walking with God

old Joe was a friend of mine we worked together on the docks at the Port of Richmond now there was some pretty tough rascals that worked hard, drank hard, and like to fight for a young kid that was an exciting environment if they liked you they looked after…

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willey/casualty of this negative world

Willy is always happy, always up and looking for something new and exciting Willy is a one of a kind person, i know of no other that matches his enthusiasm and lust for life. Not even close. Willy has lots of friends and hundreds of acquaintances, but he can’t keep…

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the only one clapping

my ego is in a spin because it can’t get me to do myself in and no matter how it tried i didn’t need an alibi words thrown around are like jagged spikes so you have to be careful when you know it time for a hike i acknowledged that…

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a boastful man

Lord, let me not be a boastful man, let the things i do say who i am, and let me speak softly so others will come and ask about the God i’ve found Lord let me be calm and serene to show by example how You work with me, to…

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Gods’ Touch

God touches me when i touch you i feel his hand as i am greeting you and when i hold a child close to give him a hug i get one to from God above so in essence i would say God gives us His love to give away the…

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birthday card

shouldn’t be that hard to wrote a few lines on a birthday card i know what i want to say, hope you have fun and a pleasant day but the words are like 2 left feet, they cause me to stumble and creep that’s not a very good tone to…

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in your shoes

in your shoes they hurt my feet, i walk the alleys for something to eat i crawl in a box to go to sleep when i walk in your shoes in your shoes i make a few bucks doing odd jobs and collecting cans, people save them for me as…

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that silent man/for Jim L.

that silent man says so much and we never hear him utter a word his actions and the things he does shouts his message loud and clear ” i am not here to preach or teach but to help those that need a hand, and if i can lessen the…

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i gave you that smile

i gave you that smile wasn’t hard to do, you seemed puzzled not sure what to do when we passed i made a point to look you in the eye and i smiled with my heart and it showed through my eyes i watched you continue walking down the street…

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pants still on

almost ashamed to say, but if you expect to get better there isn’t another way you have to be willing to tell on yourself i won’t try to explain and i don’t know that i could but along the way i have confused sex with love i understand this isn’t…

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the thief is me

took me awhile to see when i take from you, i take from me the things i do in defense don’t keep me safe they dig a trench and i’m the one who falls this modern approach to right and wrong would have us to believe there are various stages…

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let me go

let me go, i cannot stay, yesterday is gone, now go away you have this need to correct the past, but it like trying to paint a cat, they won’t hold still and you just make a mess let me go let me go and do productive things, helping someone…

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i would not dare say i could care less of what others think of me but i clearly have in my mind all those people do not lay their head on my pillow when i sleep it isn’t natural not to want to be liked, but everything we do or…

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my coffee God cold

i was feeling kinda crappy and reminded myself that feelings aren’t facts, feels better when i notice things in my behavior before someone else does i had a slight sinus headache and it has lingered for several days and went to a 12 step meeting and saw an old friend…

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what can we do about Mary

what oh what can we do about Mary, she’s getting closer to the grave everyday her husband has taken the children and she sits in the house and drinks all day the accident keeps her in money and she has the liquor delivered to her door she tried getting sober…

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God Infidelity

i ask earnestly if You would look after me then when the slightest ripple stirs the boat i begin to pray that it will float You have accomplished great things in my life showed when to walk, and when to fight somehow everything seems to work our right yet i’m…

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i went by to see a friend found him digging in a hole i ask him what he was doing said he heard somewhere near this spot someone had found gold well i said and what would you do if this treasure you did find ”why i would build a…

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fewer words

i am a minimalist writer if i don’t leave any holes there’s no place for you to add your 2 cents laborious descriptions that do everything but brush your teeth are boring to me give me the concept, the idea and i’ll blow up the balloon simple and concise is…

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if you can’t stop/ you can’t go

on your mark, get set,……………………………… stop a continuous pursuit of an agenda, without reflection is a perfect plan for failure no one can be objective all the time, if we were we would be robots we have these feelings, assumptions and expectations that mar our view we see it, but…

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storms within/storms without

when my insides are in a spin storms without come from storms within pretty good actor, yes i am, but it’s almost impossible to hide, when i am dealing with tornadoes inside so in dealings with people who will remain in close proximity, i let them know what’s going on…

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firing Monday

i fired Monday because it was a pain in the ass always had an attitude and loved to pass gas surly and stubborn and i had had enough, so i told him my feelings and he needed to straighten up went better for a month or two and i asked…

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i will spin a yarn some won’t believe and some will pause and hope that it’s true because deep inside each of us is a desire to experience the magic and essence of life knew an old bloke who was a bum and lived in a group of trees learned…

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rule your emotions or they will rule you

hard thing for a grownup to sit alone and stew after an emotional bender has the whole family unglued his children keep their distance afraid to rile the tiger his wife has erected this wall with signs that read clearly ”come if you dare” he thinks about his Father and…

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intelligence:asset or ass

”impossible to know what you do not know” an old friend use to say sometimes i have let my intelligence get in my way not because i’m a mental giant but i like to be right and sometimes that may keep me from learning, what should be in plain sight…

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challenged but not handicapped

i have a friend who is mentally challenged in some respects, and a genius in his ability to get to the core of things and decipher the world around him i see him struggle with simple tasks and mesmerize me with his insight and discernment his awareness of his challenges…

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there was an old gator he was king of the swamp, did what he wanted and ate what he caught he was the menace of the island to be avoided at all costs, mean and surly on a good day and on a bad day he just stalked but time…

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walking through my minefields

good morning sun, good morning rain doesn’t matter it’s all the same the only weather that gets me concerned is the weather in my mind i’m older now coming round the bend and i must transverse where i have been and suffer the consequences of the forgotten mines that i…

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we teach what we learn

we teach what we learn, so pick what you wish to learn wisely the sum total of what i am can be traced to what i understand and that requires time and it’s a limited supply so when i put my hand to the plow, and turn the soil in…

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cherry picking the Bible

i like that part, works for me but some verses go against society i mean i want to do Gods will, but not if my friends won’t think i’m cool i’m not sure what others would think if i decided not to participate i can do this stuff when i…

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shouldn’t matter/spiritual duck

this is a note that will make you choke, so i suggest you take small bites how you treat me should have nothing to do with how i treat you i sing this song and some hum along ,that we are on this spiritual quest……………..and a sharp word from a…

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