your space

everyone needs a space they can call their own it may be anywhere, anyplace and it need not be private it just needs to provide the feeling of freedom and peace my space is my studio, my car, my cabin in the woods but i have found peace amongst the…

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facts are facts

facts are facts and yet how differently we react depending on our own personal agenda distortion is the ability to manipulate the truth to support your beliefs but if you look deep enough you can uncover the truth despite exhaustive attempts to hide it like a splinter it wants to…

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doesn’t take much

doesn’t take much for a little bump in the road to start the wagon weaving and you spill your load as you settle the horses and pick up the debris and old man’s saying comes hauntingly back to me: ”take your eye off the prize and forget how blessed you…

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time the sculptor

these lines on my face have been traced by the sculptor, time these white hairs that adorned my head have been changed by the seasons of time careful what you hold fast and true time will do a number on you things you steadfastly believed will drop like falling leaves…

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my back pages

a cross between the beginning and the end each day the world begins again i do my best not to give it my spin but accept it as it is everything is okay and sometimes i prefer events in one day over other days but either way i see, that…

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see what happens ?

try calling him brother, when you want to fight when tempers are stirred try doing what’s right and when emotions settle down look for the light it will show you the way it’s always there that little seed of hope but often it gets covered with rhetoric and fear so…

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practice turning

every so often it’s good to turn and see the wake we are leaving behind the rudder of our life is better off left in the hand of whatever power we believe is out there for me it is God, but i have no intention or inclination to push anything…

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at least use a gun

if you are going to rob me at least show me a gun, so everyone is clear what’s going on poor service and minimum enthusiasm was an indicator but you always hope for the best if i’m going to get screwed at least smile and be pleasant before you thrust…

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makes me sad

it makes me sad to watch people slip away to places they would never have gone till today and things that use to matter have been replaced with ”it not important anymore” values change but it’s hard to see them discarded situations begin to control the person because their will…

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curtain call

say today was the last day and the show came to the end you are ushered to the stage for the last curtain call are you happy to stand and wave to the hall or are the seats empty and you are alone and feel small either we took time…

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not quite, is worthless to me nearly, leaves something out close, makes me think of a charging rhino that the bullet was just off a bit game over almost speaks of less than is required, and what good is that almost may be encouraging to a child trying to accomplish…

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too smart for your own good

why you’re so smart you cannot feel the touch of your spirit against your heel your mind has convinced you, you know the deal you’re so smart you cannot feel the education you received has lead you to believe that you are capable to sort the mysteries of this world…

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i made a mistake

i made a mistake and before it’s too late i want to say i was wrong i didn’t have all the facts and was too impatient to check and assumed things that never happened so i refrain to use the word ”sorry” just doesn’t carry much weight i hope you…

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the string

i met a funny little man with a funny little smile he sat on a bench in a park where i walk my dogs and he was holding a book and was totally absorbed until Henri my dog sniffed his clothes startled he looked up and i apologized and the…

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it was a good day but it could have gone either way there is always something to get hung about you can deal or you can squeal, either way it not going anywhere accept the pain, accept the strain and what can you do to make it go away remember…

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i did it

that is the reality, and that’s all i need to say i am responsible for things being this way the only thing that bothers me and i guess it’s a good sign i would like to say i learned my lesson but this isn’t the first or second time the…

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i’m sorry for your misery, but you have a choice you know do something about it, or have the courage to let it go if it’s something you really want then step up to the plate do what is required of you and move before it’s too late no one…

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the Raven and the Finch

it was a dark, cold rainy night the winds so strong no birds took flight and a little bird was startled when he saw in the pale moonlight a Raven perched on the limb the Raven approached and in a deep, scary voice he said ”what a miserable night and…

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closer than you think

it’s closer than you think bliss or in the tank starts with what you think and we deceives ourselves into believing it really doesn’t matter so you don’t act on every thought a little bit of that mindset is akin to thinking a little abuse or selfishness is to be…

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a few steps away

a few steps away is a man that i don’t care for he can be manipulative, controlling and deceitful shows little care for the feelings or concerns of others and his tone can be razor sharp and cut to the bone somehow he always shows up at the worst times…

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writing to discover

i’m writing to discover, i’m writing to uncover things i swept under the rug no longer afraid to admit i delayed taking responsibility for my life you weren’t to blame, just part of the game and i never payed attention to the rules whatever you take away must be repaid,…

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the appropriate place for but is on the backside of your legs it is the clear signal that what is said is either not understood or more likely accepted

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you put me in a difficult spot, because you wanted your way cost you our friendship because you lied to me this routine you have practicing has worn ever so thin some of us who can be honest with ourselves have decided to step away this isn’t a game i…

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it’s up to me

t’s up to me no longer up to you how deep the poison arrows go they use to pierce me to the bone but now they are more like insect bites i gave you that power some time ago to make yourself bigger with your bow and arrows but i…

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this verse i sing to God my King because He gave us His word a way to live, wisdom it gives a life filled with love this verse i sing to God my King

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it won’t always be an explosion, or a tap on your back could be a gentle wind, or the hairs on the back of your neck might be a song or a face from the past, there are many ways our Spirit Guide uses to connect there are always things…

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MY FATHER HAS BEEN GOOD TO ME,SHOW ME THE WAY TO COME TO THEE through the ups and downs in my life, which i have come to cherish, God has been there for me though i did not always recognize His guide, He never wandered from my side MY FATHER…

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adopted sister/ for v.h.

so the adoption process wasn’t hard at all, and a very reasonable price to pay the exchange required was respect and care and to help each other along the way we agreed to accept each other as we are and get together often and play and to talk about the…

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reality pays little attention to me, won’t do a damn thing that i ask even worse when i don’t pay attention to it, it precedes to kick my ass i stop hoping to always like it and that has helped quite a lot , because it doesn’t care about my…

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big talk/ little walk

we were visiting the Smokies when i was a kid, we all got moccasins , trinkets and hats and an Indian was there to take pictures with the tourists, we kids thought that was cool, what do kids know i was mesmerized by his presence and the aura that surrounded…

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