don’t kid yourself
”people of great intelligence find few things beneath them, only above” ttucro ”only the wise think they are foolish, only the foolish think they are wise’ ttucro i sit with my grand-daughter and we read a book, now i’m much older but she shows me where to look to see…
Read Moretesting 1,2…..testing 1,2… it’s Easter
wouldn’t try to shove it down your throat no need to talk loud or boast the debate is over for me, if you are looking for someone to argue about faith look elsewhere if you are having difficulty with you life i have a suggestion…………….suggestion………………pray about it pray about it…
Read Morecan’t get there, if you don’t know how you got here
hard to get there, you if don’t know how you got here sounds like gibberish but let’s be fair the chances of arriving anywhere would be unlikely if i didn’t know how i got here be surprised how many are afraid to look just turn the page and get on…
Read Moresimple is best
desire, and acquire and it ends up in lumps stuff you carry, sort and lug doesn’t take long before you ask yourself why you thought you ever needed it in the first place things add responsibility and things take up time and in case you haven’t noticed it, it’s flying…
Read MoreOne/Won for Patricia H.
one had a thought and was compelled to share not knowing if anyone would dare read or if anyone cared we do what we do because it is who we are so it is with great pleasure to hear another respond letting you know they get where you’re coming from…
Read Morea rainbow in this cloud
was feeling sad and an angel passing by said/they come by all the time ”why the long face, just a little bump in the road and remember,there is a rainbow in every cloud” so i continued through the day and it became obvious to me, that what i termed a…
Read Moreyou don’t believe it yourself
words fall like cascading rain and from the expression on your face they don’t mean a thing you would like to change that but you’re not sure where to start it’s hard when you don’t even believe yourself it’s part of the deal we think we have perfected a lie…
Read Morenot in charge
not in charge glad to say, so don’t blame me if things don’t go your way i gave up the reins some time ago, paddled upstream and got in the flow there is a rhythm to life and everyone ins’t the same you will know when you find it, because…
Read Morelive in today
today has enormous potential, like a potter with his clay i can make a vessel or a plate to feed a friend there is no way of telling the opportunities that will come my way tomorrow may bring floods of tears………………….so i will stay in today today will have its’…
Read Moreolder and younger/ magic carpet
the calendar says older and i guess it doesn’t lie but part of me gets younger as the days go passing by perhaps it is the knowledge that life has brought my way so things i once took for granted now have different meanings to me i suppose that makes…
Read Morewe hang ourselves
started building a platform several feet off the ground wasn’t sure why i was building it but something kept prodding me on the structure had a few steps and pillar at the top made a trap door , pull a lever and it dropped this went on for several days…
Read Morestop trying to make sense, out of things that don’t make sense
some things don’t make sense and you can analyze and twist torment yourself and pitch a fit drive your car into the lake and remember you can swim somehow you get to shore and tomorrow do it again some things just don’t make sense friend of mine got a new…
Read Morewatching my dog try to stay awake
i remember reading that very intelligent people are rarely bored because they can find things of interest all around them i don’t claim to be in that group but i have learned to pay attention to my surroundings taking time to see as opposed to surveying life ins’t a landscape…
Read Moredidn’t get away with it
laughing, as i find myself often these days the folly that i ever entertained that many things that went down went undetected more than i thought was known and never confronted and regardless of who knew or didn’t know i knew wasn’t willing to acknowledge the impact or effect but…
Read Morethe man i was afraid of
it had to happen, because i wasn’t progressing, i was stuck in a arcade the guy trying to shoot the hat off the man was me and i was the guy wearing the hat the carnie running the game just keep putting his hand in my pocket and grabbing money…
Read Morewaiting without the weight
i cannot wait well, so i don’t wait, i do stop waiting and do works better for all involved, it’s all a matter of time there is only so much sitting to relax is something all together different but if i am forced to accommodate another, as we all must…
Read Morebeing vs. having
i would rather be someone respected for how i live then what i have when two people are alone, the only wealth they carry with them are concern, goodwill and kindness things can make life easier, but not always better give a man a dollar and he will spend it,…
Read Morewhen in doubt…………..give
long time coming, short time here, remembered for love or remembered by tears when looking for answers they are always near, if you want to see them was an old bloke who walked the tracks, most said he was crazy decided to find out for myself so i spotted him…
Read Moretake more chances
something attracted me to a gentlemen walking his dog his gait was jaunty and his dog seemed friendly enough so i approached and introduced myself ” I know this is awkward but I’m on a mission to live life to the fullest if you would be so kind, i would…
Read Moremore vs. enough
consider ”more ” with connotations of immaturity and ”enough” with evidence of maturity ”more” is not always feasible and usually not appropriate the justification for more is satisfaction, and when one is driven by the impression that things can give any long term happiness the delusion is compelling and self…
Read Morefull circle
we are in orbit around ourselves……………ttucro we crawl, we stumble and fall, stumble and fall, walk, run, walk slower, stumble and fall, stumble and fall crawl we end at the beginning………………the difference is we have all the information and experience from the lessons of life and we get a chance…
Read MoreCiCi and Jack
My granddaughters name is CiCi, and she is an animal lover. All animals……. frogs, snakes, cats, birds, dogs………………..and Jack. Jack was a request from CiCi for her birthday and everyone thought it was a crazy idea, especially me. Jack is a Bearded Dragon and we located one for sale and…
Read Morewatching dogs play
there was a time when i thought it was a waste of time watching dogs play life was all about doing and not so much about observing the conception was do as much as you can, see as much as you can and roll until you collapse laughable as i…
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