didn’t get away with it

laughing, as i find myself often these days the folly that i ever entertained that many things that went down went undetected more than i thought was known and never confronted and regardless of who knew or didn’t know i knew wasn’t willing to acknowledge the impact or effect but…

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the man i was afraid of

it had to happen, because i wasn’t progressing, i was stuck in a arcade the guy trying to shoot the hat off the man was me and i was the guy wearing the hat the carnie running the game just keep putting his hand in my pocket and grabbing money…

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waiting without the weight

i cannot wait well, so i don’t wait, i do stop waiting and do works better for all involved, it’s all a matter of time there is only so much sitting to relax is something all together different but if i am forced to accommodate another, as we all must…

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being vs. having

i would rather be someone respected for how i live then what i have when two people are alone, the only wealth they carry with them are concern, goodwill and kindness things can make life easier, but not always better give a man a dollar and he will spend it,…

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when in doubt…………..give

long time coming, short time here, remembered for love or remembered by tears when looking for answers they are always near, if you want to see them was an old bloke who walked the tracks, most said he was crazy decided to find out for myself so i spotted him…

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i see me in you and it scares me to death, because i have already been there i can’t stop you, wasted time trying to warn you, to no avail some people will not listen, you’re one and I’m another one i have the cuts and bruises mentally and physically…

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I used to pass by the people on corners or in the medium they carry their signs purporting all sorts of maladies and disasters i reckoned most to be homeless by choice due to unwillingness to work, laziness, addiction, mental issues and the list goes on. i now come to…

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take more chances

something attracted me to a gentlemen walking his dog his gait was jaunty and his dog seemed friendly enough so i approached and introduced myself ” I know this is awkward but I’m on a mission to live life to the fullest if you would be so kind, i would…

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more vs. enough

consider ”more ” with connotations of immaturity and ”enough” with evidence of maturity ”more” is not always feasible and usually not appropriate the justification for more is satisfaction, and when one is driven by the impression that things can give any long term happiness the delusion is compelling and self…

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full circle

we are in orbit around ourselves……………ttucro we crawl, we stumble and fall, stumble and fall, walk, run, walk slower, stumble and fall, stumble and fall crawl we end at the beginning………………the difference is we have all the information and experience from the lessons of life and we get a chance…

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CiCi and Jack

My granddaughters name is CiCi, and she is an animal lover. All animals……. frogs, snakes, cats, birds, dogs………………..and Jack. Jack was a request from CiCi for her birthday and everyone thought it was a crazy idea, especially me. Jack is a Bearded Dragon and we located one for sale and…

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watching dogs play

there was a time when i thought it was a waste of time watching dogs play life was all about doing and not so much about observing the conception was do as much as you can, see as much as you can and roll until you collapse laughable as i…

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i dream in words

i dream in words, may sound absurd but they can take me anywhere i want to go before i sleep i slowly repeat the word i will be traveling on could be the sea, could be a tree, a boat, a bird or a plane ask i relax the word…

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Gods’ Beauty Salon

come on into Gods’ beauty salon, prices are reasonable, works every time when you find that beauty starts from within, then we have a good place to begin we start with a cleanser, that doesn’t come in a jar, it happens when we admit we are selfish and self- centered…

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this art thing

a chef who was developing a reputation and a following once said to me, ”more important to live your life as art then to focus on your art” his reasoning was that if we lived your life as art then what we would produce would be artful and our offerings…

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kindness doesn’t hurt

we humans can talk ourselves into the oddest behavior and justify it in the name of ”kindness” kindness doesn’t hurt………………………..that simple the most difficult delivery of information concerning hard situations can be done in kindness kindness often has little effect on the circumstances, but if i am bleeding or hurt,…

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handicapped not crippled

see i’m on this journey and some people just call it life but then again some people take the trash out, breathe and go to work…………they call that life to me life is embracing what comes before you and doing your best to dig in as far as you can…

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when emotions don’t rule

i think it’s kinda cool when emotions don’t rule take the time to sort things out running off half-cocked has produced baleful results, not much to laugh about but the process has in fact showed that a careful approach with the awareness of seeing, as opposed to what you prefer…

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old town with your mills shut down, i knew you wouldn’t die your love to deep and your arms to strong you carved your home from the rock i suppose that’s why your people are friendly, loyal and committed the challenge was to re-invent yourself and that’s exactly what you…

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the bird outside my window surveys the world below leaves periodically to do errands and go places i’ll never know i know he sees me watching and i am careful not to intrude he allows me to observe him as he lives his life on the roof sometimes he sits…

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average……..not so bad

the longer i live the more i accept the laurels i once thought i saw, no longer adorn my neck the experiences of life shows me, what true genius is i amuse myself to have ever considered that these traits i could possess but one of the greatest blessings, at…

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i take you with me/for Randy Rodachy

i take you with me wherever i go because we are friends, we have shared many loads at times i was lost but i knew where to go and, i have done the same for you far away doesn’t matter, because thoughts of times together and shared struggles unites us…

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boo boo peas

long. long, time ago………………. i was picking up my son from daycare kids were coming in from the playground and chanting “Phillip, [MY SON’S NAME], got hurt, Phillip got hurt “ i was waiting for my son to come in missing a leg or arm, you know how parent’s do,…

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how God works

{smiling profusely, like i would know} in ways i neither understand nor comprehend full-time, no off days, no holidays, 24/7 gentle, soft, dramatic, hard quiet,loud, inaudible, audible always for good……always would you or could you worship, follow, trust a God you could understand ? I WOULDN’T, because that would me…

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honest appraisal is a trait unnatural to me, but with Gods’ help i am learning to see God presence : nonjudgmental, comforting, strong but gentle, meek, understanding, humble attentive, thoughtful, patient, unassuming, respectful, interested, lifting, compassionate……… as i examine the aforementioned list, i am immediately aware………………….it is one thing to…

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one good craving

the addictions i adopted and the years they ruled my life can be brought back vividly, with the slightest effort of thought though it has been some time, i spent more years under their control then the years i have enjoyed clean i have developed a habit, one that i…

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hurry…………………..to nowhere

observing successful people………………………….{well-rounded and happy} i have noticed a characteristic………………..not being in a hurry personally i have found that i have caused many missteps and mishaps by being in a hurry but none from being patient methodical, purposeful, thoughtful action is powerful requiring correct information that often takes time to…

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not above

above: to tower over, to look down upon, higher than descriptions of God, trees, mountains, the clouds…………………but not me i neither prefer nor claim any advantage over other men save they have no faith that doesn’t make me better or above them, nay, just blessed the voice has said: “the…

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my God

my God is bigggggggggggggg, my God is talllllllllllllllllll but He can be little and He can be small He can fill a canyon or sit by my side get into places where i try to hide that’s my God my God is gentle, loving and kind but He will kick…

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the maturity of ownership

the energy i once put forth to hide my frailty now can better be spent correcting what bothers me usually not getting or having my way, only to find what i so desperately sought wasn’t good for me anyway my first reaction as a child was to proclaim my innocence…

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