i am comfortable and confident with me to allow you to be whatever you need to be i offer to you what i want…

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do you read me

it’s important that we connect to have someone get what we get to affirm that this isn’t a solo trip the invisible chords really do exist and if you don’t know what i’m talking about you don’t know what you missed it’s important………………………..that we connect   you won’t feel it…

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rubber band

may i be a rubber band holding sometimes but able to expand keeping things together and easy to unwind giving a little order and peace of mind stretching when i need to and sometimes standing firm binding things together as this world tosses and turns  

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vacation/gratitude is the key

perception colors my world, the colors depend on my gratitude   i needed a vacation from myself, so i offered to help someone else   the process turned me around, in it i found, i was a lot better off then i thought   perception is the key the colors…

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after all this time i’m finally home at last   much to my surprise it was closer than i thought   turns out not to be a place or destination   but peace inside my heart   home at last   everything is here

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God smiled

you may think i’m crazy or that i think like a child but sometimes as i go about my day i think i see God smile i would like to think it has to do with how i live my day i could be wrong but i don’t get that…

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the beginning is the end

sounds initially strange but consider it my friend on any given occasion, the beginning is the end for how we approach a problem or how we greet a friend is so heavily influenced by how we choose to begin i recommend wholeheartedly extreme consideration as to what is inferred from…

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delusions of a past i see, always came back and haunted me so i decided to ask them to hang around, until i could sort out what was lost and what was found so i poured over my back pages looking for a theme and what i found was unnerving…

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the sum total of what we understand, not what we experience   given to exaggeration as amplified hope, of what we would like to achieve   and what we know we probably won’t   somewhere in between, the truth and the lies, is the staging area we call life  …

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discovery: pry bar of time

what do i know   what do i see these perceptions get the best of me   when i think i understand the pry bar of time opens my mind     as usual what i find to so many things i was blind    

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no postage required/for wt and dm

this note won’t require any postage because i’m writing it for myself all the words have been spoken i’ll keep it as a reminder of my limitations   waste of time trying to change someone hard enough to change yourself better to accept the person, if you can or go…

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forgiveness/spiritual axiom

forgiveness is as much, if not more for me, than for you the letting go, lets God in the perception that something is given must be accompanied with the thought of receiving, grace

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horace the oak

Horace soared towards the sky at the edge of a beautiful meadow a meandering river passed nearby and offered its’ sweet water often it is not only a human characteristic to wish to be something different, other species suffer with the same discontent so it was with Horace, who longed…

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perception/’old poems never die’

the trickle of water: was enough to fill my cup, if i was patient made me long for torrents of rain started to weaken then it was gone   reviewing my notes: i had focused on areas that supported my opinion i had captured the essence of the lecture i…

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careful what you touch

careful what you touch you might feel a little rush, that turns into crush from a boulder you never saw coming your way different can be cool, but it is the romance of fools the same old thing dressed up in different clothes the exchange can be like an insect…

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i shed this skin to become a new man starting the process over again i can’t go back to the beginning but i can look back and check my tracks and see when i left the trail i don’t have to go through the process but if i’m not willing…

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fast won’t last fast won’t last look at me i failed the test hurry hurry and round and round sometimes up but most times down hide behind the face of a clown smiles outside, inside a frown tired of swimming the world is pulling me down one more thing before…

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