
sometimes it was like wading through quicksand sometimes like a walking on the beach sometimes we couldn’t find the right words and we wouldn’t talk for days you came with your issues and i came with mine sometimes we helped each other, often we were blind underneath the smoke there…

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the eyes of a child

may i never grow to old or smart to see the world anew to be aware of the magic that this earth offers me and you when i cannot recall the joy that this world brings or remember looking through the eyes of a child perhaps my time should come…

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still giving/ eddie loc

you are sick but i couldn’t tell your spirit soared and it cast a spell and i was on the receiving end you made me feel welcome, i would call you a friend you said you were scared about what you had to face you words carried the message but…

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add it up

take five minutes to add it up have the guts to calculate the truth write down the key moments in your life what they mean to you won’t take long before your face will start to smile or frown if you don’t like the the total the responsibility rests with…

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everyday i get something from God, many things from Him and it amazes me that often i overlook them until something or someone does something or says something that will connect the dots the blessings keep coming and i can’t possibly keep up with all of them but when i…

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the most precious gift

the most precious gift i can give the sacrifice that says it all is to offer time to you, is the greatest gift of all i cannot add one single day to this life that has been given to me i have little say when it may be taken away…

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not the best at accepting shortcomings addressed by others the hardness in attack mode send the suggestion or info falling to the ground as water against a rock perhaps if it were presented wrapped in soft fluffy material i would respond differently but alas it never is and i doubt…

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average isn’t a bad place to be not to high, not to low, leaves me room to grow not better than or less, just a man looking to be better and do good what a reasonable epitaph, ” he worked, he played, he lent a hand where he could, kept…

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the tornado warning was issued and the emergency alerts where on the tube and cell phones but i can reflect and appreciate the fact the tornado is outside and not inside no longer a whirling dervish ready to fly off the handle at any given moment ready to create turmoil…

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there is a tyrant king inside of me, determined to have his way thought the evidence is clear, my way is often wrong but my ego eggs me own because it is consumed with control and when things begin to spin out of order that’s when i let go so…

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get it straight

what you think is far less important than what you do listen to your gut it keeps it straight doesn’t have all distractions to complicate so when you are hesitant on what to do forget what thoughts are running through your mind and listen to your gut like to get…

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teachers are everywhere

drop all notions of where good information will come from and you will be amazed how many people, places and things are placed in your life to everyday to teach you things you will need i laugh at ideas i have tucked away in the recesses of my mind only…

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the further i go the less i know that’s how it’s supposed to be we experience so many things in life’s ebb and flow take some time for us to find there is much we just don’t see paying more attention as the pendulum swings we try to take in…

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the storm within

they say a major storm is headed our way high winds and rain, flooding and fallen trees but it doesn’t give me great distress i do the necessary precautions and hope for the best that kind of storm is out of my hands it was the ones within, that i…

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closer than you think

i’m not miles away, i’m here sitting by your side the Holy Ghost travels fast and i ask Him if i could take the ride so every time you send one up asking for His care He calls me up and says get dressed fast we’re going for a ride…

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your song isn’t my song and it never will be the emotions that chose the words, didn’t come from me please don’t get me wrong i like your song alot but it’s second hand information and i can’t sing it from the heart i can make it sound pretty good…

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the shit that dribbles from you lips is littered with half-truths, that remind me of the old me i can still lay it down but i choose not to, because it doesn’t set well in my gut i listen to the garbage and try sifting through the muck to try…

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cookie cutter world

its a cookie cutter world and everyone fighting to fit in wearing the same clothes trying to have the same skin i just have to laugh because it all seems surreal but walk in a big city and you will see what i mean to be part of a fad…

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happy just 2be like i am

happy just  2b like i am ain’t all that much but i have a good time don’t have to pretend i’m something that i’m not just happy 2b like i am changing all the time as the clock rolls on not sitting here fretting about what doesn’t get done try…

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no excuses

should have written you before now but i got side-tracked with life it hard not to get caught up in things you can’t control but wish you could i think it would be nice if we could just take a walk and talk about things that are on our mind…

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we knew you where here/for Sarah F.

we knew you where here because you made things change you looked for ways to unstop the drain listening to everyone bitch and complain, then you moved a little twinkle in your eye, let everyone know that you had arrived and you could join in to help or get out…

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the Master’s Peace

anyone who dabbles in art, of any sort entertains the notion, however fleeting of creating a masterpiece regardless of whether one possesses the talent or not as i grow older i  have decided that a more worthy and practical goal is seeking the Master’s Peace For that would not be…

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tell them

they should know how much they mean that my life is blessed to have them here then a voice whispers in my ear ”tell them” we humans oft forget and sometimes a kind word is just the lift we need so forget about should and could and say often what…

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give you my light

i give you my light because it was given to me meant to be shared so others can see the simple truth is, if you want to be free you have to have the light that’s inside of me i got the light when i got out of the way…

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in My Time/not telling the truth is a lie

I will give it to You when I’m ready your timing is never good and if it’s just about you, the chances are You will waste the blessing on yourself the gifts I give to you are meant to be shared you keep it for yourself and others won’t see…

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fessin’ up

i telling you this because i want you to see i’m nowhere near the person i would like to be i gave up on the wishing well and stopped pretending all is well and now i’m not free of ”me” but i’m a far cry from the person i used…

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need to know basis

God will let me in on a need to know basis if He has things for me to do, then i will be given the tools and information i need there are many things that may trouble me if i let them but as i remember, that God has got…

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take what you need/the boys in the tree

take what you need and leave the rest, there will always be more if you past this test grabbing for all you can get is a signal to God that you don’t believe He will supply your needs you will always have enough if you share from your cup and…

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nyur shoes/ for dwatts

i would have never known what’s inside of you if i hadn’t put myself nyur shoes i would have never had a clue of how the world might look to you so what i have gained is insight as to how i might help you so lets pretend we each…

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kite therapy

construct a kite and write all the things that are causing you pain on the kite and cast it into the wind are your kite continues to soar recall the notes you wrote on the kite and how they are causing conflict say a prayer and release the hold you…

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