tired of life

happens to the best, we run the race and feel we have failed the test we moan and groan and detach and when the feel the crying is done we repack our bags,this is not an occasional occurrence it’s part of the cycle of life, 2 steps forward and 3…

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where’s my binky

i am constantly amazed at how culture and opinion influence us how certain standards are an unwritten code of do’s an don’ts, as if this set of standards must be adhered to without deviation regardless of what is actually best for a given circumstance ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… my grand daughter is 5…

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fact not defect

sin is a fact not a defect, because i was born a man the only way to deal with it is recognition and prayer i would like to say the sting of being less then the person i am trying to be, is enough for me to change my ways…

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You said i could ask and i am asking, these tirades are chipping away, at the core of my very foundation, i am begging that You take them away a man who cannot or will not control his emotions is the sleeping volcano that can erupt anyday that man who…

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fortune cookie

the purpose of life: to give more away than you keep, of what you have been given……………………and to take less than you need manners will take you further than money…………………………….money has a tendency to run out………………………manners have a tendency to run in

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welcome cowboys and cowgirls, you joined the rodeo when you entered this world you will be trained as a clown and then you move up, depending on how well you learn to ride and how well you rope you will get better because you will hurt in places you never…

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apartment for rent

i have a small apartment for rent, it’s already furnished with resentments and the basic fears that make for a cozy place in hell the rent is cheap and the requirements are easy, you just have to piss me off on a regular basis and i’ll give you a key…

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rear view mirror

just a suggestion, i know i’m not in charge but perhaps when you make more of us you might consider…….a rear view mirror perhaps if in a second i could glance back that could greatly influence how i react if i could reflect before i make my next move i…

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paid 2b nice #54

i get paid 2b nice checks in the mail comes in the form of blessings that boomerang back to me wasn’t my intention but hey what the heck, compound interest has gone into effect old cat once meowed and this is what he purred, ”u smart you go through this…

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inmate or adventurer

chapter 1 sometimes i hear the jingling of the keys as i walk, they tell me i need to consider the offense for which i have been charged as i go before the judge she asks ”how’s it going for you today” and i reply ”your honor that depends on…

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100 words

big mouth man with a broken lip words jump out and make people flip so we’re going to help you out because you won’t quit this little meter is going to fit under your jaw and it will count the words you discharge you will be allotted a 100 words…

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indian creek/penitentiary

they named this place after an Indian tribe that inhabited this area many moons ago, and i thought it was an interesting twist that they are gone and we are left with this that human nature could be so strong that we would ignore right from wrong and place the…

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Buddy was a stevedore who worked on the docks, i worked with him and he taught me a lot taught me to appreciate life like the ”last bottle in the drop”and that the real deal about living was to appreciate what you got ate beans in the morning ”cause gives…

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ignored or criticized

hey i’m over here, you don’t have a problem finding me when you want something but let me confront you with something you don’t want to hear and i might as well be the wind whispering in your ear what a relationship i am beginning to see we are best…

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hey, it’s just a suggestion

you might want to walk slower your shoes are untied, and you get in a hurry and you might nose dive there are a few thousand things that you might want to check and i know you and you hate to be incorrect so just a suggestion i know you…

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i look to the side of the road i travel…i see the crumpled frame of a fawn,resting in solemn peace…its body mangled and torn my first thoughts are of this poor delicate thing…as if i am plateaus above, a few seconds after that thought has passed…i realize i am as…

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took some time for the work to begin because i wasn’t willing to accept where i am our internal GPS doesn’t lie but we have to believe what we find what i found was this; my opinions had built a wall so high and wide that it was impossible for…

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comfortable not being comfortable, a new place for me they tell me it must be endured to achieve the change you seek allowing myself to be vulnerable, so i can set my demons free able to recognize and embrace, much to be learned and much to be released interesting that…

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our dog

your dog crapped in my yard, and i am not amused the thing that bothers me most of all i gave the dog to you……………………………our dog

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the mirror doesn’t lie………..but we do

the mirror often lies depending on what’s inside your mind for most of the time we have already determined what we will see takes a very honest, willing and balanced person to see the truth as opposed to preference i would prefer to gain a few inches in height as…

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ok you can pull the shades, i am done with today more appropriate wording is today is done with me with the first breath of the morning and you feel the razor’s edge better start prayin’ fast, cause you know you are going to be in for it the magic…

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jump on in/drowning in my mind

going to take all the restraint i have and all the patience you can send to make it through today had about all i could take and i am in overdrive now, so don’t be late jump on in and bring a float i’m taking on water fast and i’m…

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anger is a tenacious vine that grows inside of me i have tried many times to irradiate this evil root but sometimes it hard to get to it’s source because i’ve found anger comes forth, when love has left my heart simple fact i dare not retract, ugly but it’s…

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here, take your ”pacey” and go sit in the corner and whimper i get it, i would not be overjoyed either after a long day to come home to deal with little tasmanian devils aka ”grand-children”, but what do you expect when everyone hops at their little shrill voices but…

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the great hindrance of spirituality

the great hindrance of spirituality is waiting for great things to do when in reality there are so many small things that need to be done but our egos say there are more important issues to deal with in the culmination of achieving these small tasks we glean knowledge and…

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growing down

growing down and stepping off have enabled me to see much of which i have learned thus far is of little importance to me so busy with the emphasis of always getting ahead so much was lost in busyness i’m having to retrace where i’ve been the photographs my mind…

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stop listening and hear

the words register in your mind, but never make it to your heart until they make that journey, you will continue to listen but you will never learn, stop listening and hear

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sit boo-boo sit, stay boo-boo stay

sit and stay, try to relax, don’t be looking for answers or tasks what you need and what you need to do, are all right here in front of you so if you settle down and let you mind take a break, there are gonna be far less mistakes sit…

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some days i hate being a Christian/but not for long

some days i hate being a Christian, when acting out would make me feel better in the short term when i could just tell everyone what i think and where they can put it, and i have done just that, only to find my feelings weren’t factual………………………i have half the…

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to do hard things/for C.,P.,and Fiddle

to do hard things is where the ”gold” is found in life to feel pain increase rather than decrease even though you know what you are doing is right to have emotion burst forth that is impossible to contain, caring little what others may think to wear the hollow eyes…

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