do what you can,we’ll help with the rest

do what you can we’ll help with the rest we are in this together and it kind of a test there will be days when we will look back and laugh these days were just getting us ready for the ultimate test could be a sickness, could be death, could…

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you can close your eyes but it won’t go away a bottle won’t help it’s a temporary fix the notion it will work out, has lost its trick maybe it’s time to do something the excuse your not sure what needs to be done has everyone shaking their heads and…

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there were two hobos sitting on a bench they shared a muffin and traded hits off a fifth the older one said son ”you can do better than this” ” but if you choose to stay let me give you a little tip” ”i choose this life because i like…

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you help me see/ friends

you help me see more than what is in front of me by taking the time to share with simple words that i can understand it lets me know you care so i am not alone in my journey along the roads of life when i am not sure of…

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step aside

be aware of other  travelers as they traverse this path of life some will hurry to their destination smile at them and step aside one of the benefits of growing older one can realize the precious gift of time and in an effort to savor each moment take it in…

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i had both guns loaded and i was coming after you pissed me off that someone said something attributed to you so i setup the encounter and walked in ready for a fight what happened next changed my mind and hopefully will affect my life i laid out the accusation in…

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that kind word

that kind word turned me around lifted me up and sat me down made me pause and removed this frown all that from one kind word that smile you wore made me check my face looking around i felt out-of-place and i replaced that scowl and rejoined the human race…

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suffer together

suffer together it will be easier to pass the test one can  feel overwhelmed and the other can help them rest knowing that someone is standing by your side puts a face on God and helps to turn the tide the lesson seems easier to swallow when their is nothing…

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are you willing to pay the price?

those things that seem so far away they may be closer than you think the first thing is to determine the cost, an add a little for good measure there is a price to be paid and one must assess their willingness and ability to pay we are given opportunities,…

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try not to mess it up/ a little push now and then

no one is asking you to do great things climb mountains or swim the seas but if we could get a little cooperation and try to stay out of the way   a little boy runs down the street after a wheel chasing as it rolls occasionally he take a…

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this little pill/acceptance

this little pill does for me what i cannot do by myself helps keep my emotions under control it irritates me that i can’t do it on my own but i can’t that little pill has power i don’t have and may never have the power to keep me from…

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the price

never deceive yourself to say ” best deal ever didn’t cost me a thing” because there is a price that we each must pay for everything in our lives it may be obvious or a bit subdued but your account is being debited so be careful what you choose and…

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you will be tested/ for V.H.

deciding to make a change in your life you try to clear the way think you have a good idea what to keep what needs to be thrown away but so you won’t be blind- sided knocked squarely on your ass you and i my friend are in for a…

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that other man

that other man i would like to think isn’t really a part of me   he is miles away and i don’t know where he lives but the truth is he lives around the corner and i see him everyday and though i would like to pretend, i don’t know him…

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the constant battle

the constant battle i fight everyday is keeping my tongue out of the way from causing misunderstandings to outright lies this rascal can start more crap and i am running around putting out fires sometimes i think it’s not part of me, and often it seems like it’s running away…

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the truth window

the truth window is always open wouldn’t do to have it closed you see the winds of truth blows in and out and some welcome it and others turn up their nose some say that truth is meddlesome and others a nuisance to be ignored but the truth winds it…

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God Flushes My Toilet

Some will cringe when they read these words but i look at it as giving Credit to God, that He deserves i believe He is involved in every facet of my life and i can easily recall many times He has spared my life that would sound dramatic, if it…

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be flexible

the old ones say better to bend then to break and be blown away for what good is it for you to have your say if you are so rigid there is no room to move then you are holding on to ideas that have you consumed people intuitively know the…

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You saved me again

hard-headed as i am You reached down from heaven and saved me again not an hour later i was doing it again not an hour later i was doing it again i know my chances are getting thin to have nothing to blame not alcohol or drugs just because i…

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welcome home

welcome home, it’s been a long time i think you were afraid of what you might find as you grow older perhaps you have begun to see that it’s not that things change so much but what changes is inside of me you see i’m a part of you and…

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talking in the mirror

i hear you say God can do anything then why won’t you let Him do it these trivial things that hang you up are all laughable to Him you’re okay with the big things i suppose you can accept that you have limited power over them you turn them over…

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one step closer

today i felt one step closer in my walk with thee nothing in particular made me feel this way it was more that my soul felt i was headed in the right direction and tho’ i am limited to the influence i can have on this world i am not…

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need versus want

need versus want has us stumped and we succumb to it’s pull from time to time not trying to say that things we would like to come our way are not worth doing the work but i have to look to see if it’s just about me then whatever it…

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one day at a time

one day at a time, is how i have come to define my life allows me to concentrate on what is in front of me and makes for a better lead into tomorrow today has its challenges and concerns and they deserve my full attention which i can only give…

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it not what you think

it’s not what you think a familiar line that i have to keep reminding myself all the time so as much as i would like to portray otherwise the fact is my emotions are constantly getting in my way so the rewind button is always near so i can take…

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growing up……………….a little

i can be wrong and still have a good day seeing a hole initially makes me afraid but i have to look through it, it’s not going away so reluctantly i start going over the facts………..honestly, and see what needs to be changed i will look for the shortest route to…

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you’ll be the same

whatever i do, you will be the same so if i want to be successful i should recognize your game i don’t have to like it, but i have to learn how to play after all a child is never happy unless they have their way the trick is you…

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the facts are

the facts are : you irritate the hell out of me and i irritate the hell out of you you have the power i have given you and that’s my fault i have explained to you in great detail where my buttons are and when is the best time to…

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off the hook/for s.t.e.p

your punching bag has moved jumped down off the hook tired of taking your jabs and listening to your shit you have a certain knack for alienating people and history bares that out i should have stopped this a long time ago but i was hesitant because the money was…

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if i call you friend there are certain things i must do and certain i cannot do i must respect you though we won’t always agree to give you the space to be what you want to be as i would like you to do the same for me to…

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