fire eaters
so………i’m standing across the room watching, as the collision goes down, flames are reheated and tossed around but one thing in particular became apparent to me, you ate the fire instead of letting it be there was no resolution going to take place…….and one of you should have realized this…
Read Morethe way i roll
hope you will like me, but i won’t travel far from my chore beliefs to accommodate you or anyone else i won’t make a scene unless you push me, i will remove myself, if you continue to push…………..we at war there are 3 levels of my make-up and mindset non…
Read Morepolyglot
i mix the languages that i have learned depending on my surroundings grateful that my experience has granted me opportunities to interact with people in all sorts of places and in all levels of society my favorite types are those that are esteemed yet remain humble, very powerful and very…
Read Morethe channel
i came to find that i had built a damn around my heart, to protect it from this world the problem is that is not my job, because i’m a child of God my mission is to provide a path that allows Gods’ love to flow through me, sharing the…
Read Moreswitch seats
if i trade seats with you, in my mind perhaps my perspective can change too to consider how it would be received, the communication i wish to trade when someones pauses to reflect on something shared or brought to light gives me the impression that they care about what they…
Read Moreput the mirror away
put the mirror away, you aren’t ready to see and face life on life’s terms and reality the best course of action ,which will take all the courage you can find will be to sit down and let your nerves unwind i am encouraged that you are willing to look,…
Read Morein lieu of………
in lieu of what i am supposed to be doing i practice diversionary tactics that keep the stallions in their pens but they aren’t happy present conditions prevent me from my intended purpose………….i will honor my responsibilities and their requirements………………..but the bird is getting ready to fly practicing short flights…
Read Morereality check
every so often i assess how reality matches up with my mentality, because i can entertain notions of being in different places then i actually am, both mentally and physically……………………sounds strange……………but that doesn’t keep it from being true more considerate than i am, more patient than i am, and progressing…
Read Moregood the thief of best
i have learned to accept ”good enough” because it was easier to pass the test but it only provided me with the knowledge to grow in small increments the degree of the challenge will manifest the degree of achievement and learning small battles, small victories………………… face the army, great victory…
Read Morealways comes through
now i get a little shaky when things don’t fail in place, and every time i say the same thing: ”DON’T KNOW WHY I BOTHER TO GET IN A STITCH, WHEN GOD NEVER LETS ME RUN IN THE DITCH, I HAVE PROOF THAT HE ALWAYS COMES THROUGH, AND YET I…
Read Morederacinate
no use pulling from the top you have to dig deep, or they will come back as you sleep when you awaken something you thought was gone is sitting at the table drinking coffee and spinning yarns so that weed that has corrupted your mind needs to be uprooted to…
Read Morecompare lists
good to have an outline of the things one must do but be advised, be flexible as you compare the list with God take no time to scrutinize what is suggested to insert, for we think with the mind of infants and we cannot see our part the general outline…
Read Moretake it as it comes
take it as it comes, don’t waste time trying to define what seems to be out of line, with what you had in mind if you take a moment to reflect much of life has come wrapped in ways not easy to discern, only through time has it become clear…
Read Morei feed the tree
i feed the tree that’s inside of me the sapling has grown and weathered many storms because it was early on imparted to me i am the only one who can feed my tree the food for the tree doesn’t come from me it comes from a source introduced to…
Read Morebus ride with Jesus
the loudspeaker blasts: ” Holy week, come stay with us at the Jerusalem Hilton, group rates available,…………..He is not here, He’s everywhere you want to be, accepted at more places than Jericho Visa” Jesus died on a telephone pole, between two semi conductors…………lines were overloaded, but the message, the main…
Read Morefaith evident
actions are the evidence of faith………….ttucro evidence: proof, confirmation, documentation i wiggle my tongue and form the wind to pronounce things that need no introduction nor recognition, if in fact they have been done the silent servant speaks loudest by the observation of his actions my profession of beliefs can…
Read Morewells without water
all have their season and to recognize the end, can only come with clarity and the will to began again for the shovel that had been retired must now be retrieved and effort put forth again to find the water that we seek takes an honest appraisal of what is…
Read Moretormented/ for t.a.p
i feel compassion for you……………………i almost said ”sorry” but that wouldn’t do you are very intelligent and capable, but your inner turmoil is palpable almost like two people in one body fighting over direction and demeanor makes me think of the ending of a game of hide and seek, when…
Read Morei don’t agree with you, but i can respect you
we come from different points of view, you don’t push yours and i don’t push mine we respect each other enough to coexist for the greater good you do good…………and that is enough to earn you my respect our contention is how we get there, because our goal is the…
Read MoreYou write it
LORD, i am to tired to contemplate what you would have me share today so i humbly step aside and wait, for you to impart what You will lay upon my heart …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… my pace has slowed as the pages turn and i do not find it reason for concern,…
Read Morescratching the surface
just scratching the surface to where this could go things i thought i understood, i realize i didn’t know exciting to greet the day and the wonders for to see each day i enter into a new reality that encourages me to question what i think i know in pursuit…
Read Moredisembogue
when i share what has been given to me the river inside flows fast and free allowing the Father to work through me the banks just overflow the blessings that i seek are framed in those faces that have a frown turned upside down and move from defeat to hope…
Read More”better be able to laugh at yourself”
one of those days when i wished i had stayed on the shelf remained in bed and took a mulligan, but i ventured forth and was not surprised when the day blew up right before my eyes i gave those involved notice i was taking a break and would be…
Read Moresense of direction
[a daydream] the tiny sailboat sat listless as i gazed at the distant shore the weather was pleasant enough and air was warm but not charred i was not the least concerned that there was no breeze at all for it has become aware to me that my direction is…
Read Morewrong place
i make so much effort to insure the cross i wear is always around my neck seems i an ill attired if it is missing from it’s place, i take it off before going to bed to keep from becoming tangled in my sleep but from my actions yesterday i…
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