home plate
i firmly stand on my home plate, the living word of God. i take the bat and the tools He provides and watch as the world throws the pitch. i can choose when to engage and when to let it’s offers pass, i need not swing at every pitch, some…
Read Morelesser of two evils
how many times have you made such a statement, i know i have hundreds but who are we kidding………still isn’t right, just less wrong we are shortcut people always looking for an easier softer way which turns out to be neither the lesser of two evils will still get you…
Read Morethe ”key” to me
behind the person that you see, deep inside is the ”real me” layers of adopted pain and misdirected attempts to pass on limiting family values, all families have them, have discolored and muted the original tones as an adult i get the opportunity to identify those distortions and dispel them…
Read Morepass on through
you need not catch all the garbage that is thrown at you/step aside and let it pass though/don’t stop to ask questions about things that aren’t good for you/knowing the details will only make you confused/step aside and let it pass through when the hand grenades have been thrown don’t…
Read Morewrite it down
you will find your thoughts take on a different sound, when you take the time to write them down/some will take shape and some will fall down/ some will rise and others slither to the ground/ but they take on a new life or death because now they have sound…
Read Morelooking beyond my prejudices
how many times have i been blind to the good work people where doing because i couldn’t, or rather wouldn’t, get past my own personal quirks the larger picture went unnoticed by me because i got hung up on something that was different then my usual methods or inclinations……….people are…
Read Morewarning lights
God, i know You know best and i’m sure it wasn’t an oversight/ it would have been nice if we came with some warning lights/when we get overheated and our brakes are starting to slip, a light on our head would have helped quite a bit/ my motor seems like…
Read Moretook me for granted
seems almost comical to me, that one could take oneself so flippantly, but i was doing things that weren’t good for me and did not lead to longevity so it would make sense that life and how it is lived has consequences and if you want them to be good…
Read Morethe great misnomer /”death”
some will say wishful thinking, from a thought of immortality, a fairy tale that never ends………………………………i will defer to the scientific thinkers, a group i do not call my own, that would suggest energy that is created continues in whatever manner……….either way if you don’t believe in heaven or afterlife logically…
Read Moremight not want to hear
the best advice i ever got i did not want to hear, but the ring of truth was just to strong and it wouldn’t disappear. so i pull my pants up and swallowed my pride and faced the feelings that refused to hide. you stood by me and held my…
Read Morelive the Cross
i wear a cross around my neck to acknowledge my beliefs, but respect comes from how i live my life. these words i recant from daily readings are they spent by investing in the well being of others…………………do my hands and feet speak the same verbiage as my mouth. smart,…
Read Morekeep it to yourself
if it won’t make a difference and it’s not going to help, do everyone a favor and keep it to yourself/ you may be right and everyone seems to be deaf, but if they don’t want to listen…………….keep it to yourself not suggesting to cower or run from a fight…
Read Moreskeptic/for ”Hasty”
you criticize my faith and call it make believe / you talk about your struggles and it seems absurd to me/ you have known me for some time but you just refuse to see/ that God continues to do things i cannot do for me what are you afraid of…
Read Morethe meditation
be still …………………..my friend…………………………..lets us begin…………………to come back to center………………………the power i seek…………………….also seeks me………to share in this communion………………………..so i quiet my mind……… giving the ”source” time to transmit the message……..i will be receiving ….. ….. …
Read Moreyou got my vote/for miss ”vicky”
you got my vote early on, when i heard your reasons for your song that encourages others to carry on…………..a walking candle is how you seem to me light of the soul that cannot be dimmed, even your hardship has been given a spin, that it had a purpose and…
Read Moredon’t even try
i am a Christian just like you, but bro don’t try and tell me you know what God would do/He doesn’t consult me and He doesn’t consult you so to even to suggest we know how God does the things He needs to do is like walking through a swamp…
Read Morepreparation H
not very pleasant, but ignoring it won’t make it go away so we can describe those issues as ”preparation h” and we will keep our minds open to find a way out of this grave……. you continue to dig that was the plan but their was one little hitch, you…
Read Moreit’s okay, just say ”no”
age has given me the opportunity to see that sometimes discernment means putting my ideas aside in favor of more suitable plans/ i appreciate you honesty and your ”no” was sufficient to me /because your perspective was different than mine/ so i took up the role as a support soldier…
Read Moresilence: the barometer of spiritual fitness
i can quickly access my spiritual fitness when i am in silence and still the ease or dis…ease i feel is an appropriate gauge of the state of peace that exists within and with my surroundings to feel anxious or uneasy is a sure sign that there is some tension…
Read Moresniper/ for westover tony
on a lark, i dialed your number while scrolling through my phone/your girlfriend and co-junkie answered and i asked if you were home. i knew that when i called you it would be doubtful you could be found and sure enough she slowly said 6 months ago ”i put Tony…
Read Moremy dog talks
my dogs talks in a different way/and we have been together long enough that i hear what he says/and he lets me know when i need to pay attention/ and when it was just a ”noise” my dog knows things that i don’t know and he can do things that…
Read Morenix the silk flowers
there is only one thing i trust or accept that doesn’t change……God i see the beauty of a flower or tree and know it has but a season, as we ourselves…….that realization coaxes me to take time to look, see and appreciate just like plants, people change and if not,…
Read Morealmost……..a Christian
i read the Bible and i feel it’s strength and the good thoughts it gives, wash over me and i feel refreshed and complete and then i leave home and walk in the streets. the streets and the people who tread them, often don’t care what you believe or what…
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